Christianity Jesus

The Descent Of Jesus Son Of Mary, As Por­trayed In The Quran

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The Qur’an makes three ref­er­ences to the return of Jesus son of Mary (may peace be upon him) to the earth — i.e., his descent from the sky — in order to accom­plish var­i­ous tasks.

THE FIRST REFERENCE : is in Surah Nisaa’, vers­es 156 – 159. As for the con­text of these vers­es, Allah, the Exalt­ed, men­tions the fab­ri­ca­tions of the Jews, their slan­der of Mary, their rejec­tion of Faith, and claim that they killed Jesus son of Mary — the Mes­sen­ger of Allah. There­upon Allah, the Exalt­ed, declares the fal­si­ty of these claims and says,

And because of their say­ing (boast­ing), We killed Mes­si­ah, Jesus son of Mary, the Mes­sen­ger of Allah,’ — but they killed him not, nor cru­ci­fied him, but it was made to appear to them so.“Sura’ an-Nisaa’ 4:157

We have learned from the pre­ced­ing sec­tions about the dis­ci­ple who resem­bled Jesus and vol­un­tar­i­ly sac­ri­ficed and ran­somed him­self, as has been specif­i­cal­ly stat­ed by the lead­ing schol­ars of Islam.

SO WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED THEN ? Allah, the Exalt­ed, raised Jesus son of Mary to the sky. His ene­mies, the Jews, failed to harm him, let alone kill and cru­ci­fy him. This is a clear and unam­bigu­ous text that car­ries no room for anoth­er inter­pre­ta­tion. It states clear­ly that Allah, the Exalt­ed, raised Jesus to Him­self — bod­i­ly and his soul — in order to save him from the Jews mur­der­ing and cru­ci­fy­ing him. Allah, the Exalt­ed, says in the Quran,

But Allah raised him up (with his body and soul) unto Him­self ; and Allah is Ever All-Pow­er­ful, All-Wise.“Sura’ an-Nisaa’ 4:158

So, if any­one claims that only the soul was raised, it would be incor­rect, as is shown from the two fol­low­ing perspectives.

FIRSTLY, Allah made a men­tion of this raise in the con­text of refu­ta­tion of the claim of the Jews that they killed the Christ. So, if it were that only the soul was raised, then that would actu­al­ly mean an acknowl­edg­ment of the claim of the Jews that they killed the Christ — which is to remove his soul !

SECONDLY, if it were true that only his soul was raised, there would remain no dis­tinc­tion for Jesus above the rest. For all Prophets (peace be upon them), and in fact all believ­ing Mus­lims, have their souls raised to the sky upon their death. So, does there remain any­thing that dis­tin­guish­es Jesus, for which Allah makes a spe­cial marked men­tion in the Qur’an that He raised him ?

After estab­lish­ing this point, anoth­er Qur’an­ic verse fol­lows in the same con­text of the ones that pre­ced­ed. This one clear­ly bears evi­dence on anoth­er return of the Christ (peace be upon him) to the earth and that he will descend from the sky. The pur­pose of this is the cru­cial role he will play upon his return to the earth. Allah, the Exalt­ed, says :

And there is none of the Peo­ple of the Scrip­ture (Jews and Chris­tians) but must believe in him (Jesus son of Mary as a Mes­sen­ger of Allah and a human being) before his death. And on the Day of Res­ur­rec­tion, he will be a wit­ness against them.” Sura’ an-Nisaa’ 4:159

The verse presents the mes­sage in a future tense, so it is with regards to the events to come after the rais­ing of the Christ. It informs that some of the Peo­ple of the Book will believe in the Christ. But when will that be ? It will be upon his descent, his return and com­ing onto the earth once again. Imam Tabari, the renowned schol­ar of the Qur’an­ic exe­ge­sis (may Allah cov­er him in mer­cy), explained this. He said :

The mean­ing of the verse And there is none of the peo­ple of the Scrip­ture but must believe in him’, that is : in Jesus, before his death’, that is : before the death of Jesus. It is explained as fol­lows : that all of them will affirm and acknowl­edge him when he descends to kill the Antichrist, there­after, all the reli­gion will give way to only the one, which is the pure upright reli­gion of Islam — the reli­gion of Abra­ham (may the peace be him). See Tafsir at-Tabari 4:356 – 357

THE SECOND REFERENCE in the Noble Qur’an to the imper­a­tive nature of the descent of Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, in order to com­plete the task that must be done on the earth, is found in Surah Zukhruf in the Qur’an. Allah, the Exalt­ed, says in it,

And when the son of Mary is quot­ed as an exam­ple (i.e., Jesus wor­shipped like their idols), behold, your peo­ple cry aloud (laugh out at the exam­ple). And say : Are our gods bet­ter or is he (i.e. Jesus)? They quot­ed not the above exam­ple except for argu­ment. Nay ! But they are a quar­rel­some peo­ple. He (i.e. Jesus) was not more than a slave. We grant­ed Our Favor to him, and We made him an exam­ple for the Chil­dren of Israel (i.e. his cre­ation with­out a father). And if it were Our Will, We would have (destroyed you all, and) made angels to replace you on the earth. And he (i.e. Jesus) shall be a known sign for (the com­ing of) the Hour (i.e. Day of Res­ur­rec­tion). There­fore have no doubt con­cern­ing it. And fol­low Me (i.e. Allah)! This is the Straight Path.“Sura’ az-Zukhruf 43:57 – 61

In anoth­er recita­tion, it is recit­ed as And he shall be a mark”. It means, a sym­bol, a por­tent, a sign of the Hour.See Fathu‑l Qadeer of Shawkaani, (4÷562) for ref­er­ences of those who read it so.

