Polemical Rebuttals History Makkah

Refu­ta­tion of P. N. Oak’s Claims Against The Ka’bah

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Pub­lished by Young Men’s Mus­lim Asso­ci­a­tion, P.O. Box 5036, Benoni South 1502 (South Africa)

Some researcher” known as P. N. Oak has come up with some ludi­crous, puerile and absurd com­ments regard­ing Islam. His the­o­ry pos­tu­lat­ing the impact of the Vedic reli­gion on Islam” is laugh­able. Those acquaint­ed with his­to­ry will smile at the silli­ness of the asser­tions made by Oak.

Among the fal­la­cious claims made by Oak is that The Holy Ka’bah in Makkah was orig­i­nal­ly a Shi­va tem­ple”. But for this astound­ing and absurd claim he fails to present any evi­dence. He per­mits his imag­i­na­tion to play hav­oc with him, hence he bases his claim on a gold dish” sup­pos­ed­ly locat­ed in the Ka’bah. Oak alleges that some inscrip­tion on the gold dish sup­pos­ed­ly found in the Holy Ka’bah refers to Vikram’s enlight­ened rule”. Assum­ing that such a dish was in fact locat­ed in the Holy Ka’bah, how on earth can such a chance find­ing over­ride and abro­gate the vol­umes of his­tor­i­cal facts sur­round­ing the Holy Ka’bah ? If a copy of the Holy Qur’aan is found in some Hin­du tem­ple or in a Chris­t­ian shrine or in the Pope’s head­quar­ters, does it fol­low that these places were some Mus­lim Shrines in some remote point in time and that it will be cor­rect to con­clude from such a find­ing that Islam has made an impact on the respec­tive reli­gions ? No per­son of intel­li­gence can uphold such a ludi­crous and unrea­son­able con­clu­sion. The find­ing of some dish, parch­ment, plate, gar­ment or any oth­er object is not an intel­li­gent basis for upturn­ing and negat­ing facts which have been tes­ti­fied for accu­ra­cy by author­i­ties, from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion. If every sim­ple find such as a dish, con­sti­tutes a valid basis for revis­ing his­tor­i­cal facts, then we dare say that the entire his­to­ry of the world will have to be re-written.

If Oak’s key” to his research” is a mere dish sup­pos­ed­ly locat­ed in the Holy Ka’bah, every man of some intel­li­gence can under­stand the fal­la­cy of his entire research-con­clu­sions. It stag­gers the imag­i­na­tion to be informed that a man, sup­pos­ed­ly a research schol­ar, is pre­pared to dis­miss the wealth and vol­ume of his­tor­i­cal facts on the basis of a dish which has been claimed to have been found in the Ka’bah. If the same or a sim­i­lar dish singing the prais­es of Vikram had to be found in Buck­ing­ham Palace, will it be sen­si­ble to aver that this Palace was a Hin­du shrine once upon a time ?

We have no knowl­edge of any gold­en dish” with Hin­du prais­es hav­ing been found in the Holy Ka’bah. Let Mr. Oak fur­nish fac­tu­al proof regard­ing this dish”.

Mr. Oak should also be apprized of some his­tor­i­cal facts per­tain­ing to the Ka’bah. Pri­or to the advent of Prophet­hood of Muham­mad (on whom be peace), the Ka’bah was filled with hun­dreds of idols — the gods of the pagans who had aban­doned the true reli­gion of their fore­fa­ther, Nabi lbraa­heem (Prophet Abra­ham) — on whom be peace. The pagan Arabs in fact had a god (an idol) for each dif­fer­ent day of the year. It will not be at all sur­pris­ing if Mr. Oak’s research could have sug­gest­ed that the cult of idol wor­ship which exist­ed among pre-Islam Arabs was the impact of the Vedic reli­gion. Since the Hin­du or the Vedic reli­gion is an idol­a­trous cult with a mul­ti­tude of gods, the idol­a­try of the pagan Arabs in the pre-Islam­ic era can under­stand­ably and rea­son­ably be attrib­uted to the Vedic reli­gion. The idols of the pagan Arabs and the idols of the Vedic reli­gion are birds of a feath­er, but, to sug­gest that the Vedic idol­a­trous reli­gion had any impact on Islam and its rigid­ly monothe­is­tic teach­ings and beliefs is pre­pos­ter­ous and absurd in the extreme.

