Sources of the Bible The Bible

Shaykh Khalid Yasin : Under­stand­ing Chris­tian­i­ty In Five Minutes

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It is well-known that the Chris­tian­i­ty” of today has dubi­ous ori­gins, which iron­i­cal­ly does not come from Jesus, peace be upon him (although the whole struc­ture is attrib­uted to him), but from Paul of Tar­sus, who can be right­ly referred to as that Satan­ic apos­tle”. For it was Paul who laid down the reli­gious foun­da­tions of today’s Chris­tian­i­ty, doc­trines based on the idol­a­try and philo­soph­i­cal thought of the Gre­co-Roman empire at the time.

The fol­low­ing video by Sheikh Khalid Yasin of New York sum­maris­es the essence of the Chris­t­ian reli­gion in five min­utes. This video is host­ed at YouTube.

00:00:01:60 — 00:00:24:81
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, who were they ? Matthew, who ? Mark, who ? Luke, who ? And John, who ? What were their last names ? When did they write ? Did they know Jesus Christ ? Did they walk with Jesus Christ ? Did they eat with Jesus Christ ? Did they talk with Jesus Christ ? Did they even meet Jesus Christ ? The answer is no, no, no, no.

00:00:29:42 — 00:01:33:24
Con­clu­sive­ly. The ear­li­est of them that wrote, wrote 40 years after Jesus Christ, so they nev­er met him. The last of them wrote 80 years after Jesus Christ, nev­er met him. The oth­er thing is all of them seem to have writ­ten the gospel accord­ing to, accord­ing to, accord­ing to, accord­ing to. Now, when you write a let­ter, do you sign it accord­ing to ? Accord­ing to is the third par­ty. If Joanne or Jack­ie or Bob­by or John­ny told me some­thing and I wrote it, I would say, accord­ing to Joanne, Jack­ie, Bob­by, or Ron­nie. Accord­ing to. But those four peo­ple would not write a let­ter and in front of it say Jack­ie accord­ing to Jack­ie and not even write her last name. Because if Jack­ie wrote me a check and only said Jack­ie, yeah, I could­n’t cash it. And if I was a police­man and I stopped Jack­ie on the road and she had a license that only said Jack­ie, she’s going to jail.

00:01:46:76 — 00:03:11:95
Where in the world is a doc­u­ment with only one name of four dif­fer­ent writ­ers that did not meet the one whom they’re writ­ing about ? Where is that accept­ed in the whole world ? Nowhere except in the Bible. And the Church fathers and the Church writ­ers and the Chris­t­ian his­to­ri­ans, they all agree that per­haps those four writ­ers them­selves were only pen names because a writer would not write his own, his first name accord­ing to. And there’s a great amount of sus­pi­cion that the man called Pau of Tar­sus, that because he wrote all the books from Acts all the way to the end of the New Tes­ta­ment, how many books is that ? How many ? 16, 15, 17, 19 ? All the books of Acts on Colos­sians, Eph­esians, Corinthi­ans, Romans, Gala­tians, all of those books were writ­ten by whom ? Paul of Tar­sus, anoth­er man who nev­er walked, who nev­er talked, who nev­er met, who nev­er ate, who nev­er prayed, who nev­er knew Jesus Christ. Isn’t that something ?

00:03:15:20 — 00:04:18:80
Now, here we find four writ­ers and anoth­er one between them that wrote all the New Tes­ta­ment books, they nev­er talked, nev­er walked, nev­er ate, nev­er prayed, nev­er met the man called Jesus Christ. Yet in their words, the first men­tion­ing of the Trin­i­ty came from where ? From Jesus or from them ? The first men­tion­ing of Jesus being divine, a man God, came from whom ? From them. The first men­tion­ing that Jesus is the son of God came from whom ? From them. Jesus nev­er said in his own words, any such words. But it was the men who nev­er met him, who claimed to have writ­ten, who did­n’t know their last names. And Paul, by the way, before he had that vision on the road to Dam­as­cus, that only he saw and only he heard, guess what his occu­pa­tion was ? Do you know ? He was a boun­ty hunter, a hunter of Christians.

