Op-Ed Christianity

Chris­tian­i­ty : A Vision of the Future Without.…

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The Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and their Islam­o­pho­bia allies have been call­ing for the destruc­tion of Islam open­ly ever since the advent of the Inter­net. A cur­so­ry glance at these fanat­i­cal and big­ot­ed web­sites will at once give the dil­li­gent read­er an idea of their geno­ci­dal1 ten­den­cies against the Mus­lim ummah, unfair­ly equat­ing Islam with ter­ror­ism, and even denounc­ing Islam as equal to Nazism and hence Islam is not a reli­gion”, accord­ing to their big­ot­ed lenses.

While their inten­tion is clear (i.e. the destruc­tion of Islam), some lib­er­al Chris­tians who have tak­en this author to task for the so-called call” for the destruc­tion of Chris­tian­i­ty are bliss­ful­ly unaware of these devel­op­ments. Sad­ly too, some igno­rant lib­er­al Mus­lims from among the ummah are sid­ing with these pas­sive Chris­t­ian lib­er­als2 and are too caught unawares of this hid­den mis­sion­ary threat. Even more, there are groups who open­ly pan­der to the hid­den agen­das of the kufaar and open­ly side with them in their geno­ci­dal ambi­tions3.

It is clear that in the Qur’an, God Almighty have denounced the inno­va­tions of Chris­tian­i­ty, with spe­cial regard to the doc­trine of Trinity :

Sure­ly, dis­be­liev­ers are those who said Allah is the third of the three (in a Trin­i­ty).” But there is no Ilah (god) (none who has the right to be wor­shipped) but One Ilah (God — Allah). And if they cease not from what they say, ver­i­ly, a painful tor­ment will befall on the dis­be­liev­ers among them.4

The nature of the human­i­ty of Jesus (P) is stressed through­out the Holy Writ ; that he was born of a chaste woman (Mary), takes food and drink, func­tions as any nor­mal human would do. Yet what dis­tin­guish­es him from oth­ers is that he is favoured by the Almighty to become His Prophet5 to the Chil­dren of Israel, preach­ing the mes­sage of tawhid6 to them. The nature of Jesus (P) nev­er was in dis­pute among the believ­ers of Islam, unlike the Chris­tians dur­ing the Ari­an heresy debate.

Ehrman describes the dis­pute thus :

In brief, one of the com­pet­ing groups in Chris­tian­i­ty suceed­ed in over­whelm­ing all oth­ers. This group gained more con­verts than its oppo­nents and man­aged to rel­e­gate all its com­peti­tors to the mar­gins. This group decid­ed what the Church’s orga­ni­za­tion­al struc­ture would be. It decid­ed which creeds Chris­tians would recite. And it decid­ed which books would be accept­ed as Scrip­ture. This was the group Iraeneus belonged, as did oth­er fig­ures well known to schol­ars of sec­ond- and third-cen­tu­ry Chris­tian­i­ty, such as Justin Mar­tyr and Ter­tul­lian. This group became ortho­dox,” and once it had sealed its vic­to­ry over all its oppo­nents, it rewrote the his­to­ry of engage­ment — claim­ing that it had always been the major­i­ty opin­ion of Chris­tian­i­ty, that its views had always been the views of the apos­tolic church­es and of the apos­tles, that its creeds were root­ed direct­ly in the teach­ings of Jesus. The books that it accept­ed as Scrip­ture proved the point, for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all tell the sto­ry as pro­to-ortho­dox had grown accus­tomed to hear­ing it.7

On the Day of Res­ur­rec­tion, the fol­low­ing dia­logue will take place between God and Jesus (P):

And (remem­ber) when Allah will say (on the Day of Res­ur­rec­tion): O Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say unto men : Wor­ship me and my moth­er as two gods besides Allah?’” He will say : Glo­ry be to You ! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would sure­ly have known it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours ; tru­ly, You, only You, are the All-Know­er of all that is hid­den (and unseen).8

It should be not­ed that until today, and unlike the Qur’an, there is no clear and reli­able pic­ture of Jesus (P), as derived from the texts of the New Tes­ta­ment. With the recent find­ings of the Gospel of Judas which casts Judas Iscar­i­ot, the betray­er” of Jesus, into a more favourable light9, the image of Jesus (P) as the God to be wor­shipped and a vic­tim of Dei­cide at the hands of the Jews is blur­ri­er still and the human­i­ty of Jesus (P) shines through.

Joachim Jere­mias — one of the fore­most exegetes of the New Tes­ta­ment in this cen­tu­ry, who after a life­time of study of the orig­i­nal — final­ly agreed with the Ger­man the­olo­gian Rudolph Bult­mann that :

[W]ithout a doubt it is true to say that the dream of ever writ­ing a biog­ra­phy of Jesus is over.10

Mean­ing that even the chronol­o­gy of the life of Jesus (P) could not be prop­er­ly estab­lished from the New Tes­ta­ment. From the above expo­si­tion, it is clear that one now may be lead to ask, if this was the state of Chris­tians who can­not even agree on their basic the­ol­o­gy, how are we expect­ed to trust the Chris­t­ian inter­pre­ta­tion of events on even big­ger mat­ters such as Chris­t­ian ethics and Weltan­shau­ung ? Yet we still won­der why the Chris­tians are anx­ious to pro­claim their one out of many” deviant ver­sions to Muslims.