Again assum­ing that some Hin­du gold­en dish was locat­ed in the Holy Ka’bah, com­mon sense would have con­clud­ed that the dish” was a rel­ic of the idol­a­trous pagans who had filled the Holy Ka’bah with 360 idols. The idol­a­trous pagans of the pre-Islam era, hav­ing import­ed their cult of idol­a­try from the Hin­du east, had sim­i­lar rites of idol-wor­ship. Offer­ings of a vari­ety of kinds were made to pro­pi­ti­ate the idols. It will, there­fore, not at all be sur­pris­ing if the sup­posed gold­en dish was among the offer­ings which the pagans had made to the idols which had been installed in the Holy Ka’bah by the pagan Arabs heav­i­ly influ­enced by the idol­a­try of the east — the idol­a­try of the Vedic reli­gion being the most profound.

In terms of the gold­en dish ” the­o­ry as pro­pound­ed by Oak, Vedic mis­sion­ar­ies had arrived in Ara­bia to preach their reli­gion. This is the claim sup­pos­ed­ly made in the inscrip­tions on the dish”. If this is indeed so, then it accounts for the pagan­ism and the idol­a­try of the Arabs before the advent of Muham­mad (on whom be peace). The Arabs, being the fol­low­ers of Nabi lbra­heem (Prophet Abra­ham) — on whom be peace — were rigid­ly and uncom­pro­mis­ing­ly believ­ers in THE ONE GOD. The spread of idol­a­try among them is there­fore sur­pris­ing. How­ev­er, the dish” the­o­ry of Oak throws light on the ori­gin of idol-wor­ship among the pre-Islam Arabs. A gold­en dish” locat­ed in the Ka’bah, with Vedic inscrip­tions is tes­ti­mo­ny for the ori­gin of the idols which had once occu­pied the Holy Ka’bah Mosque in the days before Muham­mad (on whom be peace). When the Holy Ka’bah had housed even the idols of the pagan Arabs sedat­ed by Hin­du idol­a­try, then the loca­tion of a mere dish” with Vedic inscrip­tions should come as no surprise.

Mr. Oak presents a num­ber of fal­la­cious points for his con­clu­sion that the Vedic reli­gion had an impact on Islam. The arti­cle in The Leader states :

    In his research Mr. Oak fur­nish­es oth­er proof rein­forc­ing the belief that Arabs were once fol­low­ers of the Indi­an Vedic way of life.

That the pre-Islam Arabs were pagans and idol­aters is an unde­ni­able and a well-estab­lished his­tor­i­cal fact which ten-year old kids in a pri­ma­ry school are aware of. If the Arab idol­a­trous cult was the influ­ence or even the prod­uct of the Indi­an Vedic way of life”, there is noth­ing sur­pris­ing about it. But, the cult of the pre-Islam Arabs should not be con­fused with the uncom­pro­mis­ing reli­gion of monothe­ism of Islam deliv­ered to mankind by Muham­mad (on whom be peace). No one will deny the idol­a­try of the pagan pre-Islam Arabs. If some the­o­ry or research estab­lish­es that the 360 idols installed by the Arabs in the Ka’bah pri­or to the advent of Islam were the influ­ence or the impact of the Vedic reli­gion, we shall not con­test such a claim since rea­son can accept that a reli­gion ground­ed and advanced in idol­a­try can spawn a cult of less­er idol­a­try, the less­er idol­a­try in this instance being the idol­a­try of the pagan Arabs.

One of his points is the Hajj. In this regard Oak states :

    The annu­al Hajj of the Mus­lims to the Ka’bah is of an ear­li­er pre-Islam­ic congregation.