00:04:21:40 — 00:05:46:37
Hunt­ing them down like ani­mals, bind­ing them and bring­ing them to where ? To Rome so that they could be exe­cut­ed. Now, if Hitler, after killing thou­sands of Jews, said that on the road to Berlin, he had a vision that he was named an apos­tle to the Jews, and he wrote 20 books that all the Jews was sup­posed to fol­low. Do you think they would be fol­low­ing that book ? I don’t under­stand how peo­ple just don’t read his­to­ry. This is not what Khalid said, so don’t get angry with me. This is your own scrip­ture. Your own Bible schol­ars, their own Church fathers, all of them agree that Paul nev­er met Jesus, that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as his­to­ri­ans, they did­n’t even know their last names. That’s the qual­i­ty of the writ­ers of the New Tes­ta­ment. You just think about that.”Endmark

Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi is the founder and exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma website.
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  1. Laila Rasheed Reply




    The Qur’an escapes from the hearts of men faster than a run­away camel.”

    Islam pro­vides only one prime source of infor­ma­tion on Muham­mad and the for­ma­tion of Islam writ­ten with­in two cen­turies of the time he lived and it was con­ceived. Ishaq’s Sira, or Biog­ra­phy, stands alone — a sin­gu­lar and ten­u­ous thread con­nect­ing us to a very trou­bled man and time. Over the next two hun­dred years, oth­er Hadith Col­lec­tions were com­piled by the likes of Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim.
    Their assem­blages of oral reports, or Tra­di­tions, were said to have been inspired by Allah. They pur­port to con­vey Muhammad’s words and exam­ple. They also explain the Qur’an — a book so defi­cient in con­text and chronol­o­gy, it can only be under­stood when seen through the eyes of the Sun­nah writ­ers. Their mes­sage is all that Mus­lims have. Togeth­er, the Sun­nah and Qur’an are Islam.

    But you don’t have to dig very deep to find the truth. Even a cur­so­ry read­ing of the Qur’an is suf­fi­cient to prove that it is a fraud. There is no way the cre­ator of the uni­verse wrote a book devoid of con­text, with­out chronol­o­gy or intel­li­gent tran­si­tions. Such a cre­ative spir­it wouldn’t need to pla­gia­rize. He would know his­to­ry and sci­ence and thus wouldn’t have made such a fool of him­self. The God who cre­at­ed man wouldn’t deceive him or lead him to hell as Allah does. Nor would he order men to ter­ror­ize, muti­late, rob, enslave, and slaugh­ter the fol­low­ers of oth­er Scrip­tures he claims he revealed, wip­ing them out to the last. One doesn’t need a scholas­tic review of the Qur’anic text to dis­prove its verac­i­ty. It destroys itself quite nicely.

    Tra­di­tion tells us that Muham­mad had not fore­seen his death, and so he had made no prepa­ra­tions for gath­er­ing his rev­e­la­tions. He left it up to his fol­low­ers to sift through the con­flict­ing ver­sions. That’s aston­ish­ing. Islam’s lone prophet” left his Qur’an as vapor, sound waves that had long since faded.

    Brag­ging one day, Muham­mad called his surahs a miracle :

    Bukhari:V6B61N504 Muham­mad said, Every Prophet was giv­en mir­a­cles because of which peo­ple believed. But what I have been giv­en is Divine Inspi­ra­tion which Allah has revealed to me. So I hope that my fol­low­ers will out­num­ber the fol­low­ers of the oth­er Prophets.’”
    If the Qur’an was his only mir­a­cle,” why would he leave it in such hor­rid con­di­tion ? I believe the answer is clear. Muham­mad knew his recitals had been noth­ing more than a fig­ment of his less-than-admirable imag­i­na­tion, sit­u­a­tion­al scrip­tures designed to sati­ate his crav­ings. Pre­serv­ing these recitals would only serve to incrim­i­nate him, as this Hadith suggests.

