
Com­mon Mis­con­cep­tions About Mus­lims and Islam

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1. Mus­lims do not believe in Muhammad(P) as God or ven­er­ate and wor­ship him as God. We believe that he is a Mes­sen­ger of God, just like Moses(P) and Jesus(P), and that he brought God’s Words to us. He nei­ther con­ceived his own con­cep­tion of God nor did he told Mus­lims to estab­lish Islam with force.

2. Mus­lims do not believe that Muhammad(P) is the Mes­si­ah. We believe that Jesus(P) is the Mes­si­ah. The only thing that we do not agree about him with Chris­tians is that Jesus(P) is a Liv­ing God and/​or a part of the Trin­i­ty along with God (The Father”) and the Holy Spirit.

3. Mus­lims do believe that the real” Torah (Tau­rat) did pre­dict the com­ing of Jesus(P) as well as Muhammad(P).

4. Mus­lims do believe that Jesus(P) did pre­dict the com­ing of Prophet Muhammad(P) and it was writ­ten in his Gospel (Injeel).

5 — Mus­lims do not believe in wor­ship­ping idols or moon gods. No Mus­lim believes that the rea­son why the Cre­sent is the Mus­lims’ sym­bol on their flag is because Muhammad(P) had tak­en the reli­gion of the moon god and call it Islam”. That is a fab­ri­cat­ed lie about Muhammad(P) and the ori­gins of Islam. The rea­son why the Cre­sent is the sym­bol on our flag is because we start our fast­ing month of Ramad­han when the Cre­sent appears, and we end that month when the full moon appears after 30 or 31 days of the Cres­cen­t’s appear­ance. The Cres­cent is not a holy symbol”.

6. Mus­lims do not believe that Jesus(P) was a false Prophet. We believe that Jesus(P) was a Mes­sen­ger of God who came down to earth and revealed God’s words to the peo­ple of Israel he was sent to, just like Moses(P) did, and he was born to Mary, cre­at­ed with the Word and Spir­it from God with no mor­tal father what­so­ev­er. We believe that Chris­tians mis­con­ceive the notion of Jesus(P) being God in flesh when he said he was the son of God.

7. Mus­lims do not view Muhammad(P) as a Holy Fig­ure that they wor­ship. Mus­lims only wor­ship and pros­trate before All?Almighty (God) and no one and noth­ing else. 13 of the entire Holy Qur’an talks about the One­ness of God and how God will pun­ish those who wor­ship mul­ti­ple Gods and idols.

8. Mus­lims do not view the Bible as a man-made lie. We (Mus­lims) view the cur­rent Bibles of today as mod­i­fied books, orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten by dis­ci­ples of Jesus(P) that can now no longer be trust­ed. The Bibles of today had been tam­pered with and can­not be traced back to its orig­i­nal authors. We also believe that the Gospels that Chris­tians cur­rent­ly have is not the one giv­en by God to Jesus(P) in the first place.

9. The Holy Qur’an does not tell us Mus­lims to fight Holy Wars” against non-Mus­lims to force them to accept Islam. Mus­lims are only allowed to fight in defence of Islam if we are per­se­cut­ed with force and to retal­i­ate with the equal amount used against us. In the Qur’? we read that :

Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not trans­gress lim­its ; for All?loveth not trans­gres­sors(Qur’an, 2:190)

Sim­i­lar­ly :

And if you take your turn, then retal­i­ate with the like of that with which you were afflict­ed ; But if ye endure patient­ly, ver­i­ly it is bet­ter for the patient.” (Qur’an, 16 : 126)

10 — The Ara­bic word JIHAD is often mis­trans­lat­ed as Holy War”. There is no such thing as a Holy War” in Islam, nor does such a term exists in the Qur’an the authen­tic Hadith col­lec­tions or in the ear­ly Mus­lim writ­ings. JIHAD is actu­al­ly lit­er­al­ly trans­lat­ed as strug­gle”. The word for war” in Ara­bic is HARB.

11 — We Mus­lims believe in the Glo­ri­ous Qur’an as the Rev­e­la­tion from Allah (God) giv­en to his Last Prophet Muhammad(P). The valid­i­ty and the authen­tic­i­ty of the Qur’an also do not depend on the con­fir­ma­tion of mod­ern sci­ence or any of its human expo­nents in it. What is human is fal­li­ble while the Qur’an being the word of God is infal­li­ble and eter­nal. Thus, even if the find­ings of sci­en­tif­ic facts in the Qur’an are inval­i­dat­ed, that does not detract from the beau­ty and rare force of this Divine Book, for a read­er of the orig­i­nal in Ara­bic imme­di­ate­ly expe­ri­ences its beau­ty, pow­er and grandeur with­out resort­ing to the use of ratio­nal analysis.