How can Jesus son Mary, be a sign of the Hour (Dooms­day)? It can­not be except with his descent being in the last stage and peri­od. His descent would then be a great sign and one of the major por­tents of the Hour — a sign that announces the close­ness of its occur­rence. This is how the verse has com­mon­ly been explained by the schol­ars of tafsir (exe­ge­sis of the Quran). Amongst them are Mujahid, Sud­dee, Qata­da, Hasan al-Bas­ri, Dah­haak and Ibn Zayd. It is also the say­ing of Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him). They all have stat­ed this explic­it­ly, that Jesus son of Mary is one of the signs of the Hour in the sense that he will descend and rule the earth and dwell there­in for forty years, as is men­tioned in the authen­tic hadith, that will be men­tioned short­ly. And his descent will be one of the great signs of Allah and one of the supreme por­tents of the Hour.

THE THIRD REFERENCE TO IT IN THE QURAN The deduc­tion from this text is indeed remark­able. One notes that there is hard­ly ever a men­tion of the sto­ry of Jesus (in the Quran) except that it is men­tioned along with it that,

He will speak to the peo­ple in the cra­dle and in man­hood“Sura’ Aal Imraan 3 : 46, and Sura’ al-Maa’ida 5:110

In this, Allah men­tioned two remark­able and rare events, that are also two daz­zling signs (proofs) of Allah found in the char­ac­ter of Jesus Christ.

THE FIRST MATTER is that he spoke in the cra­dle while still an infant. This does not occur except as a mir­a­cle from Allah, the Mighty, and the Mag­nif­i­cent. That is why it has nev­er occurred except with three peo­ple as has been estab­lished in the authen­tic hadith nar­rat­ed by Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him). See Saheeh Bukhari (4÷201202). So the speak­ing of Jesus (peace be on him) in the cra­dle was indeed a sign, and there was a need, and the cir­cum­stance called for it as the moth­er of Jesus came to be held in sus­pi­cion due to the birth, how can a woman give birth with­out a hus­band?’ They even voiced this explic­it­ly, as report­ed in the Quran, Your father was not a man who used to com­mit adul­tery, nor your moth­er was an unchaste woman.” Sura’ Maryam 19:28

So, a mir­a­cle was required to prove her inno­cence and to prove that the birth was anoth­er such a mir­a­cle. Thus the infant spoke in the cra­dle, an extra­or­di­nary, unac­cus­tomed event. But the verse cou­ples this mirac­u­lous event, with the men­tion of anoth­er event — of him speak­ing as a mid­dle-aged adult. But every one speaks at that age. So where is the mir­a­cle in that ? The Ara­bic word used in the verse that refers to that stage of his life, is kuhoola, which is used for a per­son past the age of forty and up to the age of fifty or six­ty years. Is it at all remark­able that one speaks at the age of six­ty or even sev­en­ty?! So where is the mir­a­cle that is allud­ed to in this sec­tion of the verse which men­tions that Jesus speaks as a mid­dle aged man ?

This shows that just as his speech in the cra­dle as an infant was a mir­a­cle, like­wise he will descend and speak to the peo­ple as a mid­dle aged man in the last stages of this world, mak­ing his descent and speech there­upon, also a mir­a­cle. Oth­er­wise, there is no mir­a­cle in a six­ty or sev­en­ty year old com­mu­ni­cat­ing by speech !

So the evi­dence from this sec­tion of the verse in the Qur’an that he will speak to the peo­ple as a mid­dle-aged adult is from the fol­low­ing two perspectives.

FIRSTLY, some of the schol­ars of Islam, amongst them is ibn Musayyab, stat­ed that Jesus son of Mary, was raised to the sky while he was at an age of thir­ty three years, in the prime of his youth (referred to in Ara­bic as shabaab, which is a stage pri­or to the one men­tioned in the Quran, kuhoola). So he had not yet reached the stage of kuhoola.

SECONDLY, here comes the aspect of amaze­ment, mar­vel and the mir­a­cle. The aspect, which bears evi­dence on the point, is that he speaks to the peo­ple as a mid­dle-aged man (in kuhoola) after hav­ing been raised, and his being raised is indeed an aston­ish­ing event. And he will descend, and his descent is also anoth­er aston­ish­ing, remark­able event. He will then speak to the peo­ple and will live after his descent for forty years. This forty added to the thir­ty years makes him some­one who would have reached the age of kuhoola, and hav­ing spo­ken at that age. He will then have spo­ken to the peo­ple as he spoke to them in the cra­dle. This is a clear and unam­bigu­ous indi­ca­tion that he (peace be upon him) will cer­tain­ly com­plete his role and his part, and will descend towards the last stages and speak to the peo­ple as a mid­dle-aged man, just as he spoke mirac­u­lous­ly as an infant. Imam Tabari relat­ed from Abdu­rah­man ibn Zayd that he said, Jesus did indeed speak to them in the cra­dle, and he will speak to them when he kills the Antichrist, he will then be a kahl (mid­dle-aged per­son).” Tafsir Tabari, 3271Endmark


  1. The Descent Of Jesus Son Of Mary, As Por­trayed In Quran

    I any mus­lim or non mus­lim broth­er and sis­ter want to know what in fact Islam and Quran says ab
    ascend and desend of jesus ; he/​she MUST vis­it fol­low­ing. MOST AUTHENTIC INFO abt this TOPIC


  2. [Admin : Delet­ed for inap­pro­pri­ate lan­guage and refer­ring to Mus­lims as clowns”. Remem­ber what site you are in, infidel.]

