Category: Paul of Tarsus

  • Mus­lim Pas­sion for The Christ

    Mus­lim Pas­sion for The Christ

    Like every­one else, I was warned about the blood and vio­lence, and braced for it. But the bit about the Eng­lish sub­scripts must have slipped my mind. One unex­pect­ed thing I got out of watch­ing ​“The Pas­sion of the Christ” is its affir­ma­tion that Jesus nev­er uttered the word ​“God”. Instead, he called upon the Cre­ator using…

  • Epi­menides Para­dox : Was Paul Inspired”?

    Intro­duc­tion In a study of log­ic, there is some­thing which we call ​“unde­cid­able propo­si­tions” or ​“mean­ing­less sen­tences”, which are state­ments that can­not be deter­mined because there is no con­tex­tu­al false. One of the clas­sic exam­ples cit­ed is the Epiminedes’ para­dox. Saul Krip­ke says : Ever since Pilate asked, ​“What is truth?” (John XVIII, 38), the sub­se­quent search for…

  • The False Apos­tle : Paul Of Tar­sus In Islam

    The False Apos­tle : Paul Of Tar­sus In Islam

    The pur­pose of this brief arti­cle is to show that Paul, the self-acclaimed ​“apos­tle” whom the Chris­tians fol­low, has no place in Islam at all. Mus­lims believe that between the time peri­ods of the Prophet Jesus(P) and the Prophet Muham­mad(P), no Mes­sen­ger of God had come between them, whether to the Gen­tiles or the Jews.…

  • The Prob­lem of Paul

    Hyam Mac­co­by Excerpts from The Myth­mak­er : Paul and The Inven­tion of Christianity Chap­ter 1 : The Prob­lem of Paul  At the begin­ning of Chris­tian­i­ty stand two fig­ures : Jesus and Paul. Jesus is regard­ed by Chris­tians as the founder of their reli­gion, in that the events of his life com­prise the foun­da­tion sto­ry of Chris­tian­i­ty ; but Paul is…

  • The Prob­lem of Paul Regard­ing Esau

    There is an inter­est­ing obser­va­tion made by a pro-Torah Chris­t­ian and he has issued a ​“chal­lenge” to Pauline Chris­tians regard­ing Paul’s (mis)understanding of the nature of Esau in the eyes of God. The issue is what Paul had writ­ten in his epis­tle to the Romans, as follows : “For the chil­dren not yet being born, nor hav­ing…

  • Paul of Tar­sus : The Clear-Cut Hypocrite

    We read the fol­low­ing teach­ings of the so-called ​“apos­tle” from Tar­sus, Paul, writ­ten in his epis­tles as follows : If pos­si­ble, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Nev­er take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is writ­ten, ​“Vengeance is Mine, I will…