


It is known that the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies are des­per­ate to resort to the tac­tics of Paul by using guile and trick­ery in order to dupe Mus­lims une­d­u­cat­ed in their reli­gion to their worth­less cause. Such tac­tics have been exposed when they attempt to imi­tate the Islam­ic cal­lig­ra­phy of Qur’an­ic vers­es by apply­ing that cal­lig­ra­phy to the Ara­bic vers­es of the New Testament.

The mis­sion­ar­ies have now resur­faced with their lat­est under­hand tac­tics. They have pub­lished a small book­let, enti­tled Al Sir­at­ul Mus­taqi­im” (The Straight Path) with Qur’an­ic vers­es and Islam­ic imagery on its cov­er to dupe Mus­lims into buy­ing it. The title of this book­let itself is tak­en from Sura’ al-Fati­hah, the first chap­ter of the Qur’an.