    Mus­lim : C24B20N4609 The Mes­sen­ger said : Do not take the Qur’an on a jour­ney with you, for I am afraid lest it would fall into the hands of the ene­my.’ Ayyub, one of the nar­ra­tors in the chain of trans­mit­ters, said : The ene­my may seize it and may quar­rel with you over it.’”
    A num­ber of Bukhari Hadith sug­gest that Muhammad’s com­pan­ions tried to remem­ber what they could of what he had said, but there was a prob­lem. Like today, those who knew the Qur’an were mil­i­tants. So Abu Bakr feared that large por­tions would be for­got­ten. The best Mus­lims were dying on the bat­tle­field sub­du­ing fel­low Arabs. In one bat­tle alone, most of the Qur’an’s most knowl­edge­able reciters were lost, and many Qur’anic pas­sages along with them.

    Bukhari:V6B60N201 Zaid bin Thabit, the Ansari said, Abu Bakr sent for me after the (heavy) casu­al­ties among the war­riors (of the bat­tle) of Yama­ma (where a great num­ber of Muhammad’s Com­pan­ions were killed). Umar was present with Bakr. The peo­ple have suf­fered heavy casu­al­ties at Yama­ma, and I am afraid that there will be more casu­al­ties among those who can recite the Qur’an on oth­er bat­tle­fields. A large part of the Qur’an may be lost unless you col­lect it.” I replied to Umar, How can I do some­thing which Allah’s Apos­tle has not done?” Umar kept on press­ing, try­ing to per­suade me to accept his pro­pos­al.’ Zaid bin Thabit added, Umar was sit­ting with Abu Bakr and was speak­ing (to) me. You are a wise young man and we do not sus­pect you of telling lies or of for­get­ful­ness. You used to write the Divine Inspi­ra­tion for Allah’s Apos­tle. There­fore, look for the Qur’an and col­lect it (in one man­u­script).” By Allah, if Abu Bakr had ordered me to shift one of the moun­tains (from its place) it would have been eas­i­er for me than the col­lec­tion of the Qur’an. I said to both of them, How dare you do a thing which the Prophet has not done?”
    Zaid declared that col­lect­ing the Qur’an’s surahs would be an impos­si­ble task. He said that it would be eas­i­er to move moun­tains than to turn Muhammad’s string of oral recitals into a book. The rea­son for this rather trou­bling state­ment is obvi­ous : Zaid’s search for Qur’anic pas­sages forced him to rely upon carv­ings on the leg or thigh bones of dead ani­mals, as well as palm leaves, skins, mats, stones, and bark. But for the most part, he found noth­ing bet­ter than the fleet­ing mem­o­ries of the prophet’s Com­pan­ions, many of whom were dead or dying. In oth­er words, the Qur’an, like the Hadith, is all hearsay.
    There were no Mus­lims who had mem­o­rized the entire Qur’an, oth­er­wise the col­lec­tion would have been a sim­ple task. Had there been indi­vid­u­als who knew the Qur’an, Zaid would only have had to write down what they dic­tat­ed. Instead, Zaid was over­whelmed by the assign­ment, and was forced to search” for the pas­sages from men who believed that they had mem­o­rized cer­tain seg­ments and then com­pare what he heard to the rec­ol­lec­tion of oth­ers. There­fore, even the offi­cial Islam­ic view of things, the one record­ed in their scrip­ture, is hard­ly reassuring.
    Worse still, the Mus­lim cho­sen for this impos­si­ble task was the one in the best posi­tion to pla­gia­rize the Torah and Tal­mud. More­over, it’s obvi­ous he did. Remember :

    Tabari VII:167 In this year, the Prophet com­mand­ed Zayd bin Thabit to study the Book of the Jews, say­ing, I fear that they may change my Book.’”
    the worse it gets.