J.S. Vos in sum­maris­ing the beliefs of Chris­tian­i­ty and Islam, says thus :

There is noth­ing in Islam to lead a man to say, Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliv­er me from the body of this death”? or I know that in me ; that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.” A reli­gion with rea­son­able attain­able objectives…does not give the sin­ner the anguish of a guilty con­science nor the frus­tra­tion of try­ing with­out suc­cess to attain in prac­ti­cal liv­ing the require­ments of an absolute moral stan­dard. In brief, Islam makes a man feel good, while Chris­tian­i­ty nec­es­sar­i­ly first, and often there­after, makes a man feel bad. The reli­gion of the bro­ken heart is Chris­tian­i­ty, not Islam.“11

Hence our con­clu­sion remains : that while Chris­tian­i­ty is indeed a reli­gion of blind faith and one of the bro­ken heart, Islam is the reli­gion par excel­lence, of log­ic and ratio­nal­i­ty, bring­ing the pre­vi­ous reli­gions of mankind to a com­ple­tion. Thus, why should the Chris­tians be allowed to per­sist in their mis­guid­ance with regard to the nature of the Mes­si­ah Jesus (P)?

The vision of the future, there­fore, should be one of a world with­out the exis­tence of Chris­tian­i­ty12, where its adher­ents admit to and recog­nise the truth of the One Cre­ator and Jesus, peace be upon him, as a whol­ly human prophet with no attribute of the Deity attached to him.13 This is, after all, the uni­ty of mankind under the ban­ner of Pax Islam­i­ca, of which the Qur’an duly affirms.

And ver­i­ly, only God knows best !Endmark

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  1. By geno­ci­dal”, we do not nec­ces­sar­i­ly refer to the gen­er­al dic­tio­nary mean­ing, but to a closed and organ­ised attempt to wipe out Islam­ic thought and belief from with­in the ummah. Such covert attempts for exam­ple can be not­ed here.[]
  2. Both groups them­selves are not prac­tic­ing adher­ents of their respec­tive reli­gious beliefs and thus should not be tak­en as rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the religion(s) they claim to rep­re­sent.[]
  3. Such as the het­ero­dox Sis­ters In Islam and more recent­ly, the daugh­ter of a for­mer Prime Min­is­ter of Malaysia, where an analy­sis of their beliefs and fem­i­nist foun­da­tions are dealt with else­where.[]
  4. Qur’an, 5:73[]
  5. He spoke : Lo ! I am the slave of God. He has giv­en me the Scrip­ture and has appoint­ed me a Prophet and has made me blessed where­so­ev­er I may be.” (Qur’an, 19:29 – 31)[]
  6. i.e. Islam­ic monothe­ism.[]
  7. Bart D. Ehrman, Chris­tian­i­ty Turned On Its Head : The Alter­na­tive Vision of the Gospel of Judas”, in Rodolphe Kess­er, et. al. (eds.), The Gospel of Judas, Nation­al Geo­graph­ic, 2006, p. 118[]
  8. Qur’an 5:116[]
  9. For the trans­la­tion of this gospel along with the com­men­taries on it, see Rodolphe Kess­er, et. al. (eds.), The Gospel of Judas, Nation­al Geo­graph­ic, 2006[]
  10. Joachim Jere­mias, The Prob­lem of the His­tor­i­cal Jesus (Fortress Press : 1972), p. 12[]
  11. J. S. Vos, A Chris­t­ian Intro­duc­tion to Reli­gions of the World, pp. 66 – 67[]
  12. Hav­ing said this, how­ev­er, we cer­tain­ly have no inten­tion of any geno­ci­dal ambi­tions or mass-mur­der­ing inten­tions against the Chris­t­ian ummah in gen­er­al. What is nec­es­sary is a re-edu­ca­tion for them to recog­nise the inva­lid­i­ty of the log­ic that 1+1+1 equals to 1”.[]
  13. A hadith in the col­lec­tion of Sahih Bukhari alludes to this dis­ser­tion : Allah’s Apos­tle said, The Hour will not be estab­lished until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abol­ish the Jizya tax. Mon­ey will be in abun­dance so that nobody will accept it (as char­i­ta­ble gifts). Break­ing of the cross” is an alle­go­ry refer­ring to the end of Chris­tian­i­ty and the begin­ning of an Islam­ic rule under the ruler­ship of the Mes­si­ah Jesus.[]


  1. shadowofears Reply

    My com­ments on anonymouse

    .I seem to agree with him Allah give taufeeq to those who uses their wisdom.
    Facts may remain as facts.
    If what MENJ said of Chris­tian­i­ty to be a blind faith, and Islam in his own words — of par excel­lence, of log­ic and ratio­nal­i­ty” then the whole world would have been con­vert­ed by now !
    That is why there are few peo­ple who receieve Allah guide­ness because Allah has giv­en them wis­dom to think.

  2. shake my head Reply

    This is like watch­ing the Tooth Fairy argue with San­ta Claus.

  3. by the way, for­get to tell that after all, we are search­ing for the truth after .So, quar­rel is not nec­es­sary and stu­pid. Debate wisely. ;)

  4. Arnold Layne, you’re under­es­ti­mat­ing Allah’s abil­i­ty as a God and an Almighty cre­ator. He can do what­ev­er He want and that Jesus was born of a vir­gin birth is very easy things for Him to do. Yeah..to test one’s faith like you peo­ple. Let us think about the wis­dom. Now, answer me. Why do Allah ask Abra­ham to slaugth­er his own child ?

    Facts may remain as facts. If what MENJ said of Chris­tian­i­ty to be a blind faith, and Islam in his own words — of par excel­lence, of log­ic and ratio­nal­i­ty” then the whole world would have been con­vert­ed by now ! 

