
Ali Sina

Ali Sina Understanding Muhammad

For those who are famil­iar with Faith­free­dom Inter­na­tion­al”, the name of its founder Ali Sina (a pseu­do­nym) is syn­ony­mous with the big­otry and vile rhetoric often dis­played against Mus­lims and Islam. He open­ly advo­cat­ed for the atom­ic bomb to be used on Mus­lims and declared that he will wipe out” Islam with­in 30 years. 

This paper is intend­ed to respond to athe­is­tic crit­i­cism as pro­posed by Richard Car­ri­er, in a rather large piece that is in my per­son­al opin­ion and under­stand­ing, replete with errors and mis­un­der­stand­ings with regards to basic cos­mo­log­i­cal con­cepts, the Islam­ic view­point, as well as his­to­ry. I also address a few polemics that were put for­ward by Freethought Mec­ca. Their arti­cle con­tains the par­tic­u­lar objec­tions that I shall address Insha’Allah, along with a spu­ri­ous argu­ment for Isa­iah and then a few links to some oth­er polem­i­cal sites ; need­less to say at least for now these few objec­tions are the only ones that are rel­e­vant to this par­tic­u­lar paper.