  3. shadowofears Reply

    Many ear­ly Chris­t­ian sects did not believe Jesus was cru­ci­fied. Jesus laughed with joy :

    Where­fore he did not him­self suf­fer death, but Simon, a cer­tain man of Cyrene, being com­pelled, bore the cross in his stead ; so that this lat­ter being trans­fig­ured by him, that he might be thought to be Jesus, was cru­ci­fied, through igno­rance and error, while Jesus him­self received the form of Simon, and, stand­ing by, laughed at them. For since he was an incor­po­re­al pow­er, and the Nous (mind) of the unborn father, he trans­fig­ured him­self as he pleased, and thus ascend­ed to him who had sent him, derid­ing them, inas­much as he could not be laid hold of, and was invis­i­ble to all. Those, then, who know these things have been freed from the prin­ci­pal­i­ties who formed the world ; so that it is not incum­bent on us to con­fess him who was cru­ci­fied, but him who came in the form of a man, and was thought to be cru­ci­fied, and was called Jesus, and was sent by the Father.

    (The Church Father Iranaeus, Against Here­sies, Chap­ter XXIV.-Doctrines of Sat­urn­i­nus and Basilides)

    Notice how Iranaeus says through igno­rance and error” the Jews mis­ap­pre­hend­ed, and cru­ci­fied the wrong per­son. Amaz­ing­ly, the Holy Quran har­mo­nizes this account, stat­ing that they fol­low error, con­jec­ture, and ignorance :

    That they said (in boast), We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Mes­sen­ger of Allah”;- but they killed him not, nor cru­ci­fied him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who dif­fer there­in are full of doubts, with no (cer­tain) knowl­edge, but only con­jec­ture to fol­low, for of a sure­ty they killed him not : (Al-Quran 4:157)

    The 1945 dis­cov­ery of Gnos­tic texts at Nag Ham­ma­di, Egypt unearthed a book called The Sec­ond Trea­tise of the Great Seth, where Jesus states :

    I did not suc­cumb to them as they had planned. But I was not afflict­ed at all. Those who were there pun­ished me. And I did not die in real­i­ty but in appear­ance, lest I be put to shame by them because these are my kins­folk. I removed the shame from me and I did not become faint­heart­ed in the face of what hap­pened to me at their hands. I was about to suc­cumb to fear, and I suf­fered accord­ing to their sight and thought, in order that they may nev­er find any word to speak about them. For my death, which they think hap­pened, (hap­pened) to them in their error and blind­ness, since they nailed their man unto their death. For their Ennoias did not see me, for they were deaf and blind. But in doing these things, they con­demn them­selves. Yes, they saw me ; they pun­ished me. It was anoth­er, their father, who drank the gall and the vine­gar ; it was not I. They struck me with the reed ; it was anoth­er, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoul­der. It was anoth­er upon Whom they placed the crown of thorns. But I was rejoic­ing in the height over all the wealth of the archons and the off­spring of their error, of their emp­ty glo­ry. And I was laugh­ing at their igno­rance. (The Trea­tise of the Great Seth)

    There are also sev­er­al his­tor­i­cal sources oth­er than the Bible and the Qur’an which con­firm that many of the ear­ly Chris­tians did not believe that Jesus died on the cross…The Cerinthi­ans and lat­er the Basi­lid­i­ans, for exam­ple, who were among the first of the ear­ly Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ties, denied that Jesus was crucified…The Car­pocra­tians, anoth­er ear­ly Chris­t­ian sect, believed that it was not Jesus who was cru­ci­fied, but anoth­er in his place”.

    (Jesus Prophet of Islam, Muham­mad Ataur-Raheem, Ahmed Thomp­son, 1996 (revised edi­tion. p47)

    … Plot­i­nus, who lived in the fourth cen­tu­ry, tells us that he had read a book called The Journies of the Apos­tles which relat­ed the acts of Peter, John, Andrew, Thomas and Paul. Among oth­er things, it stat­ed that Jesus was not cru­ci­fied, but anoth­er in his place, and there­fore, he laughed at those who believed that they had cru­ci­fied him”.

    (ibid, Jesus Prophet of Islam, 1991 edi­tion. P. 37)

  4. me:he said above that the pro jesus crowd prob­a­bly had to keep thi­er mouth shut because they were in thi­er minority.

    Koy­aanisqat­si :A com­mon ridicu­lous apologetic.

    me:isn’t there a verse in the gospel of mark that says that if the jew­ish chief priests had nailed jesus on the day of the feast then the crowd may riot ?

