Tag: Surah

  • Al Sir­at­ul Mus­taqi­im : The Mis­sion­ary Book of Deception

    It is known that the Christian missionaries are desperate to resort to the tactics of Paul by using guile and trickery in order to dupe Muslims uneducated in their religion to their worthless cause. Such tactics have been exposed when they attempt to imitate the Islamic calligraphy of Qur'anic verses by applying that calligraphy to…

  • Response To Claims Made Against The Elo­quence of the Qur’an

    Intro­duc­tion This arti­cle was writ­ten to exam­ine the lan­guage of the Qur’an and the cir­cum­stances sur­round­ing it, in ref­er­ence to its super­nat­ur­al elo­quence. We will also at the same time scru­ti­nize a post­ing by a Chris­t­ian apol­o­gist, Pete Nash — or oth­er­wise known as Kip Rid­er, which attacks the elo­quence claim of the Qur’an and see whether it stands…