The fol­lowingAdolf Grohmann, The Prob­lem of Dat­ing Ear­ly Qur’an, in Der Islam 33 (1958), heft 3, pp. 222 – 226. is a detailed exam­i­na­tion of a very ear­ly Qur’an­ic papyrus. Please note…

The secret about Sura’ Al-Ikhlas is more than can meet the shal­low thoughts of athe­ists and crit­ics of Islam. This very short chap­ter con­tains in it the sum­ma­ry of many con­cepts that are to lead peo­ple to The One True God and to refute the mis­guid­ed notions about God.
Although the Sura’ is very short, yet it re-stat­ed the Orig­i­nal True Mes­sage of God that was sent to all His prophets from the begin­ning of cre­ation and to cor­rect the mis­guid­ance that built-up with time.

The fol­low­ing is the repro­duc­tion of the trans­la­tion of Qur’an 43:63 – 64 with the accom­pa­ny­ing foot­notes to the amaz­ing con­sis­ten­cy and par­al­lelism with the Mes­sage which Jesus (P) had con­sis­tent­ly preached as found in the cur­rent gospels. It is often the com­mon mis­sion­ary argu­ment is that since the Qur’an is often found to con­tra­dict” the Bible, it there­fore fol­lows that the Qur’an is wrong.