For Mus­lims

Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma aims to be the pre­mier source of infor­ma­tion by Mus­lims to counter anti-Islam­ic pro­pa­gan­da by the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and their allies over the Internet. 

We are also keen on pre­sent­ing Islam in its true pic­ture as well as fos­ter­ing coöper­a­tion and knowl­edge with oth­er Islam­ic web­sites which has sim­i­lar objec­tives to ours. 

If you have a valu­able arti­cle in your pos­ses­sion or have a writ­ten piece that meets the stan­dards and objec­tives of this web­site, please send it to us, we are inter­est­ed in pub­lish­ing it. With your help, our pledge is to effec­tive­ly sti­fle and destroy their lies about Islam on the WWW, insha’allah.

Con­tribut­ing Articles

If you have a valu­able arti­cle in your pos­ses­sion or have a writ­ten piece that meets the stan­dards and objec­tives of this web­site, please send it to us, we are inter­est­ed in pub­lish­ing it. Details on how to sub­mit arti­cles are avail­able here.

In order to increase the like­li­hood of the accep­tance of your arti­cle for pub­lish­ing, we require that they be in accor­dance to the gen­er­al theme of the web­site, as well as hav­ing the prop­er ref­er­enc­ing stan­dard. We gen­er­al­ly use the Havard Ref­er­enc­ing stan­dard, although oth­er stan­dards of ref­er­enc­ing are acceptable.

Down­load Har­vard Ref­er­enc­ing Guide [.pdf format]


For Muslims 27

Much of the work on this site is done by a small team of vol­un­teers but noth­ing comes com­plete­ly free. So there are also costs involved and if we were to get a steady amount of funds we could great­ly expand our ser­vice, insha’al­lah. There­fore, we hope that the Mus­lim ummah, no mat­ter where they are, will be able to donate the funds bad­ly need­ed to make BISMIKA ALLAHUMA a great suc­cess. This is because, with­out the dona­tion sup­port from Mus­lims, we would have dif­fi­cul­ty in our oper­a­tions. See the fatawa of Sheikh Faisal al-Mawlawi [in .pdf for­mat, requires Adobe Acro­bat Read­er] which clas­si­fies the exis­tence of da’wah web­sites such as ours as a form of jihad fi sabilil­lah.


We encour­age all our Mus­lim read­ers to lend their aid to not only us, but also to all Islam­ic web­sites on the WWW, insha’al­lah. With your help, we pledge to effec­tive­ly sti­fle and destroy their lies on the WWW with­in the next ten years, insha’allah.

Finan­cial Expenditure

Esti­mat­ed cost need­ed : About USD200,000.00 per year
Cur­rent finances : State­ment avail­able upon request

Your dona­tions would be used for :

  • Cost of purchasing/​renewing domain names and web space.
  • Cost of main­tain­ing the web­site and any­thing relat­ed (includ­ing PC main­tainence and pur­chase of new hard­ware or software).
  • Pay­ment of bills relat­ed to BISMIKA ALLAHUMA activities.
  • Cost of pro­mo­tion and adver­tise­ments (car stick­ers, posters, etc.)
  • Pur­chas­ing books/​references relat­ed to BISMIKA ALLAHUMA and its activ­i­ties online.

For cur­ren­cy exchange rates, please vis­it xe​.com to con­vert your cur­ren­cy, whether it is USD or Euro.

There have also been requests by some of our vis­i­tors to send them a free copy of the Qur’an, but our cur­rent finances do not per­mit us to offer such ser­vices, unfor­tu­nate­ly. If in the near future we could solid­i­fy our finan­cial sources, we would be able to offer such ser­vices in the future.

Send­ing Donations

There are var­i­ous meth­ods of donat­ing to the above causes :

  1. Send­ing cheque or bank draft (all coun­tries), mon­ey order or postal order (Malaysia and Great Britain only).

These may be drawn (under the name : Mohd Elfie Nieshaem bin Juferi) and sent to

12A Jalan Suadamai 6/​3A
43000 Batu 9 Cheras, Selangor

  1. By deposit­ing direct­ly to our bank account.

Please deposit your dona­tion to the fol­low­ing Bank Account :

Bank Name : Malayan Bank­ing Berhad (May­bank)
Bank Account Name : Mohd Elfie Nieshaem bin Juferi
Bank Account Num­ber : 562384105806
Bank SWIFT Code (for Bank Trans­fer over­seas): MBBEMYKL

May­bank account hold­ers are also able use the Maybank2U ser­vice to facil­i­tate trans­fer of dona­tions to our account.

  1. We now also accept dona­tions through Pay­pal, which sup­port funds either through your Pay­pal account or charged direct­ly to your debit/​credit card secure­ly. Click on the but­ton below to donate through this service.


No sum is too small and jazak allahu khayran for your efforts. Please con­tact us if you are inter­est­ed for fur­ther details.