Con­tact Us

Please fill in the form below to con­tact us for your com­ments, sug­ges­tions or crit­i­cisms. For guide­lines to con­tact­ing us apart from these, please refer to the sec­tions below.

    Con­tribut­ing Articles

    We accept arti­cle con­tri­bu­tions from like-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als who share our goals and aspi­ra­tions for the web­site. In order to increase the like­li­hood of the accep­tance of your arti­cle for pub­lish­ing, we require that they be in accor­dance to the gen­er­al theme of the web­site, as well as hav­ing the prop­er ref­er­enc­ing stan­dard. We gen­er­al­ly use the Havard Ref­er­enc­ing stan­dard, although oth­er stan­dards of ref­er­enc­ing are acceptable.

    Down­load Har­vard Ref­er­enc­ing Guide [.pdf format]

    You may send your sub­mis­sion as an attached file in either .html or .txt for­mat to the fol­low­ing email address :


    Please note that we will not accept sub­mis­sions apart from the file for­mats stat­ed due to the dif­fi­cul­ty in editing.

    Oth­er Issues

    We have received e‑mails from a num­ber of indi­vid­u­als request­ing that we sent free copies of the Qur’an to them. We would very much like to have such ser­vices in the near future but unfor­tu­nate­ly we do not have copies of the Qur’an to be sent out to you. We will con­sid­er pro­vid­ing such ser­vices in the future, insha’allah.

    If you are also inter­est­ed in help­ing with the site and wish to get involved, please read on how you can help us. Want to have a mir­ror site in your own local lan­guage ? Then let us know.