



How the Qur'an Was Revealed and Compiled 26

The fol­low­ing is a video lec­ture made by Hamza Yusof on July 14th, 1997 and in coöper­a­tion with Alham­bra Pro­duc­tions. The top­ic of the his­to­ry of the Qur’an and its com­pi­la­tion, and forms as part of a Foun­da­tions of Islam” series of lec­tures. Hamza Yusof gave a good his­tor­i­cal back­ground of the Qur’an, its his­to­ry and how it was Revealed in stages to the Prophet Muham­mad (P), its com­pi­la­tion after the pass­ing of the Prophet (P) as well as demon­strat­ing the tex­tu­al integri­ty of the Qur’an, as opposed to the tex­tu­al frailty of the Judeo-Chris­t­ian text which stands on shaky ground. Also of inter­est is the Ques­tion & Answer ses­sion towards the end of this lec­ture which we hope our read­ers will find beneficial.

The fol­low­ing is a mul­ti­me­dia video of a young man who takes his sha­hadah (tes­ti­mo­ny of faith) and affirms that he is a Mus­lim before a num­ber of wit­ness­es. To be a Mus­lim is a sim­ple as sim­ply say­ing Ash­hadu ana illa­ha illa Allah, Muham­mad Rasul Allah (I bear wit­ness that there is no deity but God Almighty and that Muham­mad is His Mes­sen­ger) and he is imme­di­ate­ly accept­ed as a Mus­lim. Such strict monothe­ism is the fea­ture of Islam as the reli­gio nat­u­ralis of man and the reli­gion par excel­lence of mankind. 

In sum­ma­ry, the videos will show that the claims made by the mis­sion­ary Jay Smith are at best dubi­ous, decep­tive and have been dealt with exten­sive­ly by Mus­lim schol­ars of the past. The prob­lem is that Mr. Smith is aware of these facts, but choos­es to ignore them. When it comes to the Qur’an he will trans­form into a lib­er­al but when it comes to the Bible he will trans­form into a right-wing, con­ser­v­a­tive inerranist. This shows his own incon­sis­ten­cy in deal­ing with the issues present. If he was seri­ous in the things he has to say about the Qur’an, then we won­der how he can still believe in the Bible as in inerrant document.

A response to the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary and polemi­cist, Jay Smith’s video, Is The Qu’ran Cor­rupt­ed ? Bib­li­cal Char­ac­ters in the Qu’ran” by Iqra Pro­duc­tions. This video will show that the sources that the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary Jay Smith uses are dubi­ous, decep­tive and have been dealt with exten­sive­ly by Mus­lim schol­ars of the past. It also expos­es the weak­ness­es of the Bible nar­ra­tives and chal­lenges the mis­sion­ary to explain the sim­i­lar­i­ties of the Bible nar­ra­tives with ear­li­er sources and texts.