History Jerusalem Polemical Rebuttals

Con­fronting & Expos­ing Zion­ism : Zion­ism and Its Ide­o­log­i­cal Roots

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This arti­cle was writ­ten to pro­vide a schol­ar­ly analy­sis on the ide­ol­o­gy of Zion­ism, its ori­gins and pur­pose, as well as its past achieve­ments” in hav­ing suc­cess­ful­ly dis­placed thou­sands of Pales­tini­ans who sud­den­ly lost their home­land to this group of terrorists.

We seek to con­front and expose the true nature of the ide­ol­o­gy of Zion­ism, often tout­ed as Jew­ish nation­al­ism”. Can Zion­ism be equat­ed with the Jews and Judaism ? Is Zion­ism whol­ly ground­ed on reli­gious grounds as the Zion­ist them­selves try to claim, or just anoth­er name for the sec­u­lar and/​or racist ide­olo­gies that we have seen in the last cen­tu­ry in the likes of Nazism, Fas­cism and Apartheid ?

These are the fruits of our research on the Israeli-Pales­tin­ian con­flict, and we leave it to the read­er to form their own con­clu­sions and decide whether Zion­ism should be right­ful­ly con­front­ed and opposed, or otherwise.

The Ori­gins of Zionism

Tyran­ny is always weak­ness”, said James R. Low­ell, and tyran­ny con­sti­tutes the fun­da­men­tal imple­men­ta­tions of Zion­ism. Con­trary to com­mon belief, Zion­ism first emerged as a sec­u­lar ide­ol­o­gy in the 19th cen­tu­ry. Under Zion­ism”, the Ency­clo­pe­dia Bri­tan­ni­ca (Vol. 12, 1990, p. 922) states that :

…Zion­ism orig­i­nat­ed in East­ern and Cen­tral Europe in the lat­ter part of the 19th century.

This is fur­ther col­lab­o­rat­ed by Sier­ra Ref­er­ence Ency­clo­pe­dia (Col­lier’s, 1995), when it states under Zion­ism” that :

ZIONISM, a Jew­ish nation­al move­ment, which had as its objec­tive the recon­sti­tu­tion of an inde­pen­dent Jew­ish life in Pales­tine, the ancient home­land of the Jews. Zion­ism was root­ed in the tra­di­tion­al attach­ment of Jews to their home­land. This feel­ing was strength­ened when the polit­i­cal eman­ci­pa­tion of Jew­ish com­mu­ni­ties in West­ern Europe in the 19th cen­tu­ry and their assim­i­la­tion of Euro­pean cul­ture failed to gain them accep­tance. The move­ment was giv­en urgency by new waves of anti-Semi­tism in Europe in the late 19th cen­tu­ry, par­tic­u­lar­ly the pogroms in Rus­sia, and by the geno­ci­dal poli­cies of Hitler’s Ger­many in the 1930’s and 1940’s. The Zion­ist move­ment achieved its aim with the found­ing of Israel in 1948

Theodor Her­zl was an Jew­ish-Aus­tri­an jour­nal­ist large­ly cred­it­ed with being the Father of Zion­ism”, just as Karl Marx and Hitler were cred­it­ed with being the fathers of Com­mu­nism and Nazism respec­tive­ly. Theodor Her­zl’s book Der Juden­stat (The Jew­ish State), clear­ly stat­ed that a future Jew­ish state should not build upon democ­ra­cy, and in fact sug­gests that it should be built upon dic­ta­tor­ship. This is con­trary to the Zion­ist cries of Israel being the only democ­ra­cy in the Mid­dle East”.

We read that :

Peo­ple are not fit for democ­ra­cy, and will no be so in future either. Sane and mature poli­cies are not the prod­uct of par­lia­men­tary insti­tu­tions. Per­son­al­i­ties, which are the prod­uct of forces of his­to­ry, best rep­re­sent the wish­es of the peo­ple and safe­guard the inter­ests and secu­ri­ty of the state. It is these per­son­al­i­ties and not peo­ple who are born to rule and it is their will which should ulti­mate­ly pre­vail.1

A pub­li­ca­tion issued by the Zion­ist Orga­ni­za­tion in Lon­don wrote that :

Democ­ra­cy in Amer­i­can too com­mon­ly means major­i­ty rule with­out regard to diver­si­ties of types or stages of civ­i­liza­tion or dif­fer­ences of qual­i­ty. Democ­ra­cy in that sense has been called the melt­ing pot in which that quan­ti­ta­tive­ly less­er is assim­i­lat­ed into quan­ti­ta­tive­ly greater. This doubt­less is nat­ur­al in Amer­i­ca, and works on the whole very well. But if Amer­i­can idea were applied as an Amer­i­can admin­is­tra­tion might apply it to Pales­tine, what would hap­pen ? The numer­i­cal major­i­ty in Pales­tine today is [Pales­tin­ian] Arab, not Jew­ish. Qual­i­ta­tive­ly, it is a sim­ple fact that the Jews are now pre­dom­i­nant in Pales­tine, and giv­en prop­er con­di­tions they will be pre­dom­i­nant quan­ti­ta­tive­ly also in a gen­er­a­tion or two. But if the crude arith­meti­cal con­cep­tion of democ­ra­cy were to be applied now, or at some ear­ly stage in the future to Pales­tin­ian con­di­tions, the major­i­ty that would rule would be the Arab major­i­ty, and the task of estab­lish­ing and devel­op­ing a great Jew­ish Pales­tine would be infi­nite­ly more dif­fi­cult. The prob­lem at the heart of the Zion­ist claim was rarely artic­u­lat­ed so clear­ly : the Zion­ist dream ran counter to the prin­ci­ple of democ­ra­cy. 2

The Zion­ist desire for the alien­ation and even­tu­al expul­sion of the orig­i­nal inhab­i­tants resid­ing in the land designed for a Jew­ish state” is no secret. Ear­li­er in 1895, Theodor Her­zl wrote in his Diary that :

We must expro­pri­ate gen­tly the pri­vate prop­er­ty on the state assigned to us. We shall try to spir­it the pen­ni­less pop­u­la­tion across the bor­der by procur­ing employ­ment for it in the tran­sit coun­tries, while deny­ing it employ­ment in our coun­try. The prop­er­ty own­ers will come over to our side. Both the process of expro­pri­a­tion and the removal of the poor must be car­ried out dis­crete­ly and cir­cum­spect­ly. Let the own­ers of the immove­able prop­er­ty believe that they are cheat­ing us, sell­ing us things for more than they are worth. But we are not going to sell them any­thing back.3

In Octo­ber 1882, Validimir Dub­now, one of the ear­li­est Zion­ist pio­neers in Pales­tine, wrote to his broth­er artic­u­lat­ing the ulti­mate goals of the Zion­ists movement :

