
Bible Textual Integrity


Is the Bible that we have in our hands today unchanged ? Or has it under­gone exten­sive revi­sions and alter­ations ? Truth is the first vic­tim in the Chris­t­ian apolo­get­i­cal lit­er­a­ture. This is because if they tell the truth about the Church his­to­ry and its role in for­mu­lat­ing the Bible (or Bibles) as well as the man­u­script tra­di­tion of the New Tes­ta­ment, belief in the Bible as the Word” of God would take the beat­ing and the Church­es would go absolute­ly emp­ty. Hence it is not be sur­pris­ing to find an aver­age Chris­tian’s knowl­edge about his own scrip­tures is pret­ty close to zero. 

This page is to edu­cate the Mus­lims about the Bible of the Chris­tians, con­cern­ing main­ly with its com­pi­la­tion and tex­tu­al reli­a­bil­i­ty. It is often seen that Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies dupe less-knowl­edge­able Mus­lims about the Bible by say­ing that the Qur’an con­firms the Bible and hence Mus­lims should believe in the Bible. Mus­lims should remem­ber that the Qur’an attests that the Torah, Zabur and Injil as rev­e­la­tions from God giv­en to the Prophet. It does not attest to what­ev­er writ­ers of the Old Tes­ta­ment or Paul of Tar­sus in the New Tes­ta­ment wrote or said.

Resolving The Christian "I-Know-Nothing" Multi-Problem 26

Occa­sion­al­ly, we come across Chris­tians face-to-face and, more fre­quent­ly, on the Inter­net, who, when informed that the text of the gospels under­went cor­rup­tion dur­ing their trans­mis­sion, often react with the fol­low­ing type of ques­tions : When ? Who did the cor­rup­tion ? In what coun­try ? Before or after Muham­mad ? Why was it done ? How come no one noticed it?” These type of seem­ing­ly inno­cent” ques­tions mere­ly reveal the incal­cu­la­bly colos­sal igno­rance of the per­son in question.

New Testament Versions

Ver­sions” are sim­ply the trans­la­tions of the New Tes­ta­ment into oth­er lan­guages. The New Tes­ta­ment writ­ers orig­i­nal­ly wrote their books and epis­tles in the Greek lan­guage where­as the ver­sions are trans­la­tions of their writ­ings into oth­er lan­guages. Nat­u­ral­ly, non-Greek speak­ing Chris­tians want­ed the text of the New Tes­ta­ment in their own local lan­guages and so the New Tes­ta­ment began to be trans­lat­ed into oth­er lan­guages some­time in the mid to late sec­ond cen­tu­ry. An impor­tant point to remem­ber is that no mat­ter how many thou­sands of trans­la­tions exist, it remains that they are in a dif­fer­ent lan­guage from the orig­i­nal lan­guage (Greek) of the New Tes­ta­ment, thus their use and val­ue will be limited. 

What do the dif­fer­ences between Bible man­u­scripts reveal ? This paper is divid­ed into the fol­low­ing sections :

    1. They require you to pro­duce evi­dence on : WHEN, HOW and WHY was the Bible corrupted
    2. Once upon a time, there was a myth about Bible manuscripts
    3. Evi­dence : more than 50 vers­es either omit­ted or added, hun­dreds of oth­ers changed
    4. Evi­dences from sec­ond and third cen­tu­ry about Bible corruption
    5. Do the changes and cor­rup­tions of man­u­scripts affect doctrine ?
    6. For God so loved the world”? 

The Old Syr­i­ac” man­u­scripts of the Four Gospels known as the Sinaitic Palimpsest, dis­cov­ered by Mrs. Agnes Lewis in the Covenant of St. Cather­ine on Mount Sinai in 1892, unfor­tu­nate­ly was forged by the Monks, delib­er­ate­ly, before it was sold to Mrs. Lewis and her com­pan­ions. They made a hole in the date of the man­u­script, thus appar­ent­ly increas­ing its age by 900 years. The work actu­al­ly was fin­ished in 1599 A.D. The Eng­lish schol­ars who exam­ined it first, placed its date as of 697 A.D. Then, not being sure, they made a sec­ond inspec­tion, and assigned to it a lat­er date, at 778 A.D. Dr. Burkitt (then a young stu­dent), at the time of its dis­cov­ery, thought that the hole in the date was nat­ur­al, that is, in the skin when dat­ed. He failed to real­ize that no respon­si­ble scribe would date a man­u­script near a hole in such a way as to leave the read­er in doubt as to the exact date.