    Allah only gives taufeeq and hidayah to cer­tain peo­ple who works for it, not for all sorry(as stat­ed in the Al-quran). I won­der what will hap­pen to the world’s econ­o­my if every­body con­vert to Islam (well, with all the alco­hol busi­ness) hmm…don’t for­get about the FREE sex too.

  5. Arnold Layne Reply

    The nature of the human­i­ty of Jesus (P) is stressed through­out the Holy Writ ; that he was born of a chaste woman (Mary), takes food and drink, func­tions as any nor­mal human would do.

    This cracks me up to no end. Yeah, Jesus was just a nor­mal prophet and human being just like all the oth­er prophets. Plen­ty of oth­er prophets were the result of a vir­gin birth. What are you think­ing ? It’s so odd that one the one hand, Islam rel­e­gates Jesus to be a mere human being just like Muham­mad, and yet, at the same time, it acknowl­edges that Jesus was born of a vir­gin birth. How odd. How do Mus­lims rec­on­cile this strange con­tra­dic­tion in their minds ? Did Allah just make Jesus be born of a vir­gin birth for the heck of it ?

  6. George Carty Reply

    Why do you go on so much about Chris­tians ? In my expe­ri­ence the most vir­u­lent Islam-bash­ers are athe­ists. Faith Free­dom Inter­na­tion­al and His­to­ry of Jihad are exam­ples of athe­ist anti-Islam sites.

  7. So sad is it that religous facts has to be fought out like this. Some to keep peace, some to invoke anger, and some prob­a­bly to watch the show. All in all, a mis­un­der­stand­ing and mis­in­tepre­tion of words and a faith in attack mode ?

    If god/​Allah was here to watch this cir­cus, I think he would be more amused than angry on the whole Vision of The Future” top­ic and I am glad that he was of The Walk­ing Past” else he would have had to attend and divert his mind to these super­fi­cial argu­ing or so called debate.

    I am, a free thinker. I do not side on any reli­gion but take all as an under­stand­ing of hope and moral­i­ty in which our fore­fa­thers have tried so hard to teach us. Some have come to learn this aspect, yet oth­ers fol­low it by word with­out under­stand­ing the whole pic­ture. I belief that both Chris­tianty and Islam are inter­twined, yet the peo­ple who believe in this have made it more into a slap than a shake of hand.
    Who states what is right or wrong ?
    Who judges the fine lines of intepretation ?
    Faith is after­all, a belief in a sto­ry which won the bat­tle to the pen and paper.

    See­ing peo­ple go so assertive on their reli­gion makes sad.
    1st world tech­nol­o­gy, 3rd world country.
    .We have a long way to go.

  8. And regard­ing Jim­my Swag­gert, I do not know much about him.

    But all I can say is that, not every­one who calls them­selves a Chris­t­ian maybe be one. There are also preach­ers who preach false teach­ings, whom we believe are used by Satan in our midst just like the serpent.

    So whether Jim­my S was one of em, I don’t know.

  9. Oh ya, Luke 6:5 was Jesus’ words.

    Read­ing back, it’s super long man. Well, had a lil bit more to say but I’ve got exams and been online for a lit­tle too long.

    And do excuse the smi­leys, I did­n’t real­ly take my com­ment as a seri­ous” and pro­fes­sion­al” com­ment but from a per­son­al point of view.

    Sela­mat malam !

  10. Dear Mahaguru58,

    Thank you for your kind and polite greet­ing — hap­pi­ness, peace, wis­dom, laugh­ter, joy, and every­thing good under the sun be with you too ! :D

    Luke 6:5 — The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath”
    Sure­ly you are famil­iar with the term, Son of Man that refers to Jesus — and Lord of The Sab­bath would­n’t need any explaina­tion since you seem to be a per­son who’s very famil­iar with reli­gious terms.

    The Chris­tians unfor­tu­nate­ly do not fol­low the Prophet Eesa’s mes­sage to sub­mit to Allah the Almighty and instead chose to wor­ship him, a ser­vant of Allah.

    I can copy paste vers­es from the Bible’ to for­ti­fy what I am relay­ing here but I believe that you and all of the Chris­tians here already have your Bible at hnd and have come across all of the vers­es where he, the Blessed Prophet Eesa @ Jesus Alai­hisalam (May peace be upon him) keeps remind­ing his peo­ple ‑The Chil­dren of Israel-not to wor­ship him but the Father’- Almighty God- Allah Most Mer­ci­ful Himself.”

    Yup, Jesus does remind the peo­ple to wor­ship God. But as far as I know, he does not tell peo­ple not to wor­ship him because he is not God.

    John 9:35 – 41 (rather long, so.. bet­ter not make this com­ment too long :D )

    In anoth­er sit­u­a­tion stat­ed in Matt 14:32 — 33

    And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat wor­shiped him, say­ing, Tru­ly you are the Son of God.”

    Again, there was no state­ment of Jesus rebuk­ing them/​telling them that he was not to be worshipped.

    Haha, of course we have our Bible in our hands :) To us it is the Word of God. Writ­ten by men, inspired by God :) Of course you can copy and paste vers­es by Jesus remind­ing the peo­ple to wor­ship God. Do paste some about him telling peo­ple not to wor­ship him because he is not God. If Jesus were to tell peo­ple hey don’t wor­ship God, wor­ship me”, that would be anoth­er stu­pid sto­ry — IF it hap­pened. We can’t change his­to­ry, so.. IF would be just for us to dream on about it.