    Koyaanisqatsi:Indeed there is. Begin­ning of Mark 14 (NIV):

    1 Now the Passover and the Feast of Unleav­ened Bread were only two days away, and the chief priests and the teach­ers of the law were look­ing for some sly way to arrest Jesus and kill him. 2“But not dur­ing the Feast,” they said, or the peo­ple may riot.”

    They fear a riot on the day of the Feast, which is two days away ; then on the actu­al day, they not only do not fear a riot, but the pre­sum­ably riot-ready crowd can now be so eas­i­ly swayed.

    It’s a mir­a­cle.” That makes absolute­ly no sense at all.


    > if there was no replace­ment of anoth­er that resem­bled esa on the
    > cross then why does ALLAH says it was made to appear”? does the
    > ara­bic say made” and appear” in 4:157 ?

    No, it does not say that. Lakin shub­bi­ha lahum means But it is obscure to them.”

    > please inform me on this. i know that the verb appear” does not
    > mean that a per­son has to wit­ness some­thing. appear can mean that
    > they had an impres­sion that they killed esa.

    First know the actu­al history :

    Abra­ham asked ALLAH for an heir, and ALLAH gave him Isma’il, from whom would come a descen­dant who would show them their ways” as ALLAH had shown Abra­ham his way. This descen­dant was known as the Mes­sen­ger of the Covenant. Then Ishaq (Isaac) was born, and Abra­ham asked ALLAH for a dis­tinc­tion for Ishaq com­pa­ra­ble to the dis­tinc­tion He had giv­en Isma’il. ALLAH gave Abra­ham a nation of twelve princes among whom prophets would con­tin­ue to be present until the com­ing of the Mes­si­ah ; this nation would pre­pare the way for the Mes­sen­ger of the Covenant and, when the Mes­si­ah came, would announce the immi­nent arrival ~ in Isma’il ~ of that Mes­sen­ger of the Covenant. The Chil­dren of Israel promised to do this at Sinai.

    After the death of Solomon, the cor­rupt among the lead­ers of Israel forged The Lie ~ that the Mes­sen­ger of the Covenant would come in Israel ~ and changed words from their places and twist­ed their tongues with The Book to prop­a­gate that Lie in Israel. Their first plan was to recruit the Mes­si­ah to that fraud on human­i­ty, and he refused. Their back­up plan was to dis­cred­it him by hav­ing him cru­ci­fied, which the Torah called a curse. They failed at this as well. So they lied about it, claim­ing to have suc­ceed­ed. The truth is that nei­ther did they kill him nor did they cru­ci­fy him, but it is obscure to them.”

    Thus every­thing in the New Tes­ta­ment” after the vis­it of Isa to the Gar­den of Geth­se­mane ~ at least ~ is that false claim to have killed him, and a lie. Paul then went on to make Isa into the Mes­sen­ger of the Covenant based on this false­hood, to deceive the pagans of Europe and pit them against the true Mes­sen­ger, which ani­mos­i­ty per­sists today.

    There was no cru­ci­fic­tion” event that involved Isa in any way. The false claims of the cor­rupt of Tem­ple Israel have no basis what­ev­er, and for those who believe that Jesus was cru­ci­fied, it is obscure to them.” ALLAH did not help the cor­rupt with their lies by mak­ing some­thing seem like it.”

    Gram­mat­i­cal­ly, shub­bi­ha (with u”) means it is obscure,” and has no exter­nal direct object. To say it was made to seem like IT” would be an Ara­bic word like tashab­ba­ha (to be made to seem like) or more pre­cise­ly tashab­ba­ha­ha (to be made to seem like IT), or inshab­ba­ha­ha (it seems like IT), always with an exter­nal object IT” to which the sub­ject is likened. None of these is the word in the Ayat.

    Shab­ba­ha (with a”) is an active verb with a direct object, and means he made it to seem like.” It requires a fol­low­ing suf­fix, a direct object like ‑ha, to make the word shab­ba­ha­ha, which means he made it to seem like it.” Shub­bi­ha is the pas­sive verb, and has no exter­nal direct object ~ it is obscure.” The active forms of all the verbs on this sh-b‑h root have the a” on the first con­so­nant ; the pas­sive forms of all the verbs on this sh-b‑h root have u” instead. This is a basic rule of Ara­bic gram­mar. Shub­bi­ha” can­not sup­port the trans­la­tion It was made to seem like it.”

    There was no cru­ci­fic­tion, it was a lie to dis­cred­it Jesus among the Chil­dren of Israel and to fos­ter a res­ur­rec­tion of the Nim­ro­di­an man-god” pagan­ism for the peo­ple of Europe. The whole sto­ry was com­plete­ly unknown among the Chil­dren of Israel for the first cen­tu­ry after Jesus was present among them ~ oth­er­wise, there would have been no apos­tle or dis­ci­ples, none of the faith­ful of Israel would have fol­lowed an accursed man. All sub­sti­tu­tion” the­o­ries are mere­ly vari­a­tions on The Lie.

