



apostolic fathers

Ear­ly Chris­t­ian per­spec­tives on sin, as exam­ined in this arti­cle, con­trast with Pauline and Augus­tin­ian views. The Apos­tolic Fathers believed sin was acquired through per­son­al choic­es rather than being an inher­ent con­di­tion. They empha­sized human rea­son and moral effort to over­come sin, dif­fer­ing sig­nif­i­cant­ly from the idea of inher­ent sin­ful­ness and help­less­ness. This analy­sis high­lights the ear­ly Chris­t­ian focus on eth­i­cal human­ism and ratio­nal­ism in address­ing sin.

Nikitari, Cyprus: Asinou Church frescoes

Chris­tian­i­ty in its ear­ly cen­turies was marked by a remark­able diver­si­ty of beliefs and prac­tices. Com­pet­ing sects, such as the Mar­cionites and Gnos­tics, pre­sent­ed var­i­ous the­o­log­i­cal per­spec­tives. This arti­cle explores the the­o­log­i­cal diver­si­ty and the con­test­ed nature of ear­ly Chris­t­ian beliefs, ques­tion­ing which ver­sion, if any, can be con­sid­ered the true Christianity.

Paul before Felix Agrippa

This arti­cle explores poten­tial con­nec­tions between Paul the Apos­tle and the Hero­di­an fam­i­ly, using evi­dence from the New Tes­ta­ment, ear­ly Church lit­er­a­ture, Rab­binic texts, and Jose­phus. It exam­ines how Paul’s Roman cit­i­zen­ship, influ­ence in Jerusalem, and inclu­sive teach­ings may reflect a Hero­di­an reli­gio-polit­i­cal ori­en­ta­tion, sug­gest­ing Paul’s back­ground and actions align with Hero­di­an inter­ests, rais­ing new ques­tions about his identity.