    Bukhari:V6B61N511 Zaid bin Thabit said, I start­ed search­ing for the Qur’an till I found the last two Vers­es of Surat At-Tau­ba with Abi but I could not find them with any­one oth­er than him. They were : Ver­i­ly there has come to you an Apos­tle from amongst your­selves.’” [9:128]

    This is incrim­i­nat­ing. The 9th surah was the sec­ond to last revealed. If only one per­son could remem­ber it, there is no chance those revealed twen­ty-five years ear­li­er were retained. Fur­ther­more, this Tra­di­tion con­tra­dicts the most high­ly tout­ed Islam­ic mantra : Most Mus­lims con­tend Uth­man, not Bakr, ordered the col­lec­tion of the Qur’an a decade lat­er. And who knows what ver­sion they final­ly com­mit­ted to paper, if in fact they ever did ?

    Bukhari:V6B61N513 : Allah’s Apos­tle said, Gabriel [whom Muham­mad said had 600 wings] recit­ed the Qur’an to me in one way. Then I request­ed him and con­tin­ued ask­ing him to recite it in oth­er ways, and he recit­ed it in sev­er­al ways till he ulti­mate­ly recit­ed it in sev­en dif­fer­ent ways.’”

    So there were at least sev­en Qur’ans.
    • In Bukhari’s Hadith we find a sea of dis­turb­ing and con­tra­dic­to­ry claims regard­ing the com­pi­la­tion of Allah’s book. There were dif­fer­ing ver­sions, even in Muhammad’s day :

    Then Abdal­lah came to him, and he learned what was altered and abro­gat­ed.” This is rea­son­ably clear. The Hadith says that por­tions of the Qur’an were con­flict­ing, changed, and cancelled.

    • Ibn Abi Dawud, Kitab al-Masahif — Many (of the pas­sages) of the Qur’an that were sent down were known by those who died on the day of Yama­ma … but they were not known (by those who) sur­vived them, nor were they writ­ten down, nor had Abu Bakr, Umar or Uth­man (by that time) col­lect­ed the Qur’an, nor were they found with even one (per­son) after them.

    Abu Bakr decid­ed that it was time to gath­er what remained of the Qur’an in order to pre­vent more from being lost, and he appoint­ed Zaid ibn Thabit to this task. After Zaid com­plet­ed his codex around 634 AD, it remained in Abu Bakr’s pos­ses­sion until his death, when it was passed on to Caliph Umar. When Umar died, it was giv­en to Haf­sa, a wid­ow of Muham­mad. (For a fuller account see Sahih al-Bukhari 4986.)

    When Ibn Umar — son of the sec­ond Mus­lim caliph — heard peo­ple declar­ing that they knew the entire Qur’an, he said to them : Let none of you say, I have learned the whole of the Koran,’ for how does he know what the whole of it is, when much of it has dis­ap­peared ? Let him rather say, I have learned what is extant there­of’” (Abu Ubaid, Kitab Fada’il-al-Qur’an).

    Dur­ing Caliph Uthman’s reign, approx­i­mate­ly 19 years after the death of Muham­mad, dis­putes arose con­cern­ing the cor­rect recita­tion of the Qur’an. Uth­man ordered that Hafsa’s copy of the Qur’an, along with all known tex­tu­al mate­ri­als, should be gath­ered togeth­er so that an offi­cial ver­sion might be com­piled. Zaid ibn Thabit, Abdul­lah bin Az-Zubair, Sa’id bin Al-As, and Abdur-Rah­man bin Harith worked dili­gent­ly to con­struct a revised text of the Qur’an.

    Bukhari:V4B56N709 Uth­man called Zaid, Abdal­lah, Said, and Abd-Rah­man. They wrote the man­u­scripts of the Qur’an in the form of a book in sev­er­al copies. Uth­man said to the three Quraishi per­sons, If you dif­fer with Zaid bin Thabit on any point of the Qur’an, then write it in the lan­guage of the Quraysh, as the Qur’an was revealed in their lan­guage.’ So they act­ed accordingly.”