    Sec­ond­ly, no one has the right to for­give sin except God.
    I doubt there is a need for me to state vers­es where­by Jesus for­gives the peo­ple’s sins.

    Well, there’s always an incase right ? Luke 6:20 – 24

    Actu­al­ly you’re not the first to bring this point up. Well, check out this response [http://www.answering-islam.org/Q‑A-panel/nowhere.html].

    Please do check it out instead of going This site AGAIN!” but do read it as a reply to your state­ment that we Chris­tians have mis-wor­shipped” Jesus as God. Well, I’m not say­ing that you will react in that way, but.. if lah.

    If your log­ic is that Jesus is wor­thy of wor­ship as the Son of God’ for being borne by a vir­gin- Siti Mari­am — Moth­er Mary (May peace be upon her), then doesn’t Our Father , the Prophet Adam (may peace be upon him) mer­it that sta­tus more for he had no Father or even a Mother?”

    Nope that’s not my log­ic. But it was sim­ply a reply to your statement
    What’s so hard about real­is­ing that any­one who is con­ceived and born out of a woman is just anoth­er being cre­at­ed by the Almighty Allah and not to be wor­shipped as God?”

    A reply only mar, not say­ing my belief is basi­cal­ly on that. Don’t be so crit­i­cal la :)

    Chris­tians can be so stu­dious about so many things on Earth and have dis­cov­ered so many things on their own and from the ear­li­er stud­ies and research­es done by the Mus­lim schol­ars but still are con­fused as to the mat­ter of God, being the One and Only Supreme Cre­ator, Cher­ish­er and Sustainer”

    Because you see what you believe in as right, you say we are con­fused. So, we could say the same for us — you are con­fused that Jesus is a prophet and not God in flesh. Con­fused is sub­ject­ed to the per­son­’s point of view.

    What’s so hard to under­stand that God is the Cre­ator and not con­ceived’ or cre­at­ed’ either immac­u­late­ly or otherwise ?

    Where does it mer­it the Cre­ator to be born and help­less in a manger or whatever?”
    That is what you see in your beliefs. Mer­it ? Who said it was a mer­it ? It was also some­thing that God chose to go against the per­cep­tion of the Jews that the King that was prophe­cied about by many prophets in the OT. Every­one thinks a King has to be born in roy­al­ty, like how every king is born. And what they thought is that he will free them from the rul­ing empire of that time, but no.. he was meant to save some­thing more eter­nal, and more important.

    I know that you are a good God fear­ing per­son as well as the rest of the Chris­t­ian peo­ple but please try to see the truth of Eesa’s mes­sage to his peo­ple the Jews of Israel and be will­ing to dis­cov­er your birthright to be a Mus­lim-one who sub­mits to only God Almighty Him­self and that the Prophet and Final Mes­sen­ger of God to all of Mankind is none oth­er than the Son of Abdul­lah, Muham­mad Sal­lalahu Alai­hi Was­sal­lam, the Mer­cy of God for all of us.”
    Actu­al­ly I past­ed this excerpt to thank you for your nice compliment :)

    If you still can’t accept this , I just can wish you well and may you receive the Light of Rev­e­la­tion from Allah , God Almighty soon or with­in your life­time here on Earth. Amin Ya Rab­bal Alameen.”
    Sor­ry pal, but I think faith is big­ger than a debate and facts.

    Doc­tor­Maybe : Let’s face it, true Chris­tians are blind believers.

    Facts may remain as facts. If what MENJ said of Chris­tian­i­ty to be a blind faith, and Islam in his own words — of par excel­lence, of log­ic and ratio­nal­i­ty” then the whole world would have been con­vert­ed by now !

    Faith isn’t about log­ic. God is big­ger than our puny lil’ minds. A ser­pent talk­ing in Gen­e­sis, Lazarus being raised from the dead, mir­a­cles from God and Jesus in the OT and NT, a talk­ing spi­der help­ing Prophet Muham­mad and oth­ers don’t make sense or does­n’t seem log­i­cal either.

    In real­i­ty, see­ing is believ­ing. But in faith, believ­ing is see­ing. That is why faith is not easy to have, espe­cial­ly in tough times.

    Facts may remain as facts. Jesus walked on the face of the earth, a his­tor­i­cal fact. Prophet Muham­mad walked on the face of the earth, and built the mosques (and every­thing in the sejarah text­book that I can remem­ber) and his ker­a­jaan — anoth­er his­tor­i­cal fact.

    The dif­fer­ence how­ev­er, is a per­son­al encounter with God. Noth­ing beats that. Oh, except a life with Him :)

    If you still can’t accept this , I just can wish you well and may you receive the Light of Rev­e­la­tion from Allah , God Almighty soon or with­in your life­time here on Earth. Amin Ya Rab­bal Alameen.”

    Thank you so much for your hope and wish­es for me, I pray the same for you too!:)

    Have a nice day !
    (sor­ry if it’s rather lengthy.)

  11. The Truth of the matter
    The belief sys­tems that are strongest to us indi­vid­u­al­ly, we would call that a truth. You express it each day with­in your focus­es. You asso­ciate with it con­tin­u­ous­ly. Many of your auto­mat­ic respons­es are asso­ci­at­ed with­in your­selves as truth.

    Many of your truths — all of your truths — are beliefs, but as you iden­ti­fy them as truths, you do not see them as beliefs. You do express them, but you do not iden­ti­fy them as beliefs.

    There­fore, they are not ques­tioned. You do what you do, for this is true. You do not ques­tion many expres­sions with­in your envi­ron­ments and with­in each oth­er, for you assess that they are truths and there­fore they are absolutes with­in YOUR estimations.