  5. The Bible its self claim jesus(pbuh) did NOT killed or Crucified.

    - ACCORDING to Bibles :

    JESUS(Pbuh) prayed To be saved from death : ” And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani ? which is, being inter­pret­ed, My God, my God, why hast thou for­sak­en me ? “- MARK 15:34

    JESUS(pbuh) Saved from [ DEATH] : ” Who in the days of his flesh, hav­ing offered up prayers and sup­pli­ca­tions with strong cry­ing and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and hav­ing been heard for his god­ly fear,”- HEBREWS 5:7

    The big Ques­tions where Cru­ci­fic­tion come from ?? the answer is : FROM PAUL The dev­il , Read what he said .……

    RESURRECTION was paul’s ( NEW COMMANDEMENTS ) Teach­ing : ” And cer­tain also of the Epi­cure­an and Sto­ic philoso­phers encoun­tered him. And some said, What would this bab­bler say ? oth­ers, He seemeth to be a set­ter forth of strange gods : because he preached Jesus and the resurrection.And they took hold of him, and brought him unto the Are­opa­gus, say­ing, May we know what this new teach­ing is, which is spo­ken by thee ? “- ACTS 17:18 – 19

    Paul brought News things : ” For thou bringest cer­tain strange things to our ears : we would know there­fore what these things mean.For thou bringest cer­tain strange things to our ears : we would know there­fore what these things mean.”- ACTS 17:19 – 20

    The above vers­es Clears Jesus(pbuh) from lies of PAULS and chris­tians , that he was killed.

    Paul the dev­il said , Preach to fool­ish peo­ple( the gen­tile) that chris CRUCIFIED . so , those accept­ed that are what he said .

    ” but we PREACH CHRIST CRUCIFIED, unto Jews a stum­bling­block, and unto Gen­tiles fool­ish­ness;”- 1 Corinthi­ans 1:23

  6. baruch_shem Reply

    Hei Arnold !
    It’s bet­ter for you to read the book The Jesus paper… It is very reli­able and it was quite supris­ing to see that it was not Jesus of Nazareth who was cru­ci­fied but instead it was Chres­tus” who cre­at­ed sedi­tion in Jerusalem in order to launch a revolt against the Romans. Besides, if jesus is guilty of break­ing the jew­ish law, he would be stoned to death, not Curic­fied !!! Cru­ci­fix­ion is only a legal pun­ish­ment or peo­ple who are a polit­i­cal threat to Rome, not to the jew­ish people…
    Jesus was nev­er god or son of god !! That was a false accu­sa­tion put by the Phar­isees who were the pup­pet of the Sad­duces !!! The fact is Jesus was a rebel­lious man !! He is actu­al­ly real­ly a polit­i­cal threat to Rome and their so-called Sad­ducess pup­pet !!! The sad­ducess know that one day he would claim back the throne of Israel. Judas iscar­i­ot was Judas of galilee, one of the most famous Zealot from the town of Galille. Galilee can be described as The TIKRIT” of Israel where rebel­lions and revolts were launched against the Romans. It is a very hot spot dur­ing those days.… Jesus did also attempt to launch a revolt in the tem­ple once.… Ask your­self : why did Jesus ask his deis­ci­ples to but swords ?? Why did Jesus said two swords is enough for our pur­pose ?? Well, one sim­ple answer is Jesus was a Sac­cari.…. an assas­in… that’s right.…
    He was involve in bat­tles in order to restore clean­li­ness of the tem­ple in Jerusalem…
    because the foun­da­tion of the tem­ple in Jerusalem was actu­al­ly being con­trolled by the pup­pets to the Romans… yeah…yeah… pon­tius Pilate, wash­ing his hands so he is free from guilt of cru­ci­fiy­ing Jesus…
    Only an insane per­son would believe that.…. Actu­al­ly, it was pon­tius Pilate who have full author­i­ty over the cru­ci­fix­ion because he is a Roman… the bible is just a cov­er up of the Romans guilts and crimes to the jew­ish peo­ple in Israel, mak­ing the jews look like a scapegoat !!!
    Actu­al­ly, there are many groups jews in Israel did sup­port Jesus..Jesus was actu­al­ly the Mes­si­ah of Aaron and the King of Israel…It is only him who could restore back the cleali­ness of the holy tem­ple in Jerusalem and free it by the dis­be­lieve­ing sad­ducess and their roman counterparts…

  7. rman, what does it was made to appear” so mean ? You say the cru­cu­fix­ion nev­er took place. So how was it made” to appear” so and who made it appear so ? If you think the Romans weren’t appeas­ing at all, then tell me why it was a cus­tom to some­times let one jew who was sen­tenced to death to go free. That prac­tice is a fact, and that’s where the crowd chose barrab­bas to go free instead of Jesus. You are total­ly full of it. Mus­lims have been try­ing to fig­ure out a log­i­cal answer to 4:157 for years, and they still can’t come up with one. It was a poor­ly thought out attempt at bring­ing con­flict­ing ideas of jews and chris­tians together.

    So what hap­pened to all the pro jesus jews ? They prob­a­bly had to keep their mouth shut as they were far from a major­i­ty and they held no pow­er, unlike the Jew­ish lead­ers (phar­isee) who demand­ed Jesus’ cru­cix­ion. As to why the Jew­ish offi­cials want­ed to ax him, it is clear­ly explained in the Bible. It was explained when Jesus cured the man’s hand right in front of the Jew­ish offi­cials, and they com­plained that this was blas­phe­mous because he was heal­ing on the sab­bath, which is against the rules, and they charged him with get­ting his pow­ers from demons. It was also out­lined when the Jew­ish offi­cials asked Jesus about pay­ing mon­ey to Ceasar. They were try­ing to trap him by get­ting him to say some­thing against Ceasar so they could use it to get the Romans to cru­ci­fy him.