The ulti­mate goal…is, in time, to take over the Land of Israel and to restore to the Jews the polit­i­cal inde­pen­dence they have been deprived of for these two thou­sand years…The Jews will yet arise and, arms in hand (if need be), declare that they are the mas­ters of their ancient home­land.4

In Octo­ber 1882 Ben-Yehu­da and Yehiel Michal Pines, few of the ear­li­est Zion­ist pio­neers in Pales­tine, wrote describ­ing the indige­nous Pales­tini­ans, that

…There are now only five hun­dred [thou­sand] Arabs, who are not very strong, and from whom we shall eas­i­ly take away the coun­try if only we do it through strat­a­gems [and] with­out draw­ing upon us their hos­til­i­ty before we become the strong and pop­u­lous ones.5

In 1916 Lord Bal­four declared that he is a Zion­ist” dur­ing a British Cab­i­net meet­ing. In an encounter between Weiz­mann and Balfour :

[Weiz­mann] laid out his much repeat­ed argu­ment – that Zion­ists and British inter­ests are iden­ti­cal. The Zion­ist move­ment spoke, Weiz­mann said, with the vocab­u­lary of mod­ern states­man­ship, but was fueled by a deep reli­gious con­scious­ness. Bal­four, him­self a mod­ern states­man, also con­sid­ered Zion­ism as an inher­ent part of his Chris­t­ian faith.… Soon after, Bal­four declared in a cab­i­net meet­ing, I am a Zion­ist.“6

In 1936 the Mapai leader David Haco­hen explained how Zion­ist social­ism should be for Jews not Arabs, he stat­ed that :

I remem­ber being one of the first of our com­rades [of the Ahdut Ha’avo­dah] to got to Lon­don after the first World War. … There I became a social­ist. … [In Pales­tine] I had to fight my friends on the issue of Jew­ish social­ism, to defend the fact that I would not accept Arabs in my trade union, the His­tadrut ; to defend preach­ing to the house­wives that they not buy at [Pales­tin­ian] Arab stores, to pre­vent [Pales­tin­ian] Arab work­ers from get­ting jobs there. …. To pour kerosene on the [Pales­tin­ian] Arab toma­toes ; to attack Jew­ish house­wives in the mar­kets and smash the Arab eggs they had bought ; to praise to the skies the Keneen Kayemet [Jew­ish Nation­al Fund] that sent Han­kin to Beirut to buy land from absen­tee effen­di [land­lords] and to throw the fel­lahin [peas­ants] off the land– to buy dozens of dunums– from an Arab is per­mit­ted, but to sell, God for­bid, one Jew­ish dunam to an Arab is pro­hib­it­ed.7

In 1937, David Ben-Guri­on elo­quent­ly artic­u­lat­ed the Zion­ist goals regard­ing pop­u­la­tion trans­fer as the following :

With com­pul­so­ry trans­fer we [would] have a vast area [for set­tle­ment] ….I sup­port com­pul­so­ry trans­fer. I don’t see any­thing immoral in it.8

Such racist sen­ti­ment was the norm among the ear­ly Zion­ist lead­ers, sim­i­lar state­ments were con­stant­ly repeat­ed by Ben-Guri­on and Jabotin­sky. Zion­ism has always been rec­og­nized as a form of racism and this is evi­dent when in 1975 the U.N. Gen­er­al Assem­bly first adopt­ed a res­o­lu­tion equat­ing Zion­ism with racism. The U.N. adopt­ed that res­o­lu­tion annu­al­ly until 1991 when the Madrid Accord began.

The Zion­ist Expan­sion­ism and The Pales­tin­ian Dilemma

…after a lapse of 1800 years, it could not be said that Pales­tine was the land of the Jews. Oth­er­wise the Unit­ed States of Amer­i­ca should now belong to the Red Indi­ans and the sit­u­a­tion in Eng­land, and in many coun­tries of the world should be dif­fer­ent. In my opin­ion, the Jews have no right in Pales­tine except their right to per­son­al prop­er­ty. They do not have the right to estab­lish a State. It is most unfor­tu­nate that a state is based on reli­gious basis.

The above cita­tion is from A. Toyn­bee, a well-known his­to­ri­an. His crit­i­cism of the Zion­ist the­o­ry of return­ing to Pales­tine clear­ly under­lined the sen­ti­ments of those who clear­ly see no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for a Jew­ish State to be estab­lished in Pales­tine. Pales­tine has always been rec­og­nized as belong­ing to Pales­tini­ans, not to a group of sec­u­lar ter­ror­ists who uses reli­gion as a jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for a State. As a researcher points out :

His­to­ry tells us that the first peo­ple to set­tle in Pales­tine were the Canaan­ites, six thou­sand years BCE. They were an Arab tribe who came to Pales­tine from the Ara­bi­an Penin­su­la, and after their arrival, Pales­tine was named after them [i.e., Canaan]. 9

And fur­ther, he added that :

As for the Jews, the first time they entered Pales­tine was approx­i­mate­ly six hun­dred years after Abra­ham had entered the land, i.e., they entered it approx­i­mate­ly 1400 years BCE. So the Canaan­ites entered Pales­tine and lived there approx­i­mate­ly 4500 years before the Jews.10

Hence it is clear that the Jews have no right to the land, whether accord­ing to reli­gious law or in terms of who lived there first and pos­sessed the land. Despite this, the state of Israel was rec­og­nized by the U.N. in 1948 on con­di­tion that it accept­ed the right of the Pales­tini­ans to an inde­pen­dent state, and imple­men­ta­tion of Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil Res­o­lu­tion 194 guar­an­tee­ing the right of Pales­tin­ian refugees to return to their homes.

Over half a cen­tu­ry lat­er, these inalien­able rights remain unful­filled. The implan­ta­tion of the Zion­ist enti­ty in Pales­tine has been right­ly described as An-Nak­ba (The Cat­a­stro­phe) by the Pales­tini­ans. The hoopla sur­round­ing Israel con­ve­nient­ly ignores the fact that Pales­tine was stolen by Euro­pean Jew­ish ter­ror­ists in con­nivance with the Euro­pean pow­ers, pri­mar­i­ly Britain but also France (and lat­er the U.S.) to cre­ate a west­ern beach-head in the heart­land of Islam. This was only made pos­si­ble by dri­ving out the indige­nous pop­u­la­tion — the Pales­tini­ans — from their ances­tral lands, through ter­ror and mass murder.

The Zion­ists have also con­stant­ly ped­dled the mythol­o­gy of turn­ing deserts into orchards’, a claim already respond­ed to, with the active col­lab­o­ra­tion of the West­ern media. Their claim to Pales­tine is based on a com­plete per­ver­sion of his­tor­i­cal facts sprin­kled with Bib­li­cal ref­er­ences to geog­ra­phy. The Zion­ists — most of them sec­u­lar fanat­ics who have noth­ing to do with Judaism — have reduced the Bible to a real estate manual.