    Because there was such con­fu­sion, Uth­man ordered com­pet­ing ver­sions to be burned. But by destroy­ing the evi­dence, he destroyed the Qur’an’s cred­i­bil­i­ty. Now all Mus­lims have is wish­ful thinking.
    When it was fin­ished, Uth­man sent to every Mus­lim province one copy of what they had copied, and ordered that all the oth­er Qur’anic mate­ri­als, whether writ­ten in frag­men­tary man­u­scripts or whole copies, be burnt” (Sahih al-Bukhari 4987). The Qur’an we have today is descend­ed from the Uth­man­ic codex.

    Muham­mad once told his fol­low­ers to Learn the recita­tion of the Qur’an from four : from Abdul­lah bin Masud — he start­ed with him — Sal­im, the freed slave of Abu Hud­haifa, Mu’adh bin Jabal and Ubai bin Ka’b” (Sahih al-Bukhari 3808). Inter­est­ing­ly, Ibn Masud (first on Muhammad’s list) held that the Qur’an should only have 111 chap­ters (today’s ver­sion has 114 chap­ters), and that chap­ters 1, 113, and 114 shouldn’t have been includ­ed in the Qur’an.

    Due to these dis­putes among Muhammad’s hand-picked reciters, Mus­lims are faced with a dilem­ma. If Mus­lims say that the Qur’an we have today has been per­fect­ly pre­served, they must say that Muham­mad was hor­ri­ble at choos­ing schol­ars, since he select­ed men who dis­agreed with today’s text. If, on the oth­er hand, Mus­lims say that their prophet would know whom to pick regard­ing Islam’s holi­est book, they must con­clude that the Qur’an we have today is flawed !

    One of Muhammad’s com­pan­ions, Abu Musa, sup­port­ed this claim when he said that the ear­ly Mus­lims for­got two surahs (chap­ters) due to laziness :
    Sahih Mus­lim 2286


    Aisha also tells us that indi­vid­ual vers­es of the Qur’an dis­ap­peared, some­times in very inter­est­ing ways :
    Sunan ibn Majah 1944 — It was nar­rat­ed that Aishah said : The Verse of ston­ing and of breast­feed­ing an adult ten times was revealed, and the paper was with me under my pil­low. When the Mes­sen­ger of Allah died, we were pre­oc­cu­pied with his death, and a tame sheep/​goat came in and ate it.”
    The vers­es on ston­ing and breast­feed­ing an adult not in the Qur’an today.

    We know fur­ther that large sec­tions of cer­tain chap­ters came up miss­ing. For instance, Muhammad’s wife Aisha said that rough­ly two-thirds of Surah 33 was lost :
    Abu Ubaid, Kitab Fada’il-al-Qur’an — A’isha … said, Surat al-Ahz­ab (xxxi­ii) used to be recit­ed in the time of the Prophet with two hun­dred vers­es, but when Uth­man wrote out the codices he was unable to pro­cure more of it than there is in it today [i.e. 73 verses].”

    • Sahih al-Bukhari 5005 — Umar said, Ubayy was the best of us in the recita­tion (of the Qur’an), yet we leave some of what he recites.” Ubayy says, I have tak­en it from the mouth of Allah’s Mes­sen­ger and will not leave it for any­thing whatever.”

    • But Ibn Masud wasn’t the only one of Muhammad’s trust­ed teach­ers who dis­agreed with Zaid’s Qur’an. Ubayy ibn Ka’b was Muhammad’s best reciter and one of the only Mus­lims to col­lect the mate­ri­als of the Qur’an dur­ing Muhammad’s life­time. Yet Ibn Ka’b believed that Zaid’s Qur’an was miss­ing two chap­ters ! Lat­er Mus­lims were there­fore forced to reject some of Ibn Ka’b’s recitation :

    • Ibn Masud advised Mus­lims to reject Zaid’s Qur’an and to keep their own ver­sions — even to hide them so that they wouldn’t be con­fis­cat­ed by the gov­ern­ment ! He said :
    Jami at-Tir­mid­hi 3104 — O you Mus­lim peo­ple ! Avoid copy­ing the Mushaf and recita­tion of this man. By Allah ! When I accept­ed Islam he was but in the loins of a dis­be­liev­ing man” — mean­ing Zaid bin Thabit — and it was regard­ing this that Abdul­lah bin Mas’ud said : O peo­ple of Al-Iraq ! Keep the Musahif that are with you, and con­ceal them.”