    And the Bible does con­firm that Pilate saw no wrong doing that Jesus did, since Jesus claimed he was king of the Jews and not a king like Ceasar. And Pilate could have cared less which of the two men he freed.

  8. And wher­ev­er he went – into vil­lages, towns or coun­try­side – they placed
    the sick in the mar­ket­places. They begged him to let them touch even
    the edge of his cloak, and all who touched him were healed. ”

    Why would the peo­ple” (aka, the Jews;” pre­sum­ably the same
    mul­ti­tudes – all of Judea, in fact, accord­ing to Mark – who came out to
    wit­ness John announc­ing Jesus as more holy than he and who will baptize
    them all with the Holy Spir­it, bap­tiz­ing Jesus and pre­sum­ably heard the
    voice of God pro­claim, ““You are my Son, whom I love ; with you I am
    well pleased,” and wit­nessed his heal­ing mir­a­cles” and blah, blah,
    blah – want Jesus cru­ci­fied, par­tic­u­lar­ly just after he was found to
    have com­mit­ted no crime ? ”

    But he was­n’t con­sid­ered a false prophet” by John the Bap­tist and the
    whole Judean coun­try­side and all the peo­ple of Jerusalem” who heard
    John’s words and wit­nessed John bap­tiz­ing Jesus and he wasn’t
    con­sid­ered a false prophet” by the whole town of Caper­naum who
    wit­nessed his heal­ing mir­a­cles and the result was that, Jesus could no
    longer enter a town open­ly but stayed out­side in lone­ly places. Yet the
    peo­ple still came to him from every­where,” or the, large crowd from
    Galilee” and the many peo­ple who came to him from Judea, Jerusalem,
    Idumea, and the regions across the Jor­dan and around Tyre and Sidon,”
    who all cried out, You are the Son of God,” or the total of nine
    thou­sand men who ate of the loves and fish­es, or all the untold many
    who threw their cloaks on the ground for his tri­umphal entry” in
    Jerusalem where every­one want around shout­ing, ““Hosan­na ! Blessed is he
    who comes in the name of the Lord ! Blessed is the com­ing king­dom of our
    father David ! Hosan­na in the highest!” ”

    we need to ask what the hell hap­pend­ed to all the pro jesus jews ? were they part of the crowd that said cru­ci­fy him” if they were then why would they want a mur­der­er free and thi­er flesh god nailed ?

  9. Oh, so it was Jesus that made that oth­er guy look like him. Jesus was the one who decieved. Jesus is sup­posedf to be a holy prophet of Islam. So a holy prophet plays lit­tle games and deceives peo­ple. But of course, as you know and believe about Jesus, he could nev­er do this unless Allah gave him the pow­er. So now we have God AND Jesus both being deciev­ers. This gets bet­ter all of the time. ”

    You are an idiot​.It is in your reli­gion that with­out keep­ing the chil­dren of israel spir­i­tu­al­ly blind and with­out allow­ing judas to betray your flesh god the cru­ci­fixon of your flesh god would­n’t of hap​pened​.It is in your reli​gion​.it is in your belief sys­tem that your flesh god planned this right­from the start​.It is in your reli­gion that his torah was used against him.I gave you a link show­ing QUR’AAN does not agree that the cru­ci­fion EVENT TOOK PLACE.

  10. Oh, and rain­man. Anoth­er thing you did that was pret­ty fun­ny is give all of these rea­son why the cru­ci­fix­ion nev­er hap­pened at all. But that’s not what the Quran says. So all of the pecu­liar­i­ties you were point­ing out goes against even the Quran.”

    I gave you a link above to show you that accord­ing to the Qur’aan no man got replaced on the cross.I gave you a link to show you that accord­ing to the Qur’aan the cru­cifx­ion event did­n’t take place.But you did­n’t both­er to check the link out.

  11. This is not true at all. They cared some­what because a rel­a­tive­ly sat­is­fied peo­ple who are not angry, make for a good peace­ful peo­ple to rule over. So in a mat­ter as triv­ial as sac­ri­fic­ing a Jew, sure the Romans would kill a mean­ing­less Jew if it kept the rest of the jews calm.”

    bang an inno­cent flesh god who com­mit­ed no freak­ing crime against roman law and release a mur­der­er for com­mit­ing a crime agais­nt roman law ? you expect any­one to believe new tes­ta­ment lie ? why would the butch­er pilate who is rul­ing over weak­ling jews give 1 tiny hoot about jew­ish feeling ?

    So, again, you think the Romans were afraid of the Jew­ish peasents ;
    afraid in a mil­i­tary sense and that this fear was so great that the
    release of a con­vict­ed crim­i­nal would be the only thing they could
    think of to stop them from riot­ing ? This in turn, of course, is
    pred­i­cat­ed on the fact that the Romans must have been incred­i­bly stupid
    as to think this would actu­al­ly appease the peasents they were there to
    rule as well as on the fact that the peasents were appar­ent­ly so easily
    dis­suad­ed by such a trans­par­ent gesture”

    Why ? What was the fear ? That hun­dreds of thou­sands of old men, old
    women, infant chil­dren would sud­den­ly do what they had­n’t done for
    years before if not for that one crim­i­nal release at Passover ? That
    would be the tip­ping point that was just too damn hot to risk not
    doing ? The Romans were that ter­ri­fied ; the Jew­ish peasents were that
    stu­pid as to be pre­vent­ed from real­liz­ing every oth­er day of the year
    that all they need­ed to do was band togeth­er and riot and overthrow?”

    you see the prob­lem mr ard­nold with believe­ing the tripe of sh ite with­in the nt ?