It is clear that Mr. Oak is a poor stu­dent of his­to­ry. Even our lit­tle chil­dren are aware of the fact that the Hajj pil­grim­age was in exis­tence pri­or to the appear­ance of Nabi Muham­mad (on whom be peace). The Hajj wor­ship came into exis­tence among the Arabs dur­ing the time of Nabi lbra­heem (on whom be peace). From this angle it will be cor­rect to con­clude that the Hajj of the present-day Mus­lims is of an ear­li­er pre-Islam­ic con­gre­ga­tion”. By pre-Islam­ic” will mean the era pri­or to the advent of Muham­mad (on whom be peace). But, it is ridicu­lous to infer that the Islam­ic Hajj is the impact of the Vedic reli­gion mere­ly because it was in exis­tence from the time of Prophet lbra­heem. Every prac­tice of the pre-Islam pagan Arabs can­not be attrib­uted to Vedic influ­ence or the influ­ence of some oth­er idol­a­trous cult. While the actu­al wor­ship of Hajj among the Arabs came into exis­tence dur­ing the time of Nabi lbra­heem (on whom be peace), the Arabs who lat­er aban­doned the true reli­gion of lbra­heem (on whom be peace) intro­duced many pagan and idol­a­trous rites into the Hajj pil­grim­age per­sum­ably under influ­ence of Vedic idol­aters who came to Ara­bia to preach the idol­a­try of the Vedic reli­gion. But, such idol­a­trous influ­ences intro­duced by the pre-Islam pagans can­not be cit­ed as a basis for the pre­pos­ter­ous claim that the Hajj itself is a Vedic rite. There is absolute­ly no fac­tu­al or his­tor­i­cal evi­dence to sub­stan­ti­ate this fal­la­cious claim made by Oak.

Anoth­er absurd claim made by Oak is stat­ed in The Leader as folIows :

    The prin­ci­pal shrines at Varanasi, in India and at Makkah, in Arras­tan, were Shi­va tem­ples. Even to this day ancient Mahade­va emblems can be seen.

Such emblems can be seen on the Shi­va tem­ples in India. But the alle­ga­tion of such signs of idol­a­try — such emblems of pagan­ism — on the Ka’bah is a bla­tent fal­si­ty. What is Oak’s proof for exis­tence of such emblems in the Ka’bah ? Such emblems of Mahade­va” alleged­ly in or on the Ka’bah are the reflec­tions of Oak’s imagination.

The dish” the­o­ry con­strains Oak to con­jec­ture the fol­low­ing con­clu­sion which he seems to believe as fac­tu­al evidence :

    Accord­ing to the inscrip­tions, if King Vikram spread the Vedic reli­gion, who else but he could have found­ed the Ka’bah Temple ?

If King Vikram did in fact spread the Vedic reli­gion of idol­a­try which gave birth to the 360 idols of the pagan Arabs, it does not fol­low there from that the Holy Ka’bah was a Hin­du tem­ple built by Vikram. For such a pre­pos­ter­ous claim fac­tu­al proof is required. The wish­ful think­ing of Mr. Oak can­not over­ride the facts of his­to­ry. Even the pagan Arabs were ful­ly aware of the ori­gin of the Ka’bah. They had full knowl­edge of the fact that Nabi lbra­heem (on whom be peace) was the founder of the Ka’bah. The ground­less sug­ges­tion of a man in this belat­ed cen­tu­ry is noth­ing oth­er than pure wish­ful think­ing — a fal­la­cy to be dis­missed with contempt.

In sup­port of his con­clu­sions based on the dish” the­o­ry, Oak claims :

    Pil­grims’ shav­ing of head and beard and don­ning white cloth are rem­nants of the old Vedic prac­tice of enter­ing tem­ples clean shaven.

Oak demon­strates his lack of knowl­edge of Islam­ic prac­tices by his claim of shav­ing the beard. Huj­jaaj (pil­grims) do not shave their beards. Mus­lim males are not per­mit­ted to shave their beards whether they are at home or enter­ing tem­ples or Mosques, be it the Sacred Mosque of the Ka’bah or any oth­er mosque. While shav­ing the head for male pil­grims is a rite of the Hajj, shav­ing the beard is not per­mis­si­ble. It may be a Vedic prac­tice to shave the beard, but def­i­nite­ly not a Mus­lim practice.

Mus­lim pil­grims do not shave their heads in order to enter tem­ples or Mosques. If shav­ing the head is a Vedic prac­tice nec­es­sary for entry into a tem­ple, Mr. Oak should learn from us that it is not a prac­tice of Islam. Mus­lim pil­grims either shave or clip some hairs to release them from the restric­tions of the Hajj (pil­grim­age).

If don­ning white cloth was a cus­tom of old Vedic” reli­gion, it does not log­i­cal­ly fol­low there­from that the white gar­ments which Mus­lim pil­grims don are Rem­nants of old Vedic prac­tice”. What are Oak’s grounds for this fic­ti­tious the­o­ry ? It is absurd to sug­gest that wher­ev­er a white reli­gious garb exists it must be the result of Vedic influence.

