
Christian Church

The Apotheosis of Jesus of Nazareth 26

A spe­cial gift” for the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies on occa­sion of Good Fri­day. I wish to show by an analy­sis of Wis­dom Chris­tol­ogy in Matthew’s gospel chap­ter 23, that the evan­ge­list took the dra­mat­ic step of chang­ing Jesus’ meta­phys­i­cal sta­tus from crea­ture to Cre­ator by alter­ing the Q tra­di­tion, and to reflect on the the­o­log­i­cal impli­ca­tions of this meta­mor­pho­sis for Chris­tian­i­ty, and where we go from here.

In the post‑9/​11 era the West­ern media are at the fore­front of a high­ly orches­trat­ed assault against Islam and its peo­ple. So, I am not too sur­prised with the Times Online piece try­ing to raise storm over some 13th cen­tu­ry text that are taught at a Shi’ite reli­gious school in Lon­don. The sub­ject in ques­tion is najasa or impu­ri­ty : what makes some­thing impure accord­ing to Muhaqqiq al-Hilli, a 13th cen­tu­ry Shi’ite schol­ar. The text says, The water left over in the con­tain­er after any type of ani­mal has drunk from it is con­sid­ered clean and pure apart from the left over of a dog, a pig, and a dis­be­liev­er.” So, the Times reporter Sean O’Connell draws the con­clu­sion that Mus­lim stu­dents are being taught to despise unbe­liev­ers as filth”, which becomes the news head­ing, sure to draw much pub­lic­i­ty in UK before the elec­tion in May.

The recent bar­rage of mis­sion­ary demen­tia gives us a mar­velous oppor­tu­ni­ty to expose the char­ac­ter of the mis­sion­ary Sam Shamoun, his men­tal dis­or­der and the extremes he is will­ing to under­take in order to unleash his abus­es and prej­u­dice towards Mus­lims. Indeed, he con­vinc­ing­ly demon­strates that he is a con­firmed Islam­o­phobe. The dis­cus­sion is con­cern­ing the use of the term mis­sion­ary”. The mis­sion­ary claims that we should not refer to him as a mis­sion­ary because even though he is a mis­sion­ary, many Mus­lims nev­er­the­less have alleged neg­a­tive” views con­cern­ing the title mis­sion­ary” accord­ing to his opin­ion. Hence he argues that we are mak­ing an ad hominem attack against him every time we right­ful­ly call him a mis­sion­ary. He claims that his argu­ments will be alleged­ly dis­missed before­hand by Mus­lims when they find out that he is a missionary.