  12. Oh, and rain­man. Anoth­er thing you did that was pret­ty fun­ny is give all of these rea­son why the cru­ci­fix­ion nev­er hap­pened at all. But that’s not what the Quran says. So all of the pecu­liar­i­ties you were point­ing out goes against even the Quran. As far as two wit­ness­es go, Pilate him­self want­ed to let him go. Yoiu erro­neous­ly claim that Rome did­n’t care at all about what the Jews want­ed. This is not true at all. They cared some­what because a rel­a­tive­ly sat­is­fied peo­ple who are not angry, make for a good peace­ful peo­ple to rule over. So in a mat­ter as triv­ial as sac­ri­fic­ing a Jew, sure the Romans would kill a mean­ing­less Jew if it kept the rest of the jews calm. As far as passover, maybe some­one told you that you can not ven­ture out more than 150 feet from your home and there­fore these jews would­n’t have been at this cru­ci­fix­ion. That rule is true. AFTER SUNSET.

  13. ALLAH does not decieve but the divid­ed sects of chris­tian­i­ty have deceived themselves.your man god orches­trat­ed his death with the oth­er mem­bers of trinity.”

    Oh, so it was Jesus that made that oth­er guy look like him. Jesus was the one who decieved. Jesus is sup­posedf to be a holy prophet of Islam. So a holy prophet plays lit­tle games and deceives peo­ple. But of course, as you know and believe about Jesus, he could nev­er do this unless Allah gave him the pow­er. So now we have God AND Jesus both being deciev­ers. This gets bet­ter all of the time.

    As far as the Chris­tians deceiv­ing them­selves, this too is impos­si­ble. If Allah or Jesus wished to make some­one else look like Jesus, what can the peo­ple pos­si­bly do but observe with their own eyes ? That’s all they did and they observed what def­i­nite­ly appeared to be Jesus. That’s not their fault, it is the fault of who­ev­er made it appear so”, which would either be God or both God and Jesus.

    Here is the dic­tio­nar­ies first def­i­n­i­tion for deceive”

    1. to mis­lead by a false appear­ance or state­ment ; delude : They deceived the ene­my by dis­guis­ing the destroy­er as a freighter.

    That is pre­cise­ly what Allah or Allah and Jesus did. And they did­n’t have to do this as it did noth­ing to save Jesus. And the results of this decep­tion is the largest reli­gion in the world with a cross as it’s sym­bol. Why did these Chris­tians think Jesus was cru­ci­fied ? Because God went out of his way to make it appear that way. And again, there is no pur­pose for this in terms of sav­ing or pro­tect­ing Jesus

    Since it is estab­lished that God might deceive mankind if he sees fit, then how could we pos­si­bly know any­thing else that he might be deceiv­ing about ? We could­n’t. The only rea­son we don’t ask whether God is deceiv­ing us or not is because of the trust we place in God that he would nev­er deceive. If God deceives once, that trust is gone.

    So this was a real­ly dumb sto­ry made up by Muham­mad in an attempt to bring Chris­tians and Jews togeth­er under him. But Muham­mad did­n’t see the log­i­cal prob­lem with a deceiv­ing God because he him­self was a deciever.

  14. ALLAH does not decieve but the divid­ed sects of chris­tian­i­ty have deceived themselves.your man god orches­trat­ed his death with the oth­er mem­bers of trinity.jews reject­ed your god becuase they believed that your man god brought a new brand of jew­daism that was against the torah.why would a man god want his own word used against him ?

    http://​groups​.google​.com/​g​r​o​u​p​/​s​o​c​.​r​e​l​i​g​i​o​n​.​i​s​l​a​m​/​b​r​o​w​s​e​_​f​r​m​/​t​h​r​e​a​d​/​5899​d​4​f​f​1​a​0​a​f​f​2​e​?​s​c​o​r​i​n​g​=​d​&​q​=​p​a​u​l​i​n​e​&​amp ;

    ” “[One thing] appeared like [anoth­er thing] to them” is not
    sup­port­ed by the words ALLAH used in the Ayat until the word
    shub­bi­ha” is mis­con­strued to mean some­thing it clear­ly does not say ~
    exclu­sive­ly for the sake of argu­ment” over this non-event or for the
    sake of inter­pre­ta­tion” of it, both of which are pro­scribed by Q3:6.
    Where else in the Ara­bic lan­guage do you find shub­bi­ha” used to mean
    some­thing like this?”

    the san­hedrin trial

    The (gospel) sum of the cir­cum­stances behind the arrest and tri­al betrays the fable behind the man-god. To wit :

    Two days before a most holy feast, Matthew has the high priests et al declin­ing to sub­due and kill the man of whom they object so as not to raise the ire of the Jew­ish cit­i­zen­ry. (26:1:4). Obvi­ous­ly Matthew in por­tray­ing the Jew­ish pow­ers that be, felt that the crowd is more inclined to rail against the break­ing of doc­trine than to be riled at a man charged with polit­i­cal crimes.