Among the points put for­ward by Oak for his fal­la­cy is the emblem of the cres­cent moon. Stat­ing this point of Oak, The Leader says :

    In India the cres­cent moon is always paint­ed across the fore­head of the Shi­va sym­bol. The same emblem now adorns the flag of Islam.

Mr. Oak has trans­gressed all bounds of absur­di­ty in putting for­ward this igno­rant claim. What is the flag of Islam” in Oak’s under­stand­ing ? From where did this research schol­ar’ obtain his infor­ma­tion in this regard ! If the flags of Mus­lim coun­tries have the sym­bol of the cres­cent, it does not fol­low that the Flag of Muham­mad (on whom be peace) — the Flag of Islam — also dis­played the cres­cent emblem. The cres­cent emblem is an inno­va­tion which did not exist dur­ing the time of the Holy Prophet (on whom be peace) nor dur­ing the time of his right­eous Khu­lafa (Rep­re­sen­ta­tives and Suc­ces­sors). Assum­ing that the cres­cent emblem did exist among the Mus­lims of the Prophet­ic era, then too, Oak will have no grounds to bol­ster his cla­tim of Vedic ori­gin and Vedic influ­ence. One can­not ven­ture such claims with­out pro­duc­ing facts and proofs to sub­stan­ti­ate one’s claims which are in con­flict with all facts of history.

Endeav­our­ing to present his wish­ful think­ing as a fact of his­to­ry, Oak asserts that the Tawaaf (cir­cum­am­bu­la­tion) of the Ka’bah by pil­grims is the influ­ence of the Vedic reli­gion. Thus, The Leader says :

    Mus­lim pil­grims go around the Ka’bah sev­en times, a com­mon prac­tice among Hin­dus. In no oth­er mosque does cir­cum­am­bu­la­tion prevail.

Cir­cum­am­bu­la­tion of the Ka’bah is because of the spe­cial reli­gious sig­nif­i­cance which Mus­lims believe is exclu­sive to the Ka’bah, the first Place of Wor­ship ever to be con­struct­ed on earth. Accord­ing to Islam­ic belief, the first per­son to build the Ka’bah was Adam (on whom be peace) — the first man on earth. lts supe­ri­or rank and the spe­cial divine pres­ence which Mus­lims believe sur­rounds the Ka’bah are the facts under­ly­ing the cir­cum­am­bu­la­tion. If Hin­dus do in fact cir­cum­am­bu­late some tem­ple sev­en times, it can­not be claimed that such a Hin­du prac­tice gave rise to the Tawaaf (cir­cum­am­bu­la­tion) rite of Islam, Mere sim­i­lar­i­ties between oppo­site and diver­gent reli­gions can­not be cit­ed as evi­dence for one’s claims unsup­port­ed by fac­tu­al proof.

Anoth­er point of Oak stat­ed by The Leader is :

    Eid in San­skrit means wor­ship and Bakri Eid, which derives from sac­ri­fices of Vedic times was cel­e­brat­ed with mut­ton feast­ing at the time of the sun’s entry into Aries.

If the term Eid” means wor­ship” in San­skrit, we have to apprize Oak of the fact that in Ara­bic the word Eid” does not mean wor­ship”. In Ara­bic Eid” means the Day of Return’. The Islam­ic Fes­ti­vals are known as such because of their return’ or repeat­ed com­ing’. The term itself does not con­note wor­ship’ in Ara­bic. Thus, there is no ques­tion of the Ara­bic term Eid’ being the San­skrit term con­tend­ed by Oak. There is, there­fore, absolute­ly no point for Oak’s dish” the­o­ry” in the Ara­bic word, Eid”. Bakri Eid” being the occa­sion when Mus­lims sac­ri­fice ani­mals unto Allah Ta’ala has no resem­blance with any Vedic mut­ton-feast­ing prac­tice ded­i­cat­ed to idols. The word Bakri” is not Ara­bic. It is an Urdu term mean­ing goat’. Since goats are gen­er­al­ly sac­ri­ficed in India on the occa­sion of Eidul Adhaa, Indi­an Mus­lims have coined the name Bakri Eid”. The main ani­mal of sac­ri­fice for the Arabs has always been the camel. Eidul Adhaa — the orig­i­nal and cor­rect name of this aus­pi­cious Day — is the name known to the arabs. The sac­ri­fice of ani­mal­son this occa­sion is in com­mem­o­ra­tion of the supreme sac­ri­fice­of lbra­heem (on whom be peace). There is absolute­ly no resem­blance to any Vedic mut­ton-eat­ing cus­tom of idol­a­trous mer­ry-mak­ing. If the Vedic cus­tom of mut­ton-feast­ing is to mark the sun’s entry into Aries’, the Islam­ic prac­tice of sac­ri­fic­ing ani­mals is not. Even the Chris­t­ian Bible speaks of the sac­ri­fice of ani­mals. If the Islam­ic cus­tom of sac­ri­fic­ing ani­mals has to be the result of Vedict impact, then Oak may also argue that the Bib­li­cal prac­tice of sac­ri­fic­ing ani­mals is like­wise the influ­ence of the Vedic religion.

