Tag: Tawhid

  • Dif­fer­ences Between The Mus­lim And Chris­t­ian Con­cepts Of Divine Love

    Dif­fer­ences Between The Mus­lim And Chris­t­ian Con­cepts Of Divine Love

    Christians might argue that nevertheless we need lofty ideals to strive for, even if they are virtually unattainable. Muslims might reply that it is detrimental for public morality if unattainable rules are promoted which, of course, are constantly violated by everybody in sight, because that (Christian) approach creates a climate of, and promotes, hypocrisy at…

  • The Con­cept of Tawhid in Islam

    The Con­cept of Tawhid in Islam

    Con­tent Overview1 Mean­ing of Tawhid2 The Divi­sions of Tawhid2.1 Tawhid Ar-Rububiyah2.2 Tawhid al-Asma wal Sifaat2.3 Tawhid al-Ibadah2.4 Tawhid al-Hakamiyah3 Conclusions Mean­ing of Tawhid The word Tawhid comes from the verb wah­had which lit­er­al­ly means to unite. In Islam­ic ter­mi­nol­o­gy, it means to real­ize and main­tain the uni­ty of Allah in one’s actions (inward­ly and out­ward­ly).…