    This par­tic­u­lar belief sys­tem may be one of the most insid­i­ous and one of the most dif­fi­cult to iden­ti­fy and to notice. All of those auto­mat­ic respons­es that you do not notice and you iden­ti­fy them as mere­ly truth. There­fore, they are entire­ly unquestioned.

    Many indi­vid­u­als may express to them­selves and to oth­er indi­vid­u­als that they do not incor­po­rate reli­gious beliefs. This is entire­ly incor­rect. They may even express to them­selves that they do not incor­po­rate any expres­sion of reli­gious beliefs, and they do. All of us express some reli­gious beliefs, for all of us express some beliefs with­in every belief sys­tem — not all of them, but some.

    You all incor­po­rate many beliefs that you do not notice, that you do not pay atten­tion to, that you do not ques­tion, for you assume that it is a truth and there is no oth­er man­ner in which it may be per­ceived. This gen­er­ates tremen­dous con­flict, for it is a tremen­dous lack of acceptance.

    What we are wit­ness­ing now with­in our world are indi­vid­u­als who express their truths and their dif­fer­ences in their truths, and there is no bend­ing. For you do not ques­tion your own truths, and there­fore they must be absolute and all oth­er indi­vid­u­als must accept them, for your truth is THE truth and anoth­er individual’s truth is wrong, and it is questioned.

    We must be aware of what your truths are and rec­og­niz­ing that they are not truths. It is impor­tant that you pay atten­tion to what you do and you pay atten­tion to your emo­tion­al com­mu­ni­ca­tions and to your trans­la­tions of thoughts, but with­in your world most indi­vid­u­als do not.

    We must now move our atten­tion to how we project ener­gy out­ward­ly in inter­ac­tion with oth­er indi­vid­u­als and how that offers a con­tri­bu­tion with­in our world in what man­ner you choose to be gen­er­at­ing that ener­gy and how it is affect­ing of oth­er individuals.

  12. DoctorMaybe Reply

    Some peo­ple con­vert to Chris­tian­i­ty upon see­ing Jesus in their dreams. They don’t study the bible, try to rec­on­cile the innu­mer­able errors, and so on. All they do is believe.

    How about that idiot Jim­my Swag­gert ? Always brag­ging about the Holy Ghost con­tact­ing him. It took one debate with Ahmed Dee­dat to prove blind Chris­tians false.

    Let’s face it, true Chris­tians are blind believers.

  13. Dear Grace,

    May peace be upon you and the blog­gers here.

    The very fact that Eesa Alai­hisalam was born negates any qual­i­fi­ca­tions to be wor­shipped as God.

    In the Surah Al Ikhlas . Al Qur’an Chap­ter 112, Allah says clear­ly to us :

    Qul hu wal­lah hu ahad-Say Allah is One

    Allah hus samad — Allah, the Eter­nal, Most Absolute

    Lam yalid walam yulad ‑He was not Born nor Does he Beget

    Walam yakun lahu kuf­fuwan ahad-There is None What­so­ev­er alike Him !

    We Mus­lims respect the Mes­si­ah Eesa Alai­hisalam with as much love and hon­or as we do to all of Almighty Allah’s Messengers.

    The Chris­tians unfor­tu­nate­ly do not fol­low the Prophet Eesa’s mes­sage to sub­mit to Allah the Almighty and instead chose to wor­ship him, a ser­vant of Allah.

    I can copy paste vers­es from the Bible’ to for­ti­fy what I am relay­ing here but I believe that you and all of the Chris­tians here already have your Bible at hnd and have come across all of the vers­es where he, the Blessed Prophet Eesa @ Jesus Alai­hisalam (May peace be upon him) keeps remind­ing his peo­ple ‑The Chil­dren of Israel-not to wor­ship him but the Father’- Almighty God- Allah Most Mer­ci­ful Himself.

    If your log­ic is that Jesus is wor­thy of wor­ship as the Son of God’ for being borne by a vir­gin- Siti Mari­am — Moth­er Mary (May peace be upon her), then does­n’t Our Father , the Prophet Adam (may peace be upon him) mer­it that sta­tus more for he had no Father or even a Mother ?

    Chris­tians in gen­er­al are good peo­ple who want to sub­mit to Almighty God but along the way, have unfor­tu­nate­ly deiti­fied the Mes­sen­ger of Allah, the Prophet Eesa @ Jesus into being The Lord’ himself.

    Chris­tians can be so stu­dious about so many things on Earth and have dis­cov­ered so many things on their own and from the ear­li­er stud­ies and research­es done by the Mus­lim schol­ars but still are con­fused as to the mat­ter of God, being the One and Only Supreme Cre­ator, Cher­ish­er and Sustainer.

    Eesa Alai­hisalam @ Jesus the Mes­si­ah was sent but to the Lost House of Israel but today we see Non Jews claim to be Fol­low­ers of Jesus when in real­i­ty they do not actu­al­ly fol­low the true teach­ings of Jesus which is Islam.

    We can exchange info about this sub­ject till King­dom come but it is not going to change the truth about Chris­tians’ being mis­led by the Church author­i­ties right from the ear­ly days of this faith’.

    What’s so hard to under­stand that God is the Cre­ator and not con­ceived’ or cre­at­ed’ either immac­u­late­ly or otherwise ?

    Where does it mer­it the Cre­ator to be born and help­less in a manger or whatever ?

    It’s a clas­sic case like ask­ing some­one to try see’ a 3D image . Not many can see it. It is what we Mus­lims call as Taufeek’ and Hidayah’ being the God­sent Vision and Inspiration.

