

What I Did Not Say And The Missionary Myopia 26

There are those who say that lying and deceiv­ing is at the soul of all crime and that Chris­tian­i­ty epit­o­mizes these traits more than any oth­er faith. As proof of their asser­tion they often quote Paul of Tar­sus, arguably the true founder of Chris­tian­i­ty, who is record­ed to have said, But if through my false­hood God’s truth­ful­ness abounds to his glo­ry, why am I still being con­demned as a sin­ner ? Any why not do evil that good may come ? – as some peo­ple slan­der­ous­ly charge us with say­ing. Their con­dem­na­tion is just.” (Romans 3:7 – 8)

Islam and the False Allegations of Atrocities 27

Euro­pean crit­i­cism seems to have lost its sense of jus­tice in deal­ing with the Prophet(P). All the rates of that crit­i­cism seem to be sub­ject to the one con­sid­er­a­tion that what­ev­er is unfavourable and dam­ag­ing to the Prophet’s rep­u­ta­tion must be accept­ed as true. For exam­ple, Answer­ing Islam, a web­site which is full of lies and decep­tion fol­lows in this tra­di­tion as per the meth­ods of their satan­ic apos­tle from Tar­sus by col­lect­ing a series of so-called assas­si­na­tion” orders. Not the least attempt has been made on their part to con­sid­er them crit­i­cal­ly before base­less­ly con­demn­ing a man who is looked upon as a mod­el of virtue and kind­ness by 1.4 bil­lion Mus­lims around the world.

Allah is the Rimmon of Syria? 28

Delve into the intri­cate link between Rim­mon, a Syr­i­an pagan deity, and Islam’s ar-Raḥmān. Through metic­u­lous analy­sis, we dis­pel false con­nec­tions, under­scor­ing the schol­ar­ly rig­or essen­tial to unrav­el­ing such mis­con­cep­tions and main­tain­ing aca­d­e­m­ic integri­ty. This exam­i­na­tion sheds light on mis­sion­ary strate­gies aimed at dis­cred­it­ing Islam, high­light­ing the imper­a­tive of rig­or­ous inquiry in schol­ar­ly discourse.