Christianity The Bible

Psy­cho­log­i­cal Per­spec­tive On The Prophe­cies of Ezekiel

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In a lengthy clas­sic arti­cleStu­di­en u. Kri­tiken, 1, pp. 391f, 417f, 422., H. Kloster­mann demon­strat­ed by con­vinc­ing and detailed scrip­tur­al analy­sis that Ezekiel suf­fered from tem­po­rary dumb­ness and Hemi­ple­giaThe total paral­y­sis of the arm, leg, and trunk on the same side of the body..

Kloster­mann finds symp­toms of these dis­eases in Ezekiel’s occa­sion­al dumb­ness (3:24 – 27 ; 24:25 – 27) and his lying alter­na­tive­ly on his left and his right side (4:4f), and makes a per­sua­sive case for the patho­log­i­cal per­son­al­i­ty of the prophet. This analy­sis has been accept­ed and fol­lowed by many oth­er schol­ars as well.

Thus seri­ous doubts are raised on the gen­uine­ness of Ezekiel’s prophe­cies if it were exam­ined from the psy­cho­log­i­cal perspective. Psychological Perspective On The Prophecies of Ezekiel 26Endmark

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