Tag: Europe

  • The Myth of ​“The Myth of Mod­er­ate Islam”

    The Myth of The Myth of Mod­er­ate Islam”

    In a recent article in The Spectator magazine in the UK, the evangelical leader Patrick Sookhdeo takes a swipe at Muslims and their religion. Does his case stand up to scrutiny? Patrick Sookhdeo’s article (July 30, 2005) in London’s The Spectator, "The Myth of a Moderate Islam" reflects a dangerous trend in the war on…

  • We can­not afford to main­tain these ancient prej­u­dices against Islam

    In the 12th cen­tu­ry, Peter the Ven­er­a­ble, Abbot of Cluny, ini­ti­at­ed a dia­logue with the Islam­ic world. ​“I approach you not with arms, but with words,” he wrote to the Mus­lims whom he imag­ined read­ing his book, ​“not with force, but with rea­son, not with hatred, but with love.” Yet his trea­tise was enti­tled Sum­ma­ry of…

  • What I Did Not Say And The Mis­sion­ary Myopia

    What I Did Not Say And The Mis­sion­ary Myopia

    There are those who say that lying and deceiving is at the soul of all crime and that Christianity epitomizes these traits more than any other faith. As proof of their assertion they often quote Paul of Tarsus, arguably the true founder of Christianity, who is recorded to have said, "But if through my falsehood…

  • Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi”: Why A Dif­fer­ent Yard­stick For Muslims ?

    In the post-9/11 era the Western media are at the forefront of a highly orchestrated assault against Islam and its people. So, I am not too surprised with the Times Online piece trying to raise storm over some 13th century text that are taught at a Shi’ite religious school in London. The subject in question…

  • Chris­tians Killed Apos­tates Too

    Chris­tians Killed Apos­tates Too

    The saga of Abdul Rehman's conversion to Christianity may be over but the aftermath is far from settled. Like a clockwork of hate, the episode has brought upon yet another wave of criticisms against Islam and its record for religious tolerance. But what few would realise is that the West has a history of religious…

  • Some Thoughts On The Abhorable Car­toons Of Prophet Muhammad

    Some Thoughts On The Abhorable Car­toons Of Prophet Muhammad

    We all have read about the present state of affairs con­cern­ing the Muham­mad car­toons con­tro­ver­sy and the dement­ed news­pa­pers of the Euro­pean coun­tires who in the so-called free­dom of their press and free­dom of expres­sion chose to pub­lish insult­ing car­toons depict­ing their screwed up imag­i­na­tions of the per­son­al­i­ty of The Holi­est of Allah’s Prophets and…

  • Per­se­cu­tion of Mus­lims By Christians

    Per­se­cu­tion of Mus­lims By Christians

    It is unfor­tu­nate that Islam is con­tin­u­ous­ly being pur­port­ed to be a reli­gion of vio­lence by the mis­sion­ar­ies when the real­i­ty is very much the oppo­site. What the major­i­ty of Chris­tians are prob­a­bly unaware is of the vio­lence of their brethren against oth­er reli­gions, most par­tic­u­lar­ly the Mus­lims, because it is Islam which has always been…

  • Was Islam Spread By The Sword ? A Brief Analy­sis and Respons­es to Critics

    Was Islam Spread By The Sword ? A Brief Analy­sis and Respons­es to Critics

    Pro­fes­sor Thomas W. Arnold was a poly­glot and a schol­ar of mas­sive eru­di­tion. His mag­num opusT.W. Arnold, The Spread of Islam in the World offers an unbi­ased and author­i­ta­tive his­to­ry of the expan­sion of Islam. It expos­es the delib­er­ate ham­per­ings of some his­to­ri­ans and goes direct­ly to the records ear­ly sources to exam­ine numer­ous claims. It also…