Mis­sion, Vision & Future of Islam­ic Apolo­get­ics : About Bis­mi­ka Allahuma

Coun­ter­ing Mis­con­cep­tions Via Mus­lim Apologetics

Wel­come to Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma, a ded­i­cat­ed Mus­lim apolo­get­ics plat­form. Our jour­ney com­menced in 1999, with a res­o­lu­tion to be involved in Mus­lim apolo­get­ics to counter the mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tions of Islam scat­tered all over the inter­net by Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and their allies against Islam. Start­ing from hum­ble begin­nings, we took a sig­nif­i­cant stride in 2002 by estab­lish­ing our unique online pres­ence with a ded­i­cat­ed domain.

muslim apologetics logo bismikaallahuma muslim apologetics new logo

Our Com­mit­ment and Vision

As our name sug­gests — Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma,” trans­lat­ing to In Your Name, O Allah” — we are com­mit­ted to rep­re­sent­ing the prin­ci­ples and teach­ings of Islam authen­ti­cal­ly and accu­rate­ly. Our objec­tive has always been to serve as a bridge between mis­con­cep­tions and the fac­tu­al essence of Islam. By God’s will (insha’Al­lah), we aspire to be the lead­ing Mus­lim apolo­get­ics source of truth in this dynam­ic online world, par­tic­u­lar­ly in the face of anti-Islam­ic propaganda.

Our Glob­al Team

Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma is steered by a ded­i­cat­ed team of indi­vid­u­als from a range of cul­tur­al and geo­graph­i­cal back­grounds, unit­ed by their com­mit­ment to Islam­ic apolo­get­ics and prop­a­ga­tion. With core mem­bers hail­ing from Malaysia, our team spreads across the globe with mem­bers in the Unit­ed King­dom, Unit­ed States, Koso­vo, Nor­way, Egypt, and the Netherlands.

Our Mis­sion

Our mis­sion reflects the essence of our col­lec­tive belief and strug­gle. It is not sim­ply a bat­tle between the West and Islam, but a greater strug­gle between truth and false­hood. As Mus­lims from diverse soci­etal back­grounds, we have come togeth­er under the ban­ner of the Mus­lim apolo­get­ics web­site Bis­mi­ka Allahu­ma with the fol­low­ing fun­da­men­tal principles :

Uni­ty in Diversity

We are unit­ed as Mus­lims from var­i­ous soci­etal back­grounds world­wide, bound togeth­er by the shared strug­gle between truth and false­hood. We iden­ti­fy as believ­ers in the Islam­ic faith and aim to defend and prop­a­gate its true essence via Mus­lim apologetics.

Free­dom of Con­science and Equality

We affirm the free­dom of indi­vid­ual con­science as long as it is in line with the teach­ings of the Qur’an and as-Sun­nah. Our faith is built on the premise that all humans are equal before God, a belief that forms the foun­da­tion of our actions and intentions.

Insep­a­ra­bil­i­ty of Reli­gion and State

Our com­mit­ment to Islam is not mere­ly spir­i­tu­al but also encom­pass­es our lifestyle. We believe in the insep­a­ra­bil­i­ty of reli­gion from state, a prin­ci­ple that stands alien to the Mus­lim world’s soci­etal struc­ture. We staunch­ly sup­port the obser­vance of the uni­ver­sal Islam­ic human rights as out­lined in the Cairo Dec­la­ra­tion on Human Rights in Islam.

Cher­ish­ing Islam­ic Tra­di­tions and Values

We cher­ish and respect the tra­di­tions of lib­er­ty, ratio­nal­i­ty, and tol­er­ance found in the rich his­to­ry of Islam­ic soci­eties and the Islam­ic world. These val­ues form part of the shared moral her­itage of the Semit­ic reli­gions and are embed­ded in our approach.

Fight­ing Islamophobia

We strive to shed light on issues of colo­nial­ism, racism, and Islam­o­pho­bia, which often sur­face when Mus­lim prac­tices face ridicule, insult, or per­jury. We stand against the fal­la­cy that Mus­lims vio­late human rea­son or rights, tire­less­ly work­ing to enlight­en the world with the true val­ues of Islam.

Join Our Cause

In line with these prin­ci­ples, we encour­age thinkers and aca­d­e­mics world­wide to brave­ly defend Islam’s ori­gins and sources via Mus­lim apolo­get­ics, and to dis­sem­i­nate the ideals of Islam­ic phi­los­o­phy and thought through cross-cul­tur­al trans­la­tion, pub­lish­ing, and mass media.

In ful­fill­ing this mis­sion, we call upon your sup­port for Mus­lim apol­o­gists and Mus­lim apolo­get­ics in gen­er­al. Our pledge is to dis­man­tle and oblit­er­ate the fal­si­ties about Islam per­vad­ing the World Wide Web. It is our col­lec­tive respon­si­bil­i­ty to defend the hon­or of Islam and its fol­low­ers. Feel free to con­tact us at any time. Togeth­er, we can cham­pi­on the cause of truth in the face of prej­u­dice and mis­in­for­ma­tion, insha’Allah.