Oak then claims :

    The Islam­ic word Eidgah, sig­ni­fies House of Wor­ship” which is the exact San­skrit con­no­ta­tion of the term.

Again Oak exhibits his total igno­rance of Islam and its prac­tices. In Ara­bic there is no such term as Eidgah”. This­term was unknown to the Prophet and his fol­low­ers dur­ing the ear­ly his­to­ry of Islam. The term gah’ means place in the Urdu lan­guage. It is not of Ara­bic ori­gin nor does Eidgah in Urdu mean House of Wor­ship”. The Eidgah is a spe­cial venue set aside for sole­ly the prayers which are per­formed on the Day of Eid. Eidgah, there­fore, means in Urdu the place where the spe­cial Eid prayers are per­formed. Since the term is not of Ara­bic ori­gin nor is it the word used by the Arabs to describe the place where the Eid prayers are con­duct­ed, there is no sup­port in it for Oak’s con­clu­sions stem­ming from his dish” the­o­ry. In Ara­bic the place where the Eid prayers are con­duct­ed is known as the Musal­laa”.

Oak betrays his igno­rance of Islam in sim­i­lar fash­ion by ten­der­ing the fol­low­ing point in sub­stan­ti­a­tion of the dish” theory :

    Also, the word Namaaz derives from two San­skrit roots, Nama and yaj­na’ mean­ing bow­ing and worshipping.

The word Namaaz” is not an Ara­bic term. It was nev­er used by the prophet of Islam nor by the Arab Mus­lims. Even to this day the Islam­ic prac­tice of prayers is described as Salaah, not Namaaz. Namaaz isof Per­sian ori­gin. While Salaah (Islam­ic prayers) is known as Nar­naaz’ in Per­sian and Urdu, it has nev­er been the case in Ara­bic. How ridicu­lous then, is it not, for Oak to cite an Urdu term coined ages after the Prophet of Islam (on whom be peace), to bol­ster his the­o­ry aris­ing out of a dish sup­pos­ed­ly found in the Ka’bah ? The Urdu lan­guage con­sists of words from many lan­guages, includ­ing San­skrit. But the Urdu lan­guage was not the lan­guage of the Prophet or of the Arabs.

It is there­fore mean­ing­less to seek to forge a the­o­ry con­cern­ing the Arabs of the pre-Islam and post-Islam era by ten­der­ing terms intro­duced by non-Arab Mus­lims cen­turies after the advent of the Prophet of Islam (on whom be peace).

Pre­sent­ing anoth­er pre­pos­ter­ous and fal­la­cious point in sub­stan­ti­a­tion of his dish” the­o­ry, Oak says :

    …that Shabibarat is the cor­rupt form of Shi­va Ratra and that the term Eidul Fitr’derives from the Eid of Piters (wor­ship of fore­fa­thers in San­skrit tra­di­tion and Pitri Pak­sha among Hindus).

The term shab” is not Ara­bic. The occa­sion referred to is the 15th night of the month of Sha’baan in the Islam­ic cal­en­dar. The Arabs do not know this night by the name, Shabibarat’. This is an Indi­an term, also intro­duced ages after the Holy Prophet (on whom be peace). It is bla­tant­ly false to aver that the Urdu or Faar­si word shab’ is the cor­rupt form of shi­va’. What­ev­er shi­va may mean in San­skrit, it has absolute­ly no rela­tion­ship with the Urdu term, shab’ which means night. The word baraa-ah’ is not a cor­rupt form of the San­skrit term, ratra’- Oak has allowed his imag­i­na­tion to play hav­oc with him. He makes sweep­ing claims with­out fur­nish­ing grounds for his fallacies.

