
Polemical Rebuttals


Polem­i­cal Rebuttals

Muslim pilgrims, Medina, Saudi Arabia

Prophet Muham­mad’s integri­ty has often been tar­get­ed by mis­con­cep­tions, includ­ing the false claim that he died due to divine ret­ri­bu­tion for lying, based on mis­in­ter­pre­ta­tions of Surah al-Haqqah (69:44 – 46). This arti­cle refutes this base­less alle­ga­tion through a detailed analy­sis of Quran­ic vers­es, hadith, and his­tor­i­cal con­text, affirm­ing his stead­fast hon­esty and prophet­ic mission.

a close up of a Bible page in Hebrew

This arti­cle cri­tiques Samuel Green’s views on Bib­li­cal crit­i­cisms, empha­siz­ing authen­tic­i­ty and preser­va­tion. It ana­lyzes and com­pares the integri­ty of the Bible and the Qur’an’s role as the divine rev­e­la­tion’s guardian, exam­in­ing tex­tu­al vari­ants, his­tor­i­cal con­text, and eth­i­cal impli­ca­tions for a com­pre­hen­sive and ana­lyt­i­cal perspective.

jesus and muhammad

In the face of Chris­t­ian polemics, a crit­i­cal explo­ration into Islam­ic teach­ings offers a path­way to uncov­er­ing the true essence of Prophet Muhammad’s mes­sage. This approach reveals the depth, com­pas­sion, and wis­dom of Islam, con­trast­ing sharply with mis­con­cep­tions. Embark on a jour­ney to chal­lenge nar­ra­tives, seek authen­tic­i­ty, and illu­mi­nate the pro­found prin­ci­ples of Islam. 

Resolving The Christian "I-Know-Nothing" Multi-Problem 26

Occa­sion­al­ly, we come across Chris­tians face-to-face and, more fre­quent­ly, on the Inter­net, who, when informed that the text of the gospels under­went cor­rup­tion dur­ing their trans­mis­sion, often react with the fol­low­ing type of ques­tions : When ? Who did the cor­rup­tion ? In what coun­try ? Before or after Muham­mad ? Why was it done ? How come no one noticed it?” These type of seem­ing­ly inno­cent” ques­tions mere­ly reveal the incal­cu­la­bly colos­sal igno­rance of the per­son in question.

The Myth of "The Myth of Moderate Islam" 27

In a recent arti­cle in The Spec­ta­tor mag­a­zine in the UK, the evan­gel­i­cal leader Patrick Sookhdeo takes a swipe at Mus­lims and their reli­gion. Does his case stand up to scruti­ny ? Patrick Sookhdeo’s arti­cle (July 30, 2005) in London’s The Spec­ta­tor, The Myth of a Mod­er­ate Islam” reflects a dan­ger­ous trend in the war on ter­ror. Under the guise of inform­ing West­ern­ers about Islam, he is in fact spread­ing the very same dis­in­for­ma­tion that anti-Islam­ic polemics have been based upon for over 1,000 years. This plays direct­ly into the hands of Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al-Zar­qawi and oth­ers, for it encour­ages the clash of civ­i­liza­tions” they so appalling­ly desire. It is indeed of the utmost impor­tance that we learn more about Islam and fight the scourge of extrem­ism with all the tools pos­si­ble. But Sookhdeo and those like him cor­rupt this process, seek­ing to advance their own agen­da by turn­ing the war on ter­ror into an ide­o­log­i­cal war against Islam.