    I know that you are a good God fear­ing per­son as well as the rest of the Chris­t­ian peo­ple but please try to see the truth of Eesa’s mes­sage to his peo­ple the Jews of Israel and be will­ing to dis­cov­er your birthright to be a Mus­lim-one who sub­mits to only God Almighty Him­self and that the Prophet and Final Mes­sen­ger of God to all of Mankind is none oth­er than the Son of Abdul­lah, Muham­mad Sal­lalahu Alai­hi Was­sal­lam, the Mer­cy of God for all of us.

    If you still can’t accept this , I just can wish you well and may you receive the Light of Rev­e­la­tion from Allah , God Almighty soon or with­in your life­time here on Earth. Amin Ya Rab­bal Alameen.

    Grant us this wish O Allah. May Allah bless us all.

  14. 2. Does your state­ment means Jesus can make only blind peo­ple who has faith in him to see ? If it is, your jesus is a self­ish lot. ”

    As Jesus went on from there, two blind men fol­lowed him, call­ing out, Have mer­cy on us, Son of David!” When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

    Yes, Lord,” they replied.

    Then he touched their eyes and said, Accord­ing to your faith will it be done to you” — Matthew 9:27 – 29

    A man is paid for what he has worked for, he reaps what he sows.
    If they asked Jesus to heal them, it shows that they have faith.

    So you’re say­ing that Jesus should have gone to every blind man he saw wher­ev­er he goes, and heal them even though they nev­er asked for it ?

    I’m sure you would­n’t like it if you were sick or some­thing, and I go to the hos­pi­tal and pray for you with­out your offer.

    Ask and it will be giv­en to you ; seek and you will find ; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

    Do accept my explaina­tion with an open heart and mind.

  15. Mah­agu­ru : What’s so hard about real­is­ing that any­one who is con­ceived and born out of a woman is just anoth­er being cre­at­ed by the Almighty Allah and not to be wor­shipped as God?”

    There is a dif­fer­ence friend, Jesus was born out of a vir­gin. Were you ?

    I used to won­der why Jesus would need to come down, as God in the form of a human. But this is what was in the East­er ser­mon, and will stay in my mind forever.

    This is the sce­nario : A group (troop, army, colony wtv) of ants were head­ing towards a direc­tion where there was an anteater. You, want to help them and lead them to a safe path. As a human, you’re big and gigan­tic — obvi­ous­ly the ants would not under­stand if you try to brush them away towards the oth­er directions !

    How­ev­er, if you were an ant and led them to the safer direc­tion — they would fol­low, and understand.

    “There is noth­ing in Islam to lead a man to say, Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliv­er me from the body of this death”? or I know that in me ; that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.” ”

    There some­thing peo­ple have which is called humil­i­ty, guilt and grate­ful­ness. Have you not ever felt grate­ful to whom you call God for all the good things that have hap­pened to you ?

    Humil­i­ty can reach a lev­el that they find them­selves unwor­thy of God’s love, His grace and mer­cy — for our God is gracious.

  16. Humans evolved through time and per­ceive things dif­fer­ent­ly, let us be hap­py and go through our lives in great har­mo­ny togeth­er, no dif­fer­ences, no sep­a­ra­tion, no dis­crim­i­na­tion. I guess it would be a big NO for all these if these kind web­sites exist to steer things up. Don’t keep it up guys.

  17. Per­haps your efforts should first be direct­ed to erad­i­cat­ing what­ev­er is wrong with your own reli­gion first. Before you wipe out Chris­tian­i­ty, why not make YOUR reli­gion the best, most enlight­ened reli­gion where all it’s fol­low­ers are sin-free ? I’m sure if that hap­pens, there is no rea­son why there won’t be mass­es of peo­ple flock­ing to Islam, espe­cial­ly if Chris­tian­i­ty is so wrong, so false. And speak­ing of blindness.…how do you know who’s the blind par­ty ? Is there even a blind par­ty ? Can you even com­pre­hend the idea that come Judge­ment Day, your faith might be wrong ?

    And what of the Hin­du’s and the Bud­dhists and the Taoists ? Are they all blind too ? Should their faiths also be destroyed one by one after you’ve fin­ished off Christianity ?

    Basi­cal­ly, I think you must ask your­self this : Is it wrong for anoth­er per­son to have their own beliefs ?

    Because I don’t think it mat­ters a whit what reli­gion a per­son is in as long as he or she does not harm oth­ers. Between a Mus­lim ter­ror­ist and a Chris­t­ian who does good deeds, I’d vote the Mus­lim ter­ror­ist off the island any­time. Like­wise between those mad, crazy-foam­ing-at-the-mouth Chris­t­ian Cru­saders and the enlight­ened Arabs of so long ago, I’d vote them Cru­saders off my island.

    Please be more tol­er­ant of oth­ers and their faiths. We will all be ulti­mate­ly judged by our actions, not the faiths we pro­claim to follow.

  18. On the one hand,
    Chris­tians believe the words of 4 anony­mous writ­ers who wrote about the life of Jesus some­time after his death, yet dis­be­lief the words of oth­er anony­mous writ­ers who wrote about Jesus as the same time.

    On the oth­er hand,
    Mus­lims believe that what some men who heard what Mohamed appar­ent­ly said were the words of God as com­mu­ni­cat­ed to him by an angel sev­er­al decades ago, remem­bered them word for word. But oth­er men’s rec­ol­lec­tions of what Mohamed has pur­port­ed to have said were flawed recollections.

