
Ibn Hazm

sister of abraham

Was Sarah real­ly Abra­ham’s sis­ter ? Ibn Hazm ques­tions the sta­tus of Sarah as being Abra­ham’s sis­ter, as accept­ing that viz., from the Bib­li­cal per­spec­tive would result in var­i­ous dis­agree­ments with oth­er pas­sages in the Old Tes­ta­ment con­cern­ing moral and the­o­log­i­cal issues. This is in ref­er­ence to the sto­ries of Sarah’s seizure by Pharaoh and Abime’­elech which was nar­rat­ed in Gen­e­sis 12:10 – 18 and Gen­e­sis 20, Gen­e­sis 17:17 and Gen­e­sis 20:1 – 18. We cite the relat­ed pas­sages on the sto­ry of the seizure of Sarah as follows.