The Zion­ist colo­nial set­tler enter­prise was launched by shed­ding the blood of the Pales­tini­ans. It has been sus­tained through ter­ror, the most com­mon char­ac­ter­is­tic of the Zion­ists, for 50 years. More than 475 Pales­tin­ian towns and vil­lages were com­plete­ly wiped out. There is no trace left of them any­more. Soon after the June 1967 Arab-Israeli war, Moshe Dayan, the one-eyed Israeli gen­er­al, had boast­ed to a group of vis­it­ing Jews from the U.S. that the present gen­er­a­tion had expand­ed the bound­aries of the State of Israel this far. Now it was up to the next gen­er­a­tion to take them fur­ther. He also can­did­ly admit­ted that hun­dreds of Pales­tin­ian vil­lages and towns had been wiped out. And it was this same gen­er­al who pro­claimed that :

…a new State of Israel with broad fron­tiers, strong and sol­id, with the author­i­ty of the Israel Gov­ern­ment extend­ing from the Jor­dan [riv­er] to the Suez Canal.11

The above quote should clar­i­fy the real­i­ty of Zion­ist expan­sion­ism. This cer­tain­ly refutes the Zion­ist pro­pa­gan­da that Pales­tin­ian inhab­i­tants of towns fled on orders from the Arab gov­ern­ments, it is clear that they fled in the face of the Zion­ist ter­ror machine. Deir Yassin (April 9, 1948) was but one exam­ple of numer­ous Zion­ist atroc­i­ties per­pe­trat­ed against inno­cent civil­ians. Pales­tin­ian women were parad­ed naked in the streets. Many of them were bay­o­net­ed to death before their bod­ies were dumped in wells. At least 750,000 Pales­tini­ans were expelled from their homes in this cam­paign to set­tle the Euro­pean Jews in Pales­tine. This obscen­i­ty is being cel­e­brat­ed today as a great achievement.

For­mer Israel Prime Min­is­ter, Men­achem Begin, boast­ed of the impor­tance of the mas­sacre of Deir Yassin in his book The Revolt : The Sto­ry of the Irgun”. He wrote that there would not have been a State of Israel with­out the vic­to­ry” of Deir Yassin : The Hag­ganah car­ried out vic­to­ri­ous attacks on oth­er fronts… In a state of ter­ror, the Arabs fled, cry­ing, Deir Yassin’.”

Nor did the mas­sacres cease after the estab­lish­ment of the Jew­ish State ; they con­tin­ued in times of both peace and war. Fol­low­ing are the names of some of them : Sharafat Mas­sacre, Kibya Mas­sacre, Kafr Qasem Mas­sacre, Al-Sam­mou’ Mas­sacre, the Sabra And Shati­la Mas­sacre, Oyon Qara Mas­sacre, Al-Aqsa Mosque Mas­sacre, the Ibrahi­mi Mosque Mas­sacre, the Jabalia Massacre.

Many lead­ers of the Zion­ist ter­ror­ist gangs — Men­achem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, et al – lat­er became prime min­is­ters of the only democ­ra­cy in the Mid­dle East’. The most pow­er­ful democ­ra­cy’ in the world — the U.S. — has such a close rela­tion­ship with the so-called only democ­ra­cy’ that mas­sive annu­al hand­outs are bestowed upon it even while Amer­i­can cit­i­zens are denied many of their basic needs. Fur­ther, these very same Zion­ists are wast­ing U.S. tax­pay­ers’ mon­ey by advo­cat­ing and sup­port­ing the build­ing of a shrine to a mil­i­tant Jew, Baruch Gold­stein who mas­sa­cred a group of pray­ing Mus­lims at a mosque in Hebron, in 1994. And we see that until today, thou­sands of mil­i­tant Jews vis­it his grave annu­al­ly to cel­e­brate’ the mur­ders com­mit­ted by this Jew­ish terrorist.

This is just one out of the var­i­ous exam­ples on why it is the Zion­ist régime of Israel that is the only Amer­i­can-fund­ed coun­try in the Mid­dle East’ to fund and to sup­port State ter­ror­ism. But as we have seen, State ter­ror­ism is noth­ing new to the Zion­ist régime.

And if tak­ing away their land is not enough to humil­i­ate the Pales­tini­ans, the Zion­ists tried to wipe out the iden­ti­ty of the Pales­tini­ans, by pre­tend­ing that they do not exist as a peo­ple and as a nation. A Zion­ist schol­ar, Israel Eldad, also pro­mul­gates this claim of no Pales­tine or Pales­tini­ans’, in his book The Jew­ish Rev­o­lu­tion as follows :

Can this [Jew­ish] rich exis­tence be com­pared with the Pales­tin­ian nation ? Who is that nation ? What is it ? Where and when was it born ? What is its iden­ti­ty ? What are its dis­tinc­tive fea­tures- phys­i­cal and men­tal ? And except for the feats of its maraud­ing gangs, what has it ever been known for?” (p. 119)

In an inter­view with the Sun­day Times, Gol­da Meir, Israel’s Prime Min­is­ter between 1969 – 1974, stat­ed in June 1969 :

It is not as though there was a Pales­tin­ian peo­ple in Pales­tine con­sid­er­ing itself as Pales­tin­ian peo­ple and we came and threw them out and took their coun­try away from them, they did not exist.12

Of course Ms. Meir con­ve­nient­ly fails to men­tion that pri­or to 1948, the Jews do not exist with a sin­gle nation­al iden­ti­ty, but that did not stop them from being iden­ti­fied as such, did it ? We don’t expect her and her ilk to men­tion it any­way, since it is clear that it was the Zion­ists who drove Pales­tini­ans into the sea, not vice-versa.

And as recent as 1968, the Jew­ish his­to­ri­an Maxime Rodin­son wrote that :

…the Arab pop­u­la­tion of Pales­tine was native in all the usu­al sens­es of the word.13

Claim­ing that there was no such thing as Pales­tini­ans is mere­ly but one of the many ways the Zion­ists per­form their ver­sion of eth­nic cleans­ing’, effec­tive­ly wip­ing out the exis­tence of the Pales­tini­ans as a dis­tinct social, polit­i­cal, and cul­tur­al enti­ty and rewrit­ing the his­to­ry books with their per­vert­ed ver­sion’ of the events.