    Whether Chris­t­ian, Mus­lim, or any oth­er reli­gion, all reli­gions are based on faith. How one reli­gion could be more ratio­nal or log­i­cal than anoth­er is beyond me. Any­one who argues that because X book says this there­fore it must be true is tak­ing a leap of faith.

  19. Let us (whether Chris­tians or Mus­lims) focus
    on the teach­ings of GOD and PRACTICE what
    GOD wants us to be.….…..certainly I am sure
    that GOD does not like any of these cross
    fir­ings. Peace be with you all !

  20. Islam is the reli­gion, par excel­lence, of log­ic and rationality,…

    Log­ic and ratio­nal­i­ty, I agree but I believe and see that most are mov­ing away from this log­ic and ratio­nal­i­ty men­tioned. Tell me, what is the log­ic and ratio­nal­i­ty behind the inten­tion of wip­ing out anoth­er reli­gion or in fact con­demn­ing it ? There is noth­ing wrong with the Q’u­ran (of course) but there is a lot of wrong with the way some peo­ple are inter­pret­ing it but of course, we would only know right or wrong when Judge­ment Day comes.

    How are we to trust the Chris­t­ian inter­pre­ta­tion, you asked ? How are we to trust the Mus­lims’ inter­pre­ta­tion when you have some Mus­lims mis­in­ter­pret­ing the mean­ing of Jihad already. You can­not fault oth­ers for putting ter­ror­ism and Islam togeth­er as it is the Mus­lims (the involved ones) who put them­selves in this sit­u­a­tion. They are mov­ing away from basic log­ic and ratio­nal­i­ty already. Maybe instead of con­demn­ing oth­er reli­gion or focus on rid­ding them off, you should help the blind see the real essence of Islam again.

    Reli­gion nev­er taught us to con­demn oth­ers, reli­gion taught us to spread our beliefs as guid­ance to those who are will­ing to share that belief.

  21. This is so typ­i­cal. any­way, every­one have their own beliefs. But I thought that a good reli­gion would not encour­age the fol­low­ers to criti­size oth­er reli­gions.? If you learn to respect oth­er peo­ple’s reli­gion with­out hav­ing the cru­el and bad inten­tion of destroy­ing” it, I think I’ll look up to it rather than feel­ing dis­gust­ed at it now. I believe in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spir­it. Once a chris­t­ian, always a christian.

    [Admin : And that is why the faith of a Chris­t­ian is that of the blind. The blind can nev­er lead the blind.]

  22. for the guy who calls him­self slave of the Qur’aan’:

    And don’t give me any of that God willed the crowd to demand Jesus’
    death, because Jesus had to die for their sins” non­sense, because the San­hedrin had already tried to stone Jesus to death (twice) before (but Jesus ran away).

    Nor can one claim that God want­ed Pilate and the Romans to be blamed for Jesus’ death so He” orches­trat­ed it that it would be Pilate who orders Jesus’ cru­ci­fix­ion, since Paul makes it clear that it was the Jews” who killed Jesus and the prophets” (and, as a result, had final­ly” acrued the wrath of their own God,) which would have hap­pened at either of the ston­ings with­out any con­fu­sion. Paul makes no men­tion of Pilate order­ing Jesus’ death (or the Romans) at all to the Thes­solo­ni­ans and blames it all on the San­hedrin (the jews who killed our Lord Jesus and the prophets” and who alleged­ly forced them out of Jerusalem.

  23. 1. But.. doc­tors also make the blind see.
    2. Does your state­ment means Jesus can make only blind peo­ple who has faith in him to see ? If it is, your jesus is a self­ish lot.

    Broth­er, from a gospel point of view all of jesus’s mir­a­cles were a sham.

    Mark says : And wher­ev­er he went – into VILLAGES, TOWNS or coun­try­side – THEY placed the sick in the MARKETPLACES. They begged him to let THEM touch even the edge of his cloak, and ALL who touched him were healed.

    COM­pare to

    Mark 15:12 What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of
    the Jews?” Pilate asked them.

    13“Crucify him!” they shouted.

    14“Why ? What crime has he com­mit­ted?” asked Pilate.
    But they shout­ed all the loud­er, Cru­ci­fy him!”

    15Wanting to sat­is­fy the crowd, Pilate released Barab­bas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and hand­ed him over to be crucified.

    How can chris­tians believe any of this lie ? At one time we have this crowd fan­cy jesus so much that they want to touch the edge of his cloak and then at anoth­er time they all turn against him ? wtf is this ?

    In anoth­er verse this crowd wants pilate to release barn­abas but not jesus.

    some­one com­ment­ed on this:So, ok, ignor­ing that glar­ing flaw, the crowd again insists on releas­ing Barabas ; a con­vict­ed mur­der­er, which would have most like­ly meant a mur­der­er of a Roman cit­i­zen and not, say, of a Jew­ish slave (as Romans viewed the Jews). So Pilate would have been releas­ing a seri­ous threat – a mur­der­er – and instead killing a man he had just pub­licly declared (thrice) to be inno­cent of all charges, all because he, the Procu­ra­tor and rul­ing Roman author­i­ty, was afraid of the crowd ? The same crowd he was there to bru­tal­ly sub­due with ever present Roman sol­diers, who, pre­sum­ably, would have been out in force that day and would have had no prob­lems at all spear­ing and slic­ing as many unarmed, under nour­ished, peasent, Jew­ish, slaves as they were ordered to ? The same Pilate who lat­er slaugh­tered the Sam­mar­i­tans against Rome’s wish­es and was recalled from duty to lat­er com­mit sui­cide at the shame of los­ing his command ?