    • Because of this (along with hun­dreds of oth­er tex­tu­al dif­fer­ences), Ibn Masud went so far as to call the final edi­tion of the Qur’an a decep­tion ! He said, The peo­ple have been guilty of deceit in the read­ing of the Qur’an. I like it bet­ter to read accord­ing to the recita­tion of him [i.e. Muham­mad] whom I love more than that of Zayd Ibn Thabit” (Ibn Sa’d, Kitab al-Tabaqat al-Kabir, Vol. 2, p. 444).


    And Allaah revealed oth­er aayahs in a sep­a­rate soorah, where He says :
    Say (O Muham­mad): It has been revealed to me that a group (from three to ten in num­ber) of jinn lis­tened (to this Qur’aan). They said : Ver­i­ly, we have heard a won­der­ful Recita­tion (this Qur’aan)!” [al-Jinn 72:1]


    Even the Prophet had a shay­taan with him, his con­stant com­pan­ion (qareen) from among the jinn, in the hadeeth which says that the Prophet said :
    There is no one among you but he has with him a con­stant com­pan­ion (qareen) from among the jinn and a con­stant com­pan­ion from among the angels.” They said, You too, O Mes­sen­ger of Allaah?” He said, Me too, but Allaah has helped me against him (the dev­il-com­pan­ion) and he has become Muslim.”

    The Koran is a book of myths, fables and fairy tales.
    Do your research ! The Qur’an is a revised coun­ter­feit of 6th cen­tu­ry poly­the­ism, com­posed of pre­vi­ous­ly exist­ing pagan beliefs, prac­tices and fairy tales.

    For exam­ple : The Koran says men were turned into apes because they broke the Sab­bath. This was a pop­u­lar leg­end in Muham­mad’s day (Suras 2:65 ; 7:163 – 166).

    The Quran repeats fan­ci­ful Ara­bi­an fables as if they were true.
    Ara­bic leg­ends about the fab­u­lous jinns fill its pages” (G.G. Pfan­der, Bal­ance of Truth, pp. 283). 

    The sto­ry of the she-camel who leapt out of a rock and became a prophet was known long before Muham­mad” (Suras 7:73 – 77,85 ; 91:14 ; 54:29).
    The sto­ry of an entire vil­lage of peo­ple who were turned into apes because they broke the sab­bath by fish­ing was a pop­u­lar leg­end in Muham­mad’s day (Suras 2:65 ; 7:163 – 166).
    The gush­ing 12 springs sto­ry found in Sura 2:60 comes from pre-Islam­ic legends. 

    In what is called the Rip Van Win­kle” sto­ry, sev­en men and their ani­mals slept for 309 years in a cave and then woke up per­fect­ly fine (Sura 18:9 – 26)! This leg­end is found in Greek and Chris­t­ian fables as well as Ara­bi­an lore. 

    The fable of the pieces of four dead, cut-up birds get­ting up and fly­ing was well known in Muham­mad’s time (Sura 2:260).

    It is also clear that Muham­mad used such pre-Islam­ic lit­er­a­ture as the Saba Moal­laqat of Imra’ul Cays in his com­po­si­tion of Suras 21:96 ; 29:31,46 ; 37:59 ; 54:1, and 93:1.

    Many of the sto­ries in the Quran come from the Jew­ish Tal­mud, the Midrash, and many apoc­ryphal works. 

    This was point­ed out by Abra­ham Geiger in 1833, and fur­ther doc­u­ment­ed by anoth­er Jew­ish schol­ar, Dr. Abra­ham Katsh, of New York Uni­ver­si­ty, in 1954 (The Con­cise Dic­tio­nary of Islam, p. 229 ; Jomi­er, The Bible and the Quran — Hen­ry Regency Co., Chica­go, 1959, 59ff ; Sell, Stud­ies, pp. 163ff.; Guil­laume, Islam, p. 13). 