The Pales­tin­ian Resis­tance and Zion­ist War Machine

The attacks by the Zion­ists, whether mil­i­tar­i­ly or by pro­pa­gan­da, prompt­ed sev­er­al Pales­tin­ian resis­tance groups to be formed against the Zion­ist régime, which the régime con­ve­nient­ly labels them as ter­ror­ists”. But a dis­tinc­tion must be made between ter­ror­ism and the resis­tance to occu­pa­tion which inter­na­tion­al con­ven­tions autho­rize. The Dec­la­ra­tion on Prin­ci­ples of Inter­na­tion­al Law (1970) empha­sized that all states are under a duty to refrain from any forcible action which deprives peo­ple of their right to self-deter­mi­na­tion. The Dec­la­ra­tion also notes that in their actions against, and resis­tance to, such forcible action” such peo­ples could receive sup­port in accor­dance with the pur­pose and prin­ci­ples of the UN Char­ter. Var­i­ous UN res­o­lu­tions have reaf­firmed the legit­i­ma­cy of the strug­gle of peo­ples for lib­er­a­tion from colo­nial dom­i­na­tion and alien sub­jec­tion, by all avail­able means includ­ing armed strug­gle“14. Arti­cle 1(4) of Pro­to­col I (addi­tion­al to the Gene­va Con­ven­tions) con­sid­ers self-deter­mi­na­tion strug­gles as inter­na­tion­al armed con­flicts sit­u­a­tions. The prin­ci­ple of self-deter­mi­na­tion itself pro­vides that where forcible action has been tak­en to sup­press the right, force may be used in order to counter this and achieve self-determination.

It is obvi­ous that with the sys­tem­at­ic eth­nic cleans­ing’ of the Zion­ist régime, these Pales­tin­ian resis­tance groups are cer­tain­ly not ter­ror­ists”. On the con­trary, these resis­tance groups are fight­ing a legit­i­mate war, against a ene­my that has oppressed their peo­ple for so long that it would be a crime to them­selves and to the Pales­tini­ans if they do not oppose the ene­my and stand by and watch the Zion­ist pil­lag­ing what is left of Palestine.

Israel is the only coun­try in the world where tor­ture of polit­i­cal pris­on­ers is not only legal but its supreme court active­ly endors­es it. Pales­tini­ans are held with­out tri­al under what is euphemisti­cal­ly called admin­is­tra­tive deten­tion.’ The max­i­mum peri­od is six months but it is rou­tine­ly extend­ed. There are Pales­tini­ans who have been held with­out charge or tri­al for four or five years. While the West­ern media rou­tine­ly present Israel as a belea­guered State in a sea of hos­tile neigh­bors, it is the only nuclear pow­er in the region with more than 200 nuclear weapons. Its army has grown to 600,000 and it can deploy more than 2,800 tanks and 700 com­bat planes, accord­ing to the Jaf­fee Cen­tre for Strate­gic Stud­ies at Tel Aviv Uni­ver­si­ty. This gives it a for­mi­da­ble mil­i­tary mus­cle against the Arab armies which it has defeat­ed in almost all the wars. But since 1982, Israel’s mil­i­tary has found itself mired in less glo­ri­ous adven­tures, includ­ing the cost­ly 1982 – 1985 inva­sion of Lebanon and its attempts to crush the Intifa­da from 1987 to 1994. In Lebanon it got a bloody nose at the hands of the Hizbul­lah, whose spir­it of sac­ri­fice put the fear of God into the plea­sure-lov­ing Zion­ist thugs. Instead of con­fronting the Islam­ic fight­ers, the Zion­ists bom­bard Lebanese vil­lages using long-range artillery and planes.

Hostage-tak­ing is also a favorite ploy of the Zion­ists. Lit­er­al­ly hun­dreds of Pales­tini­ans and Lebanese are incar­cer­at­ed in the Khi­am con­cen­tra­tion camp where tor­ture is ram­pant. Sim­i­lar­ly, Pales­tini­ans held with­out tri­al are also tor­tured in pris­ons inside what is called Israel. If young Pales­tini­ans are incar­cer­at­ed, their lead­ers are expelled from their own land. It is iron­ic that alien occu­piers from east­ern Europe and Amer­i­ca should expel peo­ple from their own homes and land where their fore­fa­thers have lived for mil­len­nia. The Zion­ists are also extreme­ly sadis­tic. Young chil­dren are tar­get­ed for spe­cial wrath. Thou­sands of Pales­tin­ian chil­dren have been bru­tal­ly beat­en up by the gun-tot­ing Zion­ists. Young stone-throw­ing Pales­tini­ans have been buried alive ; oth­ers have had their bones bro­ken with rocks, on direct orders from Yitzhak Rabin, the Nobel peace prize winner !

Dur­ing the Intifa­da, the Zion­ist occu­piers fre­quent­ly used tear gas in con­fined spaces, result­ing in hun­dreds of preg­nant Pales­tin­ian women suf­fer­ing mis­car­riages. Anoth­er of their favorite ploys is to mix flour and kerosene in Pales­tin­ian homes, mak­ing it unfit for con­sump­tion. Despite such cru­el­ties, the Zion­ists have failed to break the spir­it of the Pales­tini­ans. Every Israeli cru­el­ty brings out an even greater deter­mi­na­tion to stand up to the occu­piers. As the Israeli mil­i­tary his­to­ri­an Mar­tin Van Crev­eld of the Hebrew Uni­ver­si­ty in Jerusalem admit­ted, An army which fights against the weak, becomes weak itself.” He went on : In these instances, the army is the sure los­er because its vic­to­ries are with­out hon­or and its defeats are always humiliating”.

The Jerusalem Issue and Al-Aqsa Mosque

Jerusalem is bet­ter known to the Mus­lims by the means of Bayt al-Maqdis (the holy house) or sim­ply al-Quds (the holy); the lat­ter is the most com­mon name at the present. Since 638 A.D. when the sec­ond Caliph Umar Al-Khat­tab lib­er­at­ed the city, Jerusalem had always been ruled by a suc­ces­sion of Mus­lim rulers. But of course, the Zion­ist mind is uncom­fort­able with the fact that Jerusalem has always been Mus­lim in his­to­ry and there­fore tries to manip­u­late Jerusalem’s his­to­ry. The UN Res­o­lu­tion 181, which divid­ed Pales­tine into an Arab and a Jew­ish state, specif­i­cal­ly declared Jerusalem cor­pus sep­a­ra­tum” and placed the city under inter­na­tion­al juris­dic­tion. How­ev­er, in 1948 the mil­i­tary forces of Israel occu­pied the west­ern part of the city. In 1967 the con­quest was com­plet­ed when Israel forcibly occu­pied the city’s east­ern half. In 1980, Israel passed a Basic Law declar­ing Jerusalem its cap­i­tal. The inter­na­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty respond­ed deci­sive­ly to this provoca­tive act. UN Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil Res­o­lu­tion 476 (June 30, 1980) says that Israeli actions to change the sta­tus of Jerusalem con­sti­tute a fla­grant vio­la­tion of the Gene­va Con­ven­tion” and declares such mea­sures null and void’ ”. UN Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil Res­o­lu­tion 478 (August 20, 1980) states that the enact­ment of the basic law’ by Israel con­sti­tutes a vio­la­tion of inter­na­tion­al law”. All nations have kept their embassies in Tel Aviv.