His claim regard­ing Eidul Fitr” is just as fal­la­cious. Eidul Fitr has absolute­ly no con­nec­tion with some idol­a­trous wor­ship of fore­fa­thers. Eidul Fitr is the Day of Hap­pi­ness mark­ing the end of the month of fast­ing, viz., the month of Ramad­haan. In Islam there is no rit­u­al or prac­tice which is even remote­ly akin to the Hin­du cus­tom of wor­ship­ping forefathers.

Oak claims that the word Allah’, the Islam­ic term for God Almighty, is a San­skrit word mean­ing god­dess or moth­er’. If there is some such word in San­skrit hav­ing these mean­ings stat­ed by Oak, there is absolute­ly no proof for the claim that the Ara­bic word, Allah has been bor­rowed from San­skrit. In Ara­bic, the word Allah’­does not mean god­dess’ nor moth­er’. The word, Allah’ has been known to the very first man on earth, viz., Aadam (on whom be peace). If some of the prog­e­ny of Aadam in the dif­fer­ent parts of the world retained the term Allah’ after hav­ing aban­doned the true reli­gion taught by the Prophets, there is no sur­prise whatsoever.

It is the belief of Mus­lims — a belief stat­ed by the Qur’an –that Almighty Allah had sent Prophets to all nations. Prophets of Allah have there­fore appeared in India and in all places to deliv­er the Truth of Islam. It is, there­fore, quite pos­si­ble, in fact, almost cer­tain that the Prophet or Prophets who came to India many thou­sands of years ago, had come with the word, Allah. The Indi­ans must have been apprized by the Prophets that God Almighty is Allah, The One. There­fore, it is not at all sur­pris­ing if the term Allah’ has been retained by the San­skrit lan­guage. But, then why do Hin­dus not refer to God with the name Allah if their lan­guage and their reli­gion claim that the cor­rect word for God is Allah’?

Oak, spurred on by his imag­i­na­tion, is read­ing too much in word sim­i­lar­i­ties. Word sim­i­lar­i­ties exist in most lan­guages. A word of the same or sim­i­lar pro­nun­ci­a­tion may be found with the same or dif­fer­ent mean­ings in dif­fer­ent lan­guages. His­tor­i­cal facts of cer­ti­tude can­not be deduced from such sim­i­lar­i­ties of ambi­gu­i­ty. Such flim­sy the­o­ries which are the prod­uct of mere imag­i­na­tion and wish­ful think­ing can­not con­sti­tute­facts and grounds for the nega­tion of his­tor­i­cal and reli­gious facts sup­port­ed by the tes­ti­mo­ny of gen­er­a­tions of authorities.

In con­clu­sion we are com­pelled to observe that the find­ings of Oak are amaz­ing in absur­di­ty and in their degree of fallacy.Endmark

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  1. @ sri­hari

    No Pro­fes­sion­al His­to­ri­an Has Ever Accept­ed P. N. Oaks Claims.The Prob­lem With Hin­dut­vadis Like You Is That You Just Blind­ly Get Excit­ed With­out Even Ver­i­fy­ing His Claims.Multiple Web­sites Have Answered His Stupidities
    There Is No Such Thing As makhthab e sulat­nia library.

    There Is No Need To Give Detailed Response But Here Is One


  2. He is total­ly Fool .. I’m an Indi­an .I was athiest(May Allah for­give me) because none of My friend was Mus­lim they don’t beileve in Hin­duism now and Vedas. The learnd­ed Hin­dus will tell you that Vedas were destroyed Or Had Swaha(Burned) now Athrveda(twisted) is exist­ing. For wor­ship­ping they use the term POOJA or PRARTHANA and they nev­er use the term EID for it. Since I took my Edu­ca­tion from birth from HINDU then CHRISTIAN Col­lege no Islam­ic School and Col­lege is in my CITY. SO San­skrit was also one of my Sub­ject to Class 10th. In India max­i­mum Hin­dus are Lovers of ISLAM they like ISLAM but they have no courage to accept it openely.Since I was an athi­est but hon­est due to Islam­ic moral giv­en by my moth­er. I’ve seen many dreams which came cent per­cent ture I was shocked. Then I’ve gone through avail­abe resources of all reli­gions. I WAS SHOCKED THERE WAS FOOLISHNESS IN THEIR SCRIPTURES AND AFTER ITCAME IN CONTECTGIRL VIA INTERNET.NAMED ADITI WHO WAS SPREADING THE STUFF COPIED BY oak.