    The source of Sura 3:35 – 37 is the fan­ci­ful book called The Pro­te­van­ge­lion’s James the Lesser.
    The source of Sura 87:19 is the Tes­ta­ment of Abraham.
    The source of Sura 27:17 – 44 is the Sec­ond Tar­gum of Esther. 

    The fan­tas­tic tale that God made a man die for a hun­dred years” with no ill effects on his food, drink, or don­key was a Jew­ish fable (Sura 2:259ff.).

    The idea that Moses was res­ur­rect­ed and oth­er mate­r­i­al came from the Jew­ish Tal­mud (Sura 2:55, 5667). 

    The sto­ry in Sura 5:30,31 can also be found in pre-Islam­ic works from Pirke Rab­bi Eleaz­er, the Tar­gum of Jonathan ben Uzzi­ah and the Tar­gum of Jerusalem.

    The tale of Abra­ham being deliv­ered from Nim­rod’s fire came from the Midrash Rab­bah (see Suras 21:51 – 71 ; 29:16, 17 ; 37:97,98). It must be also point­ed out that Nim­rod and Abra­ham did not live at the same time. 

    Muham­mad was always mix­ing peo­ple togeth­er in the Quran who did not live at the same time. 

    The non-bib­li­cal details of the vis­it of the Queen of She­ba (Saba) in Sura 27:20 – 44 came from the Sec­ond Tar­gum of the Book of Esther. 

    The source of Sura 2:102 is no doubt the Midrash Yalkut (chap­ter 44). 

    The sto­ry found in Sura 7:171 of God lift­ing up Mount Sinai and hold­ing it over the heads of the Jews as a threat to squash them if they reject­ed the law came from the Jew­ish book Abo­dah Sarah. 

    The mak­ing of the gold­en calf in the wilder­ness, in which the image jumped out of the fire ful­ly formed and actu­al­ly mooed (Suras 7:148 ; 20:88), came from Pirke Rab­bi Eleazer. 

    The sev­en heav­ens and hells described in the Quran came from the Zohar and the Hagigah. 

    Muham­mad uti­lized the Tes­ta­ment of Abra­ham to teach that a scale or bal­ance will be used on the day of judg­ment to weigh good and bad deeds in order to deter­mine whether one goes to heav­en or hell (Suras 42:17 ; 101:6 – 9).

  2. Denis,

    There are a few issues with your response, let me explain the biggest one :
    The time of writ­ing down of the Quran was in the life­time of the Prophet Muham­mad (SAW). Dif­fer­ent com­pan­ions of the Prophet Muham­mad (SAW) owned var­i­ous parts of the writ­ten rev­e­la­tion. Also the Quran was MEMORIZED in its entire­ty dur­ing the time of the prophet by many peo­ple. When it was com­piled dur­ing the caliphate of Uth­man (RA) less than 30 years after the death of the Prophet (SAW), a com­mit­tee of mem­o­ris­ers (Hafiz) of the Quran was formed (under the chair­man­ship of the scribe of the Prophet (SW)- Zaid (RA), who used to write down the Quran when it was revealed to Prophet Muham­mad (SAW)), then those who had pieces of the rev­e­la­tion were called in, and after cross ver­i­fi­ca­tion from all these sources, the Quran was com­piled. No oth­er reli­gion has pre­served rev­e­la­tion from God as Islam has !

    This is the essen­tial dif­fer­ence (missed by many Chris­tians) between what is the strength of Islam and the weak­ness of oth­er reli­gions. Islam has a strong CHAIN of NARRATION” for every doc­u­ment. No oth­er reli­gion on the face of the earth has such a ver­i­fi­ca­tion process. We KNOW who each of the peo­ple were in that com­mit­tee which com­piled the Qur’an, we know their antecedents and their lifestyles. We know the opin­ions of their con­tem­po­raries about them, they lived their lives in the full light of his­to­ry to be ver­i­fied by posterity.