In the past, the Zion­ists tried to and par­tial­ly suc­ceed­ed in burn­ing-down Islam’s third holi­est sanc­tu­ary, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. The nefar­i­ous sac­ri­lege was by no means, as the Israeli gov­ern­ment then sug­gest­ed, an iso­lat­ed act com­mit­ted by a deranged man who act­ed on his own. Quite the con­trary, the mor­bid Israeli designs against the sacred Mus­lim shrine show that dia­bol­i­cal feat was a delib­er­ate col­lec­tive act of aggres­sion car­ried out with the unmis­tak­able acqui­es­cence of the Israeli polit­i­cal estab­lish­ment and the active encour­age­ment of much of the world’s Jew­ry and their fun­da­men­tal­ist Chris­t­ian allies.

The fol­low­ing is a list of the acts of aggres­sion and des­e­cra­tion against Al-Aqsa Mosque since June 71967 :

  • June 7, 1967 : The occu­pa­tion author­i­ties con­fis­cat­ed the keys of the West­ern Gate known as Bab El-Maghar­ba imme­di­ate­ly after Israeli troops seized the town from the flee­ing Jordanians.
  • June 9, 1967 : The con­gre­ga­tion­al Fri­day prayer was not held on orders from the occu­pa­tion author­i­ties. That was the first time the Juma’a prayer did­n’t take place since the lib­er­a­tion of Jerusalem from the hands of the Cru­sades in 1167 AD on Octo­ber 19,1990, The Juma’a prayer was delayed for two hours because the the occu­pa­tion author­i­ties denied Mus­lim wor­shiper entry to the Haram compound.
  • June 21, 1969 : An Aus­tralian-born ter­ror­ist, Denis Michael Rohan, entered the mosque and set the mag­nif­i­cent Nur­rud­din Zin­ki Mihrab on fire. The fire gut­ted the unique Mihrab, which has restored. The sac­ri­le­gious act against the mosque was con­demned world-wide, but was praised by wide seg­ments of world Jew­ry and Chris­t­ian fun­da­men­tal­ists who view the cre­ation of Israeli in Pales­tine as a ful­fill­ment of Bib­li­cal prophe­cy and a prece­dence to the sec­ond advent of Jesus.
  • Novem­ber 16, 1969 : The Israeli occu­pa­tion author­i­ties seized the Fakhriyya Cor­ner on the south-west­ern side of the Haram Al-Sharif.
  • August 14, 1970 : The Ger­shon Solomon group, and ultra-fanat­ic groups ded­i­cat­ed to the so-called rebuild­ing of the Tem­ple of Solomon of the site of Al-Aqsa Mosque after it is demol­ished, forcibly entered the premis­es of the Haram, but were repulsed by Mus­lims. The con­fronta­tion result­ed in tens of wor­ship­pers being injured by Israeli troop gunfire.
  • April 19, 1980 : A group of Jew­ish rab­bis and sages held a semi-secret con­fer­ence devot­ed to explor­ing ways and means to lib­er­ate the Tem­ple Mount from Mus­lim hands”.
  • August 28,1980 : The Israeli occu­pa­tion author­i­ties dug a tun­nel right under­neath the Mosque.
  • March 30, 1982 : Numer­ous let­ters were sent by Mus­lim Waqf author­i­ties urg­ing them to aban­don the Tem­ple Mount and warn­ing them of the dire con­se­quence of their usurpa­tion of our Tem­ple”. The let­ters were writ­ten in Hebrew, Eng­lish, French, Span­ish and Polish.
  • May 20, 1982 : Sev­er­al Zion­ist orga­ni­za­tions sent death threats to Waqf officials.
  • April 11, 1982 : An Israeli sol­dier named Allen Good­man stormed the inte­ri­or of the Mosque, spray­ing wor­shipers with bul­lets from his M‑16 assault rifle, killing and wound­ing over 60 Palestinians.
  • March 26, 1983 : The main entrance to the Jerusalem’s Waqf depart­ment col­lapsed due to Israeli exca­va­tions underneath.
  • August 21, 1985 : The Israeli police per­mit­ted Jew­ish extrem­ists to hold prayers with­in the con­fines of the Haram premis­es.
  • August 4, 1986 : A group of Rab­bis issued final rul­ing allow­ing Jews to pray at the Haram Al-Sharif and demand­ed the estab­lish­ment of a Syn­a­gogue in the area.
  • May 12, 1988 : Israeli sol­diers opened fire on a peace­ful Mus­lim march at the Haram, killing and wound­ing about a hun­dred Palestinians.
  • August 8, 1990 : The Israeli author­i­ties com­mit­ted a gris­ly mas­sacre at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, killing 22 wor­shipers and injur­ing over 200.
  • July 25, 1995 : The Israeli High Court of Jus­tice issued a rul­ing, allow­ing Jews to pray at the Tem­ple Mount”. The deci­sion sparked off wide­spread protests among Muslims.


We have seen the ori­gins and the basic goals of Zion­ism, at the expense of its orig­i­nal inhab­i­tants. The Zion­ists, in the mould of the colo­nial­ism of the British, French, Por­tuguese and Dutch in the 17th and 18th cen­tu­ry, seek to rewrite his­to­ry and thus effec­tive­ly try to blot out the his­tor­i­cal exis­tence of Pales­tine and the right of Pales­tini­ans to their own State. In the process, the Zion­ist régime have built Israel upon the blood of thou­sands of Pales­tini­ans killed dur­ing An-Nak­ba, as well as the mil­lions of Pales­tini­ans that were dis­pos­sessed of their land, cit­i­zen­ship, cul­ture and his­to­ry. Not to men­tion that these pow­er-hun­gry Zion­ist thugs also try to deny Mus­lim con­trol of Jerusalem as the cap­i­tal of a future Pales­tin­ian state and Haram As-Sha­reef, the third-most holi­est site in Islam.

No one, after weigh­ing the evi­dence above, would con­sid­er Zion­ism to be a legit­i­mate ide­ol­o­gy of peace. On the con­trary, Zion­ism must be con­demned and reject­ed in the same way Fas­cism, Apartheid, Nazism and oth­er racist ide­olo­gies had been reject­ed in the past.

The day Israel shakes free of its Zion­ist ideals and its anti-Arab schiz­o­phre­nia is the day Pales­tine will final­ly exist with Jerusalem as its cap­i­tal, and only then will the Israel-Pales­tine con­flict will come to an end.Endmark

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Online Resources

  1. Theodor Hert­zl, The Jew­ish State, p. 69[]
  2. One Pales­tine Com­plete, p. 119[]
  3. Amer­i­ca and The Found­ing Of Israel, p. 49[]
  4. Right­eous Vic­tims, p. 49[]
  5. Right­eous Vic­tims, p. 49[]
  6. One Pales­tine Com­plete, p. 41[]
  7. Expul­sion Of The Pales­tini­ans, p. 25[]
  8. Right­eous Vic­tims, p. 144[]
  9. Ahmad al-‘Awadi, al-Suhy­ooniyyah, Nash’atuhaa, Tanzeemaatuhaa, Inshi­tatuhaa, p. 7[]
  10. ibid., p. 8[]
  11. Iron Wall, p. 316[]
  12. Iron Wall, p. 311[]
  13. Rodin­son, M., Israel and the Arabs, Pen­guin, 1968, p. 216[]
  14. See UNGA 3070, 3103, 3246, 3328, 3481, 3191, 3242 and 32154[]


  1. Sad per­son dav — go to school to learn his­to­ry. Jews & Mus­lims leaved peace­ful­ly in Pales­tine for a thou­sand years. Then in 19th cen­tu­ry Theodore Her­zl want­ed whole of Pales­tine for Zion­ists. He invent­ed Zion­ism & the British gave away Pales­tine to his fol­low­ers. Mus­lims had no choice but fight back for their homeland.
    See the fol­low­ing real jew­ish web­sites and what they say about evil racist zionism.

