

How the Qur'an Was Revealed and Compiled 26

The fol­low­ing is a video lec­ture made by Hamza Yusof on July 14th, 1997 and in coöper­a­tion with Alham­bra Pro­duc­tions. The top­ic of the his­to­ry of the Qur’an and its com­pi­la­tion, and forms as part of a Foun­da­tions of Islam” series of lec­tures. Hamza Yusof gave a good his­tor­i­cal back­ground of the Qur’an, its his­to­ry and how it was Revealed in stages to the Prophet Muham­mad (P), its com­pi­la­tion after the pass­ing of the Prophet (P) as well as demon­strat­ing the tex­tu­al integri­ty of the Qur’an, as opposed to the tex­tu­al frailty of the Judeo-Chris­t­ian text which stands on shaky ground. Also of inter­est is the Ques­tion & Answer ses­sion towards the end of this lec­ture which we hope our read­ers will find beneficial.

A Vision of the Future Without.... 27

The Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and their allies have been call­ing for the destruc­tion of Islam open­ly ever since the advent of the Inter­net. A cur­so­ry glance at these fanat­i­cal and big­ot­ed web­sites will at once give the dil­li­gent read­er an idea of their geno­ci­dal ten­den­cies against the Mus­lim Ummah, unfair­ly equat­ing Islam with ter­ror­ism, and even denounc­ing Islam as equal to Nazism and hence Islam is not a reli­gion”, accord­ing to their big­ot­ed lens­es. While their inten­tion is clear (i.e. the destruc­tion of Islam), some lib­er­al Chris­tians who have tak­en this author to task for the so-called call” for the destruc­tion of Chris­tian­i­ty are bliss­ful­ly unaware of these devel­op­ments. Sad­ly too, some igno­rant lib­er­al Mus­lims from among the ummah are sid­ing with these pas­sive Chris­t­ian lib­er­als and are too caught unawares of this hid­den mis­sion­ary threat. Even more, there are groups who open­ly pan­der to the hid­den agen­das of the kufaar and open­ly side with them in their geno­ci­dal ambitions.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly for the mis­sion­ary, an under­stand­ing can be reached if a lit­tle more thought can be put into their argu­ment. The mis­sion­ary has tak­en the under­stand­ing of these vers­es out of its intend­ed con­text and is con­fus­ing Mary’s nature (since she is only human, and hence pro­cre­ates) as a cre­ation of the Almighty, with God Him­self who is the Uncre­at­ed. Cer­tain­ly, God Almighty could have tak­en a wife” and have chil­dren” or have chil­dren” with­out any con­sort what­so­ev­er (nau’zu­bil­lahi min zaa­lik).

It is known that the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies are des­per­ate to resort to the tac­tics of Paul by using guile and trick­ery in order to dupe Mus­lims une­d­u­cat­ed in their reli­gion to their worth­less cause. Such tac­tics have been exposed when they attempt to imi­tate the Islam­ic cal­lig­ra­phy of Qur’an­ic vers­es by apply­ing that cal­lig­ra­phy to the Ara­bic vers­es of the New Testament.

The mis­sion­ar­ies have now resur­faced with their lat­est under­hand tac­tics. They have pub­lished a small book­let, enti­tled Al Sir­at­ul Mus­taqi­im” (The Straight Path) with Qur’an­ic vers­es and Islam­ic imagery on its cov­er to dupe Mus­lims into buy­ing it. The title of this book­let itself is tak­en from Sura’ al-Fati­hah, the first chap­ter of the Qur’an.