
Ali ibn Abi Talib

The Consensus on Homosexuality in Islam 26

Among the most laugh­able argu­ments of Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies and athe­ists is their argu­ment to show that Islam does not pro­hib­it homo­sex­u­al­i­ty and that it is per­mis­si­ble in Islam. This is indeed an ide­al exam­ple of how igno­rance and incom­pe­tence can make a per­son become a joke before his oppo­nents. In order to dis­pel the Islam­ic illit­er­a­cy of these types of peo­ple, we are pro­vid­ing an edu­ca­tion­al guide to those who ignore that homo­sex­u­al­i­ty is utter­ly pro­hib­it­ed and giv­en the cap­i­tal pun­ish­ment in Islam.