    Not to men­tion the fact that, sup­pos­ed­ly every­body loved Jesus and they all came out to him in mul­ti­tudes” when he first arrived and now, sud­den­ly and for absolute­ly no rea­son at all, the anony­mous crowd turn so inex­plic­a­bly vio­lent against a free man that they demand he be killed instead of a murderer…and Pilate says, Yeah, ok.”

    All of Judea has spent the bet­ter part of two years, allegedly,
    fol­low­ing Jesus wher­ev­er he goes and beg­ging just to touch the hem of his gar­ments ; a fanat­acism in such a large fac­tion that the San­hedrin con­spires secret­ly to kill him due to their fear of the crowd and as soon as Jesus is up on the block, the San­hedrin are able to over­come their ter­ror in order to stir up” the crowd to have them ask for Barabas’ release and Jesus’ crucifixion.

    And the crowd agrees ? Preposterous.

    Why did jesus make the blind see when they STILL REMAINED BLIND ? what was thE POINT ?

  24. To Abdul Kalimatullah,

    You say : Jesus did make the blind see because of their faith. (Matthew 12:22 – 23 ; Luke 11:14 – 23).

    1. But.. doc­tors also make the blind see.
    2. Does your state­ment means Jesus can make only blind peo­ple who has faith in him to see ? If it is, your jesus is a self­ish lot.

  25. Abdul Kali­mat­ul­lah
    #1. May 13th, 2006, at 4:30 AM.

    I don’t know much ara­bic but i’m 100 per­cent sure you called your­self slave of the Qur’aan.

    You know, actu­al­ly, your arti­cle pro­pos­es to ful­fill the answer the ques­tion of Jesus in the negative :

    When the Son of Man [a very fre­quent­ly used term Jesus used to speak of him­self in the his­tor­i­cal­ly accu­rate accounts of the Gospel] returns, will he find faith in the earth.”

    show me one his­tor­i­cal doc­u­ment out­side of the nt that says pilate would release a mur­der­er and pun­ish some­one inno­cent becuase he want­ed to sat­i­fy the crowd.

  26. There is a dif­fer­ence between faith based on evi­dence and faith based on no evidence.

  27. I have always won­dered why a major­i­ty of mankind after hav­ing come to learn about the Truth about Allah Sub­hanahu Wa Ta’ala as True God Almighty still can’t get their sense of devo­tion right ?

    What’s so hard about under­stand­ing that each and every being is a Cre­ation’ of Almighty Allah and have a time­frame in which to come into being, live through a process of nature which is in total con­trol and is allowed to be by noth­ing but the Will of Allah ?

    All the bil­lions of human­be­ings from our Father , the Prophet Adam Alai­hisalam and our Moth­er Siti Hawwa were, are being and will be cre­at­ed by Allah Sub­hanahu Wa Ta’ala !

    Noth­ing comes into exist­ing on its own !

    We are among the Last Gen­er­a­tion of Mankind who are liv­ing in the Last Ages.

    What year do we come to record each of our sec­onds, min­utes, hours and days by ?

    We start count­ing the years from the birth of the Prophet Eesa Alai­hisalam and from the Hijrah of the Final and Great­est Prophet and Mes­sen­ger of Almighty Allah, Muham­mad Sal­lalahu Alai­hi Wassallam.

    The Chris­t­ian year is now 2006 CE (Chrisi­tan Era) and the Islam­ic Cal­en­dar is 1427 AH (After Hijrah).

    What’s so hard about real­is­ing that any­one who is con­ceived and born out of a woman is just anoth­er being cre­at­ed by the Almighty Allah and not to be wor­shipped as God ?

    We Mus­lims respect and revere each and every Prophet of God includ­ing the Great­est Mes­sen­ger of God, Muham­mad the son of Abdullah !

    We do not wor­ship any­one or any­thing but Almighty Allah !

    Allah is One. Allah is Eter­nal and Absolute. He was not born nor did He beget any­one. There is None What­so­ev­er Alike Him.”
    Surah Al Ikhlas. Al Qur’an Al Kareem. Chap­ter 112.

    As clear as the mean­ings can be under­stood by every sane per­son capa­ble of ratio­nal thought and understanding.

    Why con­demn one­self to a use­less sit­u­a­tion such as sub­mit­ting to a thing imag­ined and cre­at­ed by the Supreme Cre­ator Himself ?

    Try to open up and see things for wht they tru­ly are and stop delud­ing your­self that the Lord’ is Eesa Alai­hisalam @ Jesus Christ (may peace be upon his soul) who is not more than anoth­er Mes­sen­ger of Almighty Allah !

  28. You know, actu­al­ly, your arti­cle pro­pos­es to ful­fill the answer the ques­tion of Jesus in the negative :

    When the Son of Man [a very fre­quent­ly used term Jesus used to speak of him­self in the his­tor­i­cal­ly accu­rate accounts of the Gospel] returns, will he find faith in the earth.”

    Your arti­cle calls faith” blind.

    Amaz­ing­ly, Jesus did make the blind see because of their faith. (Matthew 12:22 – 23 ; Luke 11:14 – 23).

    You call faith blind.”

    Ah, but it is only by faith that we can per­ceive the real­i­ty that the Invis­i­ble God cre­at­ed the earth. (Hebrews 11:1 – 3)

    To say then, that you pro­pose to exter­mi­nate faith” indi­cates an odd pro­pos­al indeed, eh.

    Ah, but the joy of the Lord is our strength!!

    The Lord Jesus loves you!!

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