    The same is true for the Hadith (say­ings and actions of the Holy Prophet (SAW)). When Imam Bukhari wrote his famous trea­tise on Hadith (it was not the first by any means), and when he quotes a say­ing from the Prophet (SAW), there is a chain of nar­ra­tors of each say­ing right upto the Prophet (SAW)… So-and-so heard from so-and-so heard from so-and-so that the Holy Prophet (SAW) said… “. We know who each of these peo­ple in the chain were, we know if they real­ly met the peo­ple they claimed to have nar­rat­ed from, we know if they were truth­ful or not, we know if they were for­get­ful or not, we know who were their teach­ers and we know what their con­tem­po­raries and teach­ers thought of them.

    All this is made pos­si­ble by the sci­ence of Asma-war-Rijaal”, and thou­sands of schol­ars over hun­dreds of years ded­i­cat­ed their lives to this sci­ence. They painstak­ing­ly com­piled biogra­phies of each and every nar­ra­tor of the Hadith and ana­lyzed and debat­ed them under a micro­scope, leav­ing out no detail of their life. The lives of 500,000 nar­ra­tors were com­piled this way. And all for ver­i­fy­ing what ONE man, our beloved Prophet (may peace and bless­ings of Allah (SWT) be upon him) had said or did. The mas­ters of Hadith trav­elled thou­sands of miles to col­lect one say­ing and to ver­i­fy one chain of nar­ra­tion from him.

    In con­trast now lets take Chris­tian­i­ty, do we know who Mark was ? Do we know who taught him about Isa — Jesus (PBUH)? Do we know any­thing about his char­ac­ter or truth­ful­ness or piety or his for­get­ful­ness and grasp of real­i­ty ? Wait, do we even know his last name ? No ! And is this what we are sup­posed to base our ulti­mate sal­va­tion on ?

    Index of Abbreviations-
    SAW- Sal­lal­lahu alay­hi wa-sal­lam : Peace and bless­ings of Allah (SWT) be upon him
    PBUH — Peace be upon Him

    I apol­o­gize if I hurt some­one’s feel­ings with this, but the issue is larg­er than our feel­ings, it is sal­va­tion itself.

    Your broth­er in humanity,

  3. Denis Giron Reply

    This struck me as being exceed­ing­ly hard to take seriously.

    For exam­ple, one premise of his argu­ment seems to be that if a book was com­piled 40 or more years after the time of Jesus, then that book is not a reli­able text. Was not the tra­di­tion­al date for the com­po­si­tion for the Qur’an (sig­nif­i­cant­ly) more than 40 years after the time of Jesus ? Would Mr. Yasin be will­ing to admit that this is a poor argu­ment ? Or would he pre­fer to mere­ly spe­cial plead on behalf of the Qur’an ?

    What is this bit about last names ? Does every man on the plan­et even today, in the 21st cen­tu­ry, have a first and last name ? And what is that bit about all the Church Fathers agree­ing that, per­haps, these were just pen name, because no man would only put his first name and accord­ing to”? I am very con­fi­dent that Mr. Yasin would not be able to list even one Church Father who stat­ed such, unless he dras­ti­cal­ly altered the mean­ing of Church Father”.

    And what seri­ous author­i­ty, whether or Chris­t­ian or not, actu­al­ly believes that Paul authored all the books from Acts to the end of the New Tes­ta­ment ? I can­not think of a sin­gle schol­ar, whether Chris­t­ian or sec­u­lar, who believes that Paul authored either of the two epis­tles attrib­uted to Peter, the three epis­tles attrib­uted to John, the epis­tles attrib­uted to James, the epis­tle attrib­uted to Jude, much less the Apoc­a­lypse attrib­uted to John.

    He seems intent on set­ting up a dichoto­my between what Jesus said, and what is said about Jesus in the New Tes­ta­ment. What is his method­ol­o­gy for sep­a­rat­ing the two ? And, as he went through the litany of things those authors said about Jesus, why did he not include the vir­gin birth ? Does the same sort of insin­u­at­ed rea­son­ing not apply ?

    In short, and with all due respect to Mr. Yasin, I found this video to be filled with quite a few errors and instances of poor reasoning.

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