  2. Zion­ism began when Mus­lims began killing Jews & Chris­tians in the Ottoman Empire. The Mus­lim coni­tunued to fight with Nazi Ger­many by form­ing the Han­zar Divi­sion with help from the Mufti of Jeruse­leam. Rea­son ? So that more Jew & Chris­tians can be killed. So that they could not return to their land. Arabs tried hard to exter­mi­nate the Jews for cen­turies but failed. For that the fear Israel as a nation. They try to kill them off before they return to the land. No Mus­lim want to admit David is the King of Israel. If the do then their cause is lost and they would be let down for their Allah’ and Prophet’.

  3. mohd_​shem — I am also sor­ry that you are a mus­lim, espe­cial­ly when agree­ing with a satan like HeiGou but then jus­ti­fy­ing the actions of the israeli mur­der­ing scum army that loves to kill lit­tle babies & children.

    One can­not com­mu­ni­cate with HeiGou because he has become imbal­anced. His Hatred of Islam has caused him to lose his mar­bles because all his screws have come loose.

    Just read his ram­bling non­sense above!!!
    Igno­rant peo­ple have been brain­washed to believe that Zion­ism is 2000 years old.

    He cant be both­ered to read the Racist Her­zls book & wants US to show him exact­ly where it is.

    He believes that encour­ag­ing arabs to leave their land is not the same as expelling them.
    Does he believe the same about Jews when they were ENCOURAGED to leave their homes by Germany ?

    He agrees with the Zion­azi Leader Ben Guri­on say­ing I sup­port com­pul­so­ry trans­fer. I don’t see any­thing immoral in it.”, YET he says that the Pales­tini­ans weren’t forced to leave!!!!

    Like a good Zion­azi, Hei­goo does­nt believe Zion­ism to be Racism, unlike the rest of the civilised world!!!

    Prov­ing twice that he can nei­ther spell NON SEQUITUR nor under­stand what it means, Hei­goo pre­tends to be an intel­lec­tu­al in all fields!!!

    Like all Zion­azis, HeiGou believes that there were no Pales­tini­ans and no Palestine.
    He goes on to say the Arab researchers con­clu­sions are worth­less. Thats to be expect­ed from the Zion­azi Racist Heigou & his ilk.
    If only he knew that west­ern Lin­guists, His­to­ri­ans, Arche­ol­o­gists etc have shown that the Pro­to Semit­ic peo­ple spoke ARABIC & moved out of Ara­bia in sev­er­al waves north­wards thou­sands of years before Abraham.
    The idiot HeiGou thinks that the Cananites (Kinah­na) spoke HEBREW!!!! The fact is that the Jews learnt the Cananite lan­guage then lat­er mixed it with oth­ers includ­ing Ara­ma­ic to pro­duce a new Lan­guage called HEBREW!!!

    As stat­ed pre­vi­ous­ly, the Arabs did­n’t arrive in Pales­tine in the 750’s… they moved into Canan THOUSANDS of years before Abraham.

    Blind Mr McGoo says that Pales­tine does­n’t appear on any doc­u­ment. What does one expect from an illit­er­ate like him?? If he could read he would have seen the famous ancient His­to­ri­an Herodotus book writ­ten around 500 BCE where he writes about Syr­ia AND Pales­tine. And even ear­li­er than that, both the Bible and Egypt­ian records men­tion Philis­tia which is the same Palstine.

    The Racist Hate­mon­ger HeiGou con­sid­ers the mas­sacres of Arabs & Mus­lims to be TRIVIAL”.
    He is deny­ing that the Jews have built a Shrine to the Dr. Gold­stein who machine gunned mus­lim wor­ship­pers in prayer.

    ONE CAN GO ON AND ON AND ON in reply­ing to rants of a per­son like HeiGou. He has no human­i­ty in him. Just cold blood­ed, mind­less, hatred of Arabs, Mus­lims and Islam.
    DO you think that these answers will have any effect on him?? Will he cor­rect him­self?? NOTCHANCE. He will remain a mad­man, rant­i­ng & rav­ing on var­i­ous web­sites, repeat­ing his lies & disinformation.

    As for you mohd_​shem.…. I can only assume that you are total­ly igno­rant of His­to­ry and the beliefs of Zion­ists. You put your trust in the Sol­diers of Israel think­ing that they are pro­tect­ing Aqsa from the Amer­i­can Fundies. The fact is that Israel & The Fundies help each oth­er. Gov­ern­ment spokesman go from Israel to Ameri­ka to get more funds & sup­port from these Evan­gel­i­cal Christians.

    Also, Israel DOES plan to destroy the Al Aqsa masjid in order to build the 3rd Tem­ple. They have built the mod­els, pur­chased the mate­ri­als and are teach­ing their future High Priests in Tem­ple Wor­ship. Obvi­ous­ly, they will make it look as if it was an acci­dent or blame the Fundies for it.
    They will have an inves­ti­ga­tion take place over sev­er­al years and qui­et­ly rebuild their own temple.

  4. Free­dom is a must, On Fri­day where the pop­u­la­tion of all parts of Pales­tine meet in al aqsa mosque despite the dif­fi­cul­ties they face, but since the receipt of the Sharon gov­ern­ment of Israel pre­vent­ing wor­shipers from the West Bank and Gaza Strip to attend to per­form Fri­day prayers, dimin­ish­ing num­bers of wor­shipers, and in some days to pre­vent the con­gre­ga­tion who are under the age of forty pray­ing in alqsa mosque and forc­ing them to pray at the entrances to the Old City of Jerusalem.