  3. Hi Mr.Robby Sharma,
    Hope you have good knowl­edge about hinduism,but the knowl­edge about Islam is nill,I per­son­al­ly request you to go through about the reli­gion about which you are going to critisise…with out know­ing the fact wat ever you tell will be ignored.. you tell Islam is bar­bar­ic reli­gion ..can you show me one reli­gion in this world who are approach­ing to human kind to aquire peace with the help of reli­gion and its facts..you find none..Only islam is doing that so why the reli­gion which start­ed from mid­dle east in arab have now con­quer­ing the world.. Its the media who malain­ing the islam and oth­er reli­gion just for the sake of pow­er.. As a hin­du you may know the fact about your reli­gion that you have to belive in one God not mul­ti­ple god..I request you to first tell your fel­low hin­dus and chris­ta­ians to look over whats there in your scrip­tures before crit­i­cis­ing otherss…Come to com­mon terms that there in no oth­ere god but only one God(Allah)..
    Take care… hope meet again with some inter­est­ing facts…till then be on research..

  4. Dear Sirs
    I appre­ci­ate the mod­esty of the lan­guage used by you in refut­ing Mr Oaks Claims​.You have put forth your ponyt of view in a most beau­ti­ful way with­out offend­ing the sen­ti­ments of any body.Everybody knows that Prophet Moham­mad start­ed preach­ing about Islam when he was about fifty.He must have fol­lowed some oth­er Reli­gion till then what ever it may be and it makes no difference.But I must say that it was when the Khali­pa’s of Bag­dad took over the task of pro­pogat­ing the reli­gion by sword with bar­bar­ic vio­lence that it came to be right­ly known as the reli­gion of slaugh­ter and blood shed. I won­der if Prophet Moham­mad would have want­ed it to be so.Some peo­ple search for glo­ry and peace in His­to­ry but His­to­ry has always been bru­tal and gory​.One thing more it is now a well known sci­en­tif­ic fact that God nev­er cre­at­ed the world a few thou­sand years before Christ or Prophet Moham­mad or Prophet Abra­ham as all the historical(you may call them Reli­gious) texts of Christianity/Islam/Judaism?zoroastrians. In fact the Uni­verse is bil­lions of years old. You know it. I know it but why are you not clear­ing up these matters.Religions will come and Reli­gions will go. Time is all pow­er­full and the World is ever­chang­ing and noth­ing is final​.In fact since time memo­r­i­al His­to­ry is noth­ing but the eco­nom­ic quest of Human beings who have been end­less­ly mov­ing across con­ti­nents, slaugh­ter­ing oth­ers to fill their own trea­sures till more stronger hoard­es come and take them away from them. Man has been con­tin­u­osly invent­ing more and more things to bet­ter his life(atleast that is what he thinks). There­fore Sci­ence and the spir­it of dicov­ery is para­mount. in fact Sanatan(hindu scrip­tures or to call them His­to­ry would be more appropriate)are full of Sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy that was the past and that will be the future.Those who will invent bet­ter weapons will rule others.If the Euro­peans did not have the Guns they would have nev­er con­quered Amer­i­ca and oth­er Worldse .You can read my arti­cle on Sanatan (Hin­du) Dhar­ma on my blog.

  5. First­ly, all Judeo-Chris­tian­i­ty reli­gions have ori­gins in Pagan­ism. From cel­e­bra­tions to sym­bol­isms (eg. Jesus on the cross = Odin on the cross, Christ­mas (a Pagan cel­e­bra­tion in the past), Pagan Gods and Saints [eg. Slavon­ic Perun to Prophet Elijiah).

    In Chris­tian­i­ty, be it Ortho­dox or oth­er­wise, Pagan ele­ments were absorpt so that it’s eas­i­er for it to assi­m­il­i­ate among the local pop­u­la­tion. You can find many mate­ri­als on this in the inter­net. So for a mat­ter of fact, why cant’ this hap­pen to Islam itself ?