    But then we wit­ness a total about face per Matthew. The man Jesus who sat and ate his Passover meal which can only hap­pen on the advent of this most holy day, is sub­se­quent­ly arrest­ed by the min­ions of the Jew­ish lead­ers. (26:47:57)

    These same lead­ers, priests ; elders ; scribes, as Matthew would have us believe, shirked their duties to the laws of Moses as well as the flock in def­er­ence to hear­ing tes­ti­mo­ny against the man-god and held tri­al against him on the very same high holy day they arrest­ed him. Find­ing him guilty, they advanced his con­vic­tion to two gov­ern­ing per­son­ages which obvi­ous­ly had noth­ing bet­ter to do in tumul­tuous Judea than to hear the case of Jews against anoth­er Jew – post haste.

    By morn­ing, he is found guilty ; is assault­ed and parad­ed in front of a crowd of Jews who should have been observ­ing the Passover ; is marched through a few hun­dred feet of the Jerusalem streets ; hung on a cross and con­ve­nient­ly dies at 3pm, long enough to bury him in Jew­ish cus­tom before sunset.

    Of all of the throngs of believ­ers the gospels would have us think fol­lowed Jesus and greet­ed him in his excur­sions through­out their towns, it would only have tak­en two to main­tain the cred­i­bil­i­ty of the man. But they all stayed home ! Peter — the pon­tiff yet, lied to save him­self, James, Matthew, John, Mary, Mary and Mary, Joseph, Lazarus and all the rest are nowhere to be found as char­ac­ter witnesses.

    Two wit­ness­es ! That is all that was required of Jew­ish law to pro­claim one’s inno­cence. And not one from the mul­ti­tude came for­ward. Instead, they all sup­pos­ed­ly con­demned the man to die. All the throngs who cheered on his arrival ; all the famil­ial mem­bers of those whom he raised from the dead, all the healed and fed – they all stayed home !

    Is this believ­able ? Only to those who do not under­stand that the Romans under Pilate, as was suc­cinct­ly stat­ed by anoth­er poster, gave not one wit about the sen­si­bil­i­ties of the Jews. Pilate, as was the gov­er­nor, was all about Rome, appeas­ing his emper­or and con­cerned only about those who threat­ened Roman rule. Some upstart who claimed to be king of the Jews and opposed by Jew­ish elders, hard­ly qualifies.

    The gospels as we have them are but the undat­ed writ­ings of authors unknown – a reflec­tion of pro­pa­gan­da dur­ing the first few cen­turies of the com­mon era.

  15. We have learned from the pre­ced­ing sec­tions about the dis­ci­ple who resem­bled Jesus and vol­un­tar­i­ly sac­ri­ficed and ran­somed him­self, as has been specif­i­cal­ly stat­ed by the lead­ing schol­ars of Islam.

    SO WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED THEN ? Allah, the Exalt­ed, raised Jesus son of Mary to the sky. His ene­mies, the Jews, failed to harm him, let alone kill and cru­ci­fy him. This is a clear and unam­bigu­ous text that car­ries no room for anoth­er inter­pre­ta­tion. It states clear­ly that Allah, the Exalt­ed, raised Jesus to Him­self — bod­i­ly and his soul — in order to save him from the Jews mur­der­ing and cru­ci­fy­ing him. Allah, the Exalt­ed, says in the Quran,

    But Allah raised him up (with his body and soul) unto Him­self ; and Allah is Ever All-Pow­er­ful, All-Wise.”2

    This makes absolute­ly no sense at all. I can under­stand God rais­ing Jesus up, but I can’t under­stand God then both­er­ing to go out of his way to make some­one else take Jesus’ place. Why the need to have any Cru­ci­fix­ion at all ? Jesus was raised up, the Jews see he was spe­cial and they erred and that’s it. Why the need for the decep­tion ? Some sug­gest that Allah deceived them as a pun­ish­ment. What ? What kind of crazy idea is that ? Decep­tion is not pun­ish­ment. When you pun­ish, you want the pun­ished to know what they did and why they are being pun­ished. But the Jews expe­ri­enced no pun­ish­ment by being tricked into think­ing they killed Jesus. And not only that, the Chris­tians who did­n’t kill Jesus and deserved no pun­ishm­nt were also deceived and pun­ished for 600 years until Muham­mad final­ly tells them the truth. Why ? Makes no sense at all. And what did Allah gain from his decep­tion ? The largest reli­gion in the world. And what about at Judge­ment day ? The Jews and Chris­tians would­n’t be at fault for believ­ing what they believe because Allah tricked them into believ­ing it. Allah saved Jesus and then, went out of his way to fake a cru­cix­ion. If Allah wan­t’s to deceive, there is noth­ing we can do about that and we are there­fore blameless.

    Any­way, the whole notion of an all pow­er­ful being need­ing to deceive is kind of odd as well. Love, giuide, pun­ish, even kill, but deceive ? One would­n’t need to both­er if they were all pow­er­ful. Decep­tion is only needeed when you are not all powerful.

    I nev­er under­stood why all of this does­n’t sound sil­ly to Muslims

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