And only God knows best !Endmark

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  1. The Trin­i­ty”:
    Now let us study the Trin­i­ty” and its roots in ancient pagan wor­ship. The Trin­i­ty” of Chris­ten­dom, as defined in the creed of Nicea, is a merg­ing of three dis­tinct enti­ties into one sin­gle enti­ty, while remain­ing three dis­tinct enti­ties. We are told to speak of the three gods as one god, and nev­er as three gods which would be con­sid­ered heresy (Isa­iah 43:10). They are con­sid­ered to be co-eter­nal, co-sub­stan­tial, and co-equal. How­ev­er, only the first was self exis­tent. The oth­ers pre­ced­ed from the first. This Neo-Pla­ton­ic philo­soph­i­cal doc­trine has its roots not in the inspi­ra­tion of God, but in ancient pagan­ism. Most ancient reli­gions were built upon some sort of three­fold dis­tinc­tion. Deities were always trini­ties of some kind or con­sist­ed of suc­ces­sive ema­na­tion in threes.
    In India we find the doc­trine of the divine trin­i­ty called Tri-mur­ti” (Three-forms) con­sist­ing of Brah­ma, Vish­nu, and Siva. It is an insep­a­ra­ble uni­ty though three in form. Wor­shipers are told to wor­ship them as one deity. Such con­cepts posed no prob­lem to the log­ic of a Hin­du wor­ship­per since they were already used to wor­ship­ping gods with the body of a man and the head of an elephant(Ganesh), or mon­key-faced gods (Hanu­man), or gods with six arms, and so forth. Remem­ber, clas­si­cal Hin­duism dates back to at least 500BC, with roots extend­ing as far back as 2000BC.
    The Brah­mas also have their trin­i­ty. In their trin­i­ty, Vajra­pani, Man­jus­ri, and Aval­okites­vara form a divine union of three gods into one god called Bud­dha.” The cit­i­zens of Chi­na and Japan also wor­ship Bud­dha, but they know him as Fo.” When they wor­ship him they say Fo, is one god but has three forms.”
    Sir William Jones says :
    Very respectable natives have assured me, that one or two mis­sion­ar­ies have been absurd enough to in their zeal for the con­ver­sion of the Gen­tiles, to urge that the Hin­doos were even now almost Chris­tians ; because their Brah­ma, Vish­nu, and Mah­e­sa (Siva), were no oth­er than the Chris­t­ian Trinity.”
    Bible myths and their par­al­lels in oth­er reli­gions, p. 370.
    The ancient Egyp­tians also wor­shipped a trin­i­ty. Their sym­bol of a wing, a globe, and a ser­pent is sup­posed to have stood for the dif­fer­ent attrib­ut­es of their god.
    The Greeks also had their trini­ties. When mak­ing their sac­ri­fices to their gods, they would sprin­kle holy water on the altar three times, they would then sprin­kle the peo­ple three times also. Frank­in­cense was then tak­en with three fin­gers and strewed upon the alter three times. All of this was done because the ora­cle had pro­claimed that all sacred things ought to be in threes. Remem­ber that the phi­los­o­phy of these peo­ple (The Greeks) is what was pri­mar­i­ly respon­si­ble for defin­ing the Chris­t­ian Trini­tar­i­an” nature of God. This was done through the writ­ings of the Greek philoso­pher Pla­to regard­ing his Logos” (“word”). Fur­ther, remem­ber that the Gospels of the Bible were named the Greek Gospels” for a rea­son : they were writ­ten in their lan­guage and based upon their philosophy.
    As men­tioned pre­vi­ous­ly, T. W. Doane says :
    The works of Pla­to were exten­sive­ly stud­ied by the Church Fathers, one of whom joy­ful­ly rec­og­nizes in the great teacher, the school­mas­ter who, in the full­ness of time, was des­tined to edu­cate the hea­then for Christ, as Moses did the Jews. The cel­e­brat­ed pas­sage : In the begin­ning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word Was God” is a frag­ment of some Pagan trea­tise on the Pla­ton­ic phi­los­o­phy, evi­dent­ly writ­ten by Ire­naeus. It is quot­ed by Amelius, a Pagan philoso­pher as strict­ly applic­a­ble to the Logos, or Mer­cury, the Word, appar­ent­ly as an hon­or­able tes­ti­mo­ny borne to the Pagan deity by a barbarian.….…We see then that the title Word” or Logos,” being applied to Jesus, is anoth­er piece of Pagan amal­ga­ma­tion with Chris­tian­i­ty. It did not receive its autho­rized Chris­t­ian form until the mid­dle of the sec­ond cen­tu­ry after Christ. The ancient pagan Romans wor­shipped a Trin­i­ty. An ora­cle is said to have declared that there was First God, then the Word, and with them the Spir­it’. Here we see the dis­tinct­ly enu­mer­at­ed, God, the Logos, and the Holy Spir­it or Holy Ghost, in ancient Rome, where the most cel­e­brat­ed tem­ple of this cap­i­tal — that of Jupiter Capi­toli­nus — was ded­i­cat­ed to three deities, which three deities were hon­ored with joint worship.”
    Bible Myths and their par­al­lels in oth­er reli­gions, pp. 375 – 376.
    Trini­ties were not con­fined to these groups alone, but the Per­sians, the Assyr­i­ans, the Phoeni­cians, the Scan­di­na­vians, the Druids, the inhab­i­tants of Siberia, the ancient Mex­i­cans, the Peru­vians, and many oth­ers, all wor­shipped Trini­tar­i­an” pagan deities (among a great mul­ti­tude of oth­er gods) long before the coun­cil of Nicea of 325 C.E offi­cial­ly rec­og­nized this to be God’s true” nature.

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