    And what about makhthab e sul­ta­nia” — why did­n’t the author refute this ? I would like to hear his opin­ion on this. If he is gonna say that it’s some bull­shit or has­n’t been ver­i­fied… I have noth­ing else to say…

  6. informative Reply

    I came to this site after read­ing Mr. Oak’s the­o­ry’ sec­ond-hand. I want­ed an inde­pen­dent asser­tion of his claims about the inscrip­tions, etc if they could be found. Grant­ed this is a top­ic of pos­si­bly vehe­ment argu­ments, but what I found inter­est­ing was the idol­a­trous past of the Arabs. I would loeve to read more about that his­to­ry or any find­ings of those ages if any­body is famil­iar. Also, I am real­ly curi­ous about the Kaa­ba itself. What exact­ly is it ? Is it man-made or found nat­u­ral­ly ? How did it become holy ? Why is it con­sid­ered holy ? How the pre-Islamist Arabs wor­shipped the Kaa­ba. I would love to go there and learn more about it, but alas, that is almost an impos­si­ble task.

  7. Although some of the claims by Mr. Oak sound exag­ger­at­ed, it’s time to redis­cov­er the his­to­ry of humankind from a neu­tral per­spec­tive beyond reli­gious bound­ries. Many of the Mus­lim rulers who invad­ed India did hon­est attempt to under­mine Hin­du reli­gion through mas­sacres and van­dal­iz­ing tem­ples, etc. If some­body real­ly wants to debunk Oak’s the­o­ry, open up what’s hid­den in Mecca/​Kabba through archia­log­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion and let the truth conquer.

  8. shadowofears Reply

    The House/​Temple of GOD Almighty in the Noble Quran and the Bible :

    To help the Jew­ish and Chris­t­ian read­er under­stand the Islam­ic way of Wor­ship bet­ter, I’d like to first present the fol­low­ing from the Bible :

    Psalm 138:2
    I will bow down toward your holy tem­ple and will praise your name for your love and your faith­ful­ness, for you have exalt­ed above all things your name and your word.

    GOD Almighty’s Holy Tem­ple in Islam is the Kaa­ba in Mecca.

    Gen­e­sis 28:16 – 18
    16 When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, Sure­ly the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it.”
    17 He was afraid and said, How awe­some is this place ! This is none oth­er than the house of God ; this is the gate of heaven.”
    18 Ear­ly the next morn­ing Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pil­lar and poured oil on top of it.

    Judges 20:18
    18 The Israelites went up to Bethel (the House of GOD in Hebrew) and inquired of God. They said, Who of us shall go first to fight against the Ben­jamites?” The LORD replied, Judah shall go first.”

    1 Chron­i­cles 6:47 – 49
    47 the son of Mahli, the son of Mushi, the son of Mer­ari, the son of Levi.
    48 Their fel­low Levites were assigned to all the oth­er duties of the taber­na­cle, the house of God.
    49 But Aaron and his descen­dants were the ones who pre­sent­ed offer­ings on the altar of burnt offer­ing and on the altar of incense in con­nec­tion with all that was done in the Most Holy Place, mak­ing atone­ment for Israel, in accor­dance with all that Moses the ser­vant of God had commanded.

    Behold ! We gave the site, To Abra­ham, of the (Sacred) House (i.e., the Kaa­ba), (Say­ing): Asso­ciate not any­thing (In wor­ship) with Me ; And sanc­ti­fy My House For those who com­pass it round, Or stand up, Or bow, or pros­trate them­selves (There­in in prayer). And pro­claim the Pil­grim­age among men : they will come to thee on foot and (mount­ed) on every kind of camel, lean on account of jour­neys through deep and dis­tant moun­tain high­ways ; (The Noble Quran, 22:26 – 27)”

    As we clear­ly see, the House of GOD“Almighty is men­tioned in both the Bible and the Noble Quran. The Pros­tra­tion to GOD Almighty in either His House or in the direc­tion of His House (if you live far away) is the most prop­er way of Wor­ship accord­ing to both the Bible and the Noble Quran.

  9. how can u for­get to refer about the makhthab e sulat­nia library which has a book named sayar ul okul and in this book can­tains the same poem in 315 page the same poem which is hung on kaa­ba tem­ple gate​.how can u change the head shave to beard shave these and many oth­er proofs you are con­ceal­ing from ur islam­ic peo­ple is clear­ly show­ing that u have put an anaemic face with­out check­ing weath­er the proofs giv­en by oak cor­rect or not.the tem­ple built by vikra­ma­ditya is a clear indi­ca­tion itself that the ara­bi­an peo­ple were once hin­dus and as u say it is built by abra­ham is a com­plete non sense,since he does­n’t exist.

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