
Hadith Exegesis

The Story of The Goddesses 26

The emi­grants resided in Abyssinia three months dur­ing which Umar ibn al Khat­tab con­vert­ed to Islam. In their exile, they heard that upon Umar’s con­ver­sion the Quraysh had stopped their per­se­cu­tion of Muham­mad and his fol­low­ers. Accord­ing to one report a num­ber of them had returned to Makkah, accord­ing to anoth­er, all. On reach­ing Makkah they real­ized that the Quraysh had resumed per­se­cu­tion of the Mus­lims with stronger hatred and renewed vig­or. Unable to resist, a num­ber of them returned to Abyssinia while oth­ers entered Makkah under the cov­er of night and hid them­selves away, It is also report­ed that those who returned took with them a num­ber of new con­verts to Abyssinia where they were to stay until after the emi­gra­tion to Mad­i­nah and the estab­lish­ment of Mus­lim polit­i­cal power.