

The Apotheosis of Jesus of Nazareth 26

A spe­cial gift” for the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies on occa­sion of Good Fri­day. I wish to show by an analy­sis of Wis­dom Chris­tol­ogy in Matthew’s gospel chap­ter 23, that the evan­ge­list took the dra­mat­ic step of chang­ing Jesus’ meta­phys­i­cal sta­tus from crea­ture to Cre­ator by alter­ing the Q tra­di­tion, and to reflect on the the­o­log­i­cal impli­ca­tions of this meta­mor­pho­sis for Chris­tian­i­ty, and where we go from here.

Saviour-gods Mutilated Throughout Antiquity 27

One of the big ques­tions nobody has asked about Mel Gib­son’s The Pas­sion Of The Christ is this : If the cru­ci­fix­ion was a his­toric event and so cen­tral to the Chris­t­ian Gospel, why is it that there is no evi­dence what­ev­er of a man on a cross in Chris­t­ian art and mon­u­ments for almost sev­en cen­turies ? Not until 692 CE, in the reign of Emper­or Jus­tin­ian II, was it decreed that hence­forth instead of a lamb (the zodi­a­cal sign of Aries) fixed on the cross, the fig­ure of Jesus be placed there instead. Anoth­er ques­tion : How is it that the ear­li­est known fig­ure of any man on a cross comes from about 300 BCE and that per­son” is not Jesus but Orpheus, a myth­i­cal Greek sun-god ?

Is Jesus God

That the Chris­tian­i­ty of today rests sole­ly on the the doc­trine of Jesus Christ, that he was God in human form and died on the cross as a suf­fer­ing deity need no longer be explained. How­ev­er, there is hard­ly a sin­gle state­ment where Jesus had explic­it­ly stat­ed that he is God, although Chris­tians do bring out var­i­ous pas­sages in order to force this inter­pre­ta­tion. But did Jesus real­ly make state­ments of his (alleged) deity regard­ing his sta­tus, the words, the will and the pow­er he used ? We urge you to con­sult your own Bible and ver­i­fy that the fol­low­ing con­clu­sions are not drawn out of context.