    On the 15th of Decem­ber, the preach­er of Al-Aqsa Mosque warned that, there are cracks in the south­ern wall of Al-Aqsa Mosque result of the exca­va­tions car­ried out by Israeli author­i­ties under the Aqsa Mosque the build­ing of the Islam­ic Waqf, despite warn­ing of the dan­ger of these exca­va­tions, the Israeli author­i­ties pre­vent­ing the Islam­ic Waqf from recon­struc­tion of the south­ern wall

    Free Pales­tine T‑shirts, Free Lebanon T‑shirts

  5. Sor­ry to say, I am a mus­lim and prob­a­bly I agree with what HeiGouy have to say about The Israeli army and police pro­tect­ing the Dome of Rock. yes, it is true that last time The israeli army use to be offes­nive to the mus­lims who pray at the dome of Rock, how­ev­er these have all change nowa​days​.It seems right now they’re more tol­er­ant than last time. Actu­al­ly, it is the bloody Chris­t­ian Zion­ist Lunatics and Tem­ple Mount faith­ful jew­ish fun­da­men­tal­ists who were try­ing to show pro­pa­gan­da that they’re going to destroy the Dome of Rock,so that more mus­lims will hate the jews who has noth­ing to do with the inten­tion of destroy­ing the dome of rock. Actu­al­ly louise Nor­man, the fact is that the Israeli army are the ones today who are pro­tect­ing the dome of rock from any attacks or bomb­ing by chris­t­ian zion­ist or some tem­ple mount faith­ful jew­ish lunatics. What is the main rea­son they’re pro­tect­ing it ?? easy and sim­ple, they don’t want the dome of rock to be destroyed because this will even­tu­al­ly lead to a big war between the arabs and the jews of Israel. Actu­al­ly, that’s what the chris­t­ian zion­ist lunatic real­ly want so much. They want to con­str­cut a war called armage­doon for the rap­ture of their church and they want to see a new con­flict between arabs and jews so 23 of jews will be killed in aramge­doon as a pre­req­ui­ste for the com­ing fo Christ. Okay, it is a fact that the israelis army did some war crime in Lebanon, but that does­n’t mean that all of the armies were evil because many of the Israelis armies are con­script !! They were force to serve the army after they fin­ish their sec­ondary, regard­less you’re a jew­ish, chris­t­ian, mus­lim or druze…

  6. Louise Norman Reply

    As a reac­tion to your most inter­est­ing and chal­leng­ing com­ments, I share the fol­low­ing which I dis­cov­ered recent­ly on the web :

    Roots of (War­like) Chris­t­ian Zion­ism” and It’s the Rap­ture, Stu­pid” — -dif­fer­ent Google head­lines refer­ring to the same expo­sure of top Chris­t­ian Zion­ist war­lords which can be found by going to Google and typ­ing in Pow­ered by Christ Min­istries” and then click­ing on Roots of (War­like) Chris­t­ian Zion­ism.” (shared by Louise)

  7. MENJ:”“Tyranny is always weak­ness”, said James R. Low­ell, and tyran­ny con­sti­tutes the fun­da­men­tal imple­men­ta­tions of Zion­ism. Con­trary to com­mon belief, Zion­ism first emerged as a sec­u­lar ide­ol­o­gy in the 19th century.”

    That is an inter­est­ing quote. What has it got to do with your argu­ment ? As it hap­pens you have erect­ed a straw man. No one denies that mod­ern Zion­ism is a sec­u­lar nine­teenth cen­tu­ry ide­ol­o­gy. No one at all. So what ? Pales­tin­ian nation­al­ism dates to about 1967. Does that mean it is meaningless ?

    MENJ:“Theodor Herzl’s book Der Juden­stat (The Jew­ish State), clear­ly stat­ed that a future Jew­ish state should not build upon democ­ra­cy, and in fact sug­gests that it should be built upon dic­ta­tor­ship. This is con­trary to the Zion­ist cries of Israel being the only democ­ra­cy in the Mid­dle East”.”

    And yet I can­not find a ref­er­ence to that claim even in the web­site you cite. Giv­en the habit­u­al lies of pro-Pales­tin­ian posters on line would you mind pro­vid­ing a cita­tion to Her­zl’s book ?

    MENJ:“The Zion­ist desire for the alien­ation and even­tu­al expul­sion of the orig­i­nal inhab­i­tants resid­ing in the land designed for a Jew­ish state” is no secret. Ear­li­er in 1895, Theodor Her­zl wrote in his Diary that:”

    He wrote noth­ing that even hint­ed at explu­sion as your own quote makes clear. On the con­trary he makes it clear Arabs were to be encour­aged to migrate, not be expelled.

    MENJ:“In 1937, David Ben-Guri­on elo­quent­ly artic­u­lat­ed the Zion­ist goals regard­ing pop­u­la­tion trans­fer as the fol­low­ing : With com­pul­so­ry trans­fer we [would] have a vast area [for set­tle­ment] ….I sup­port com­pul­so­ry trans­fer. I don’t see any­thing immoral in it.”

    A good quote but the fact that Be-Guri­on said it is mean­ing­less. The ques­tion is did he do it.

    MENJ:“Such racist sen­ti­ment was the norm among the ear­ly Zion­ist lead­ers, sim­i­lar state­ments were con­stant­ly repeat­ed by Ben-Guri­on and Jabotin­sky. Zion­ism has always been rec­og­nized as a form of racism and this is evi­dent when in 1975 the U.N. Gen­er­al Assem­bly first adopt­ed a res­o­lu­tion equat­ing Zion­ism with racism. The U.N. adopt­ed that res­o­lu­tion annu­al­ly until 1991 when the Madrid Accord began.”

    That is sim­ply a non-sequiter. Where is the evi­dence that this sen­ti­ment was racist ? Per­haps it was eth­nic or reli­gious in moti­va­tion. Sim­ply assign­ing an opin­ion to Ben-Guri­on does not con­sti­tute evi­dence. Nor has Zion­ism always been recog­nised as racism. It was by the UN from 1975 to 1991. A peri­od of how many years ? It was not before and it has not been since.

    MENJ:“The above cita­tion is from A. Toyn­bee, a well-known his­to­ri­an. His crit­i­cism of the Zion­ist the­o­ry of return­ing to Pales­tine clear­ly under­lined the sen­ti­ments of those who clear­ly see no jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for a Jew­ish State to be estab­lished in Pales­tine. Pales­tine has always been rec­og­nized as belong­ing to Pales­tini­ans, not to a group of sec­u­lar ter­ror­ists who uses reli­gion as a jus­ti­fi­ca­tion for a State.”

    Again an inter­est­ing non-sequiter. There is no doubt that Toyn­bee, like a lot of oth­er British non-Zion­ists, were not con­vinced that the Zion­ists deserved a state. It does not fol­low that he recog­nised Pales­tine belonged to the Pales­tini­ans and in fact giv­en no Pales­tini­ans exist­ed at the time, it is unlike­ly he thought a non-exis­tent peo­ple deserved a state. As for sec­u­lar ter­ror­ists, you mean the PLO ?

    MENJ:“As a researcher points out : His­to­ry tells us that the first peo­ple to set­tle in Pales­tine were the Canaan­ites, six thou­sand years BCE. They were an Arab tribe who came to Pales­tine from the Ara­bi­an Penin­su­la, and after their arrival, Pales­tine was named after them [i.e., Canaan].”

    An Arab researcher” whose con­clu­sions are worth­less. The Canaan­ites were not Arabs but spoke Hebrew as any gen­uine researcher will tell you.

    MENJ:“Hence it is clear that the Jews have no right to the land, whether accord­ing to reli­gious law or in terms of who lived there first and pos­sessed the land.”

    I must have missed the reli­gious law argu­ment, but in any case what is clear is that the Arabs only arrived in 750 or so and so they do not deserve the state either. They are just the most recent and most suc­cess­ful con­quer­ers. Big deal.

    MENJ:“Despite this, the state of Israel was rec­og­nized by the U.N. in 1948 on con­di­tion that it accept­ed the right of the Pales­tini­ans to an inde­pen­dent state, and imple­men­ta­tion of Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil Res­o­lu­tion 194 guar­an­tee­ing the right of Pales­tin­ian refugees to return to their homes. Over half a cen­tu­ry lat­er, these inalien­able rights remain unfulfilled.”

    Well no. The word Pales­tin­ian” does not appear in any doc­u­ments at the time because, of course, the Pales­tini­ans did not exist : they did not call them­selves that and nei­ther did any­one else. The Israelis did accept the right of the Arabs to an inde­pen­dent state in 1949. The Arabs did not recog­nise the right of the Jews to their own state. So by all means, let’s rec­ti­fy the errors of the past and start with the Arabs accept­ing Israel’s right to exist. Res­o­lu­tion 194 also does no such thing because it does not recog­nise the exis­tence of the Pales­tini­ans. It gives the peo­ple we now call Pales­tini­ans the right to return but only if they are will­ing to live in peace. And they are not. Again accep­tance is a two-way street.

    MENJ:“Nor did the mas­sacres cease after the estab­lish­ment of the Jew­ish State ; they con­tin­ued in times of both peace and war. Fol­low­ing are the names of some of them : Sharafat Mas­sacre, Kibya Mas­sacre, Kafr Qasem Mas­sacre, Al-Sam­mou’ Mas­sacre, the Sabra And Shati­la Mas­sacre, Oyon Qara Mas­sacre, Al-Aqsa Mosque Mas­sacre, the Ibrahi­mi Mosque Mas­sacre, the Jabalia Massacre.”

    Uh huh. Most of these are utter­ly triv­ial by the stan­dards of the Arab world and so your use of them is clear­ly pro­pa­gan­da when you do not men­tion mas­sacres in Syr­ia or Lebanon.

    MENJ:“Many lead­ers of the Zion­ist ter­ror­ist gangs — Men­achem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, et al – lat­er became prime min­is­ters of the only democ­ra­cy in the Mid­dle East’. The most pow­er­ful democ­ra­cy’ in the world — the U.S. — has such a close rela­tion­ship with the so-called only democ­ra­cy’ that mas­sive annu­al hand­outs are bestowed upon it even while Amer­i­can cit­i­zens are denied many of their basic needs.”

    Indeed they did — once they gave up ter­ror. Just as Arafat and Nasir did. Israel is the only democ­ra­cy in the Mid­dle East and no one goes with­out in the US because of Israeli aid.

    MENJ:“Further, these very same Zion­ists are wast­ing U.S. tax­pay­ers’ mon­ey by advo­cat­ing and sup­port­ing the build­ing of a shrine to a mil­i­tant Jew, Baruch Gold­stein who mas­sa­cred a group of pray­ing Mus­lims at a mosque in Hebron, in 1994.”

    Give a shred of evi­dence that would even sug­gest the Zion­ists” have spent a cent of Amer­i­can mon­ey, or indeed their own, on a shrine” to Gold­stein. Again this appears to be an inter­net-based lie. Although, of course, Pales­tini­ans cel­e­brate their own ter­ror­ists in this way so it is no sur­prise for them to assume that Israel does too.

    MENJ:“And if tak­ing away their land is not enough to humil­i­ate the Pales­tini­ans, the Zion­ists tried to wipe out the iden­ti­ty of the Pales­tini­ans, by pre­tend­ing that they do not exist as a peo­ple and as a nation.”

    The fact that Pales­tin­ian nation­al­ism” did not exist before about 1967 — and hence there was no peo­ple called the Pales­tini­ans — is a sim­ple state­ment of fact. Pales­tini­ans called them­selves Arabs and denied any spe­cial Pales­tin­ian iden­ti­ty until it became polit­i­cal­ly use­ful. Whether or not there is a Pales­tin­ian nation now, there was none in 1949 and that is undeniable.

    MENJ:“The attacks by the Zion­ists, whether mil­i­tar­i­ly or by pro­pa­gan­da, prompt­ed sev­er­al Pales­tin­ian resis­tance groups to be formed against the Zion­ist régime, which the régime con­ve­nient­ly labels them as ter­ror­ists”. But a dis­tinc­tion must be made between ter­ror­ism and the resis­tance to occu­pa­tion which inter­na­tion­al con­ven­tions authorize.”

    I don’t see why it should — although such a dis­tinc­tion would mean that Begin et al were not ter­ror­ists either. The PLO is clear­ly a ter­ror­ist organ­i­sa­tion because legit­i­mate resis­tance to occu­pa­tion hard­ly applies before 1967 and does not apply at all to peo­ple who mur­der children.

    MENJ:“Jerusalem is bet­ter known to the Mus­lims by the means of Bayt al-Maqdis (the holy house) or sim­ply al-Quds (the holy); the lat­ter is the most com­mon name at the present. Since 638 A.D. when the sec­ond Caliph Umar Al-Khat­tab lib­er­at­ed the city, Jerusalem had always been ruled by a suc­ces­sion of Mus­lim rulers.”

    A lit­tle bit of dis­hon­esty there. Jerusalem was not lib­er­at­ed”. It was con­quered. And it was ruled by some Chris­tians for a while there.

    MENJ:“But of course, the Zion­ist mind is uncom­fort­able with the fact that Jerusalem has always been Mus­lim in his­to­ry and there­fore tries to manip­u­late Jerusalem’s history.”

    Jerusalem has not always been Mus­lim in his­to­ry”. It has for a lot of the past 1400 years but not for the 1400 at least before that.

    MENJ:“In the past, the Zion­ists tried to and par­tial­ly suc­ceed­ed in burn­ing-down Islam’s third holi­est sanc­tu­ary, the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. The nefar­i­ous sac­ri­lege was by no means, as the Israeli gov­ern­ment then sug­gest­ed, an iso­lat­ed act com­mit­ted by a deranged man who act­ed on his own.”

    This is sim­ply a para­noid myth. There is no evi­dence that the Israeli gov­ern­ment, which can put rock­ets into out­er space and build nuclear weapons, would have the slight­est trou­ble knock­ing down the Mosque if it want­ed to. But it does not. The only acts against it have been by lunatics and the Israeli army and police have always pro­tect­ed the Dome.

    This is pret­ty lame stuff.

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