In the face of Chris­t­ian polemics, a crit­i­cal explo­ration into Islam­ic teach­ings offers a path­way to uncov­er­ing the true essence of Prophet Muhammad’s mes­sage. This approach reveals the depth, com­pas­sion, and wis­dom of Islam, con­trast­ing sharply with mis­con­cep­tions. Embark on a jour­ney to chal­lenge nar­ra­tives, seek authen­tic­i­ty, and illu­mi­nate the pro­found prin­ci­ples of Islam. 

nabeel qureshi dying in hospital bed

Nabeel Qureshi’s death at 34 from stom­ach can­cer sparked mixed reac­tions among Mus­lims and Chris­tians in apolo­get­ics. An ex-Mus­lim,” Qureshi wrote three books cri­tiquing Islam, cre­at­ed a prof­itable video course for evan­gel­i­cals, and worked with Ravi Zacharias Inter­na­tion­al Min­istries on anti-Islam sem­i­nars. This arti­cle delves into Nabeel Qureshi’s con­tro­ver­sial life, his aggres­sive stance against Islam through Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary work, and the motives behind his actions, aim­ing to pro­vide com­pre­hen­sive con­text to his polem­i­cal endeavors.

luke as a historian

One of the most pop­u­lar argu­ment often pro­posed by mis­sion­ar­ies as evi­dence” that Luke was inspired”, or at least some­one who we can blind­ly trust with­out sec­ond thoughts, is as fol­lows : he was an excel­lent his­to­ri­an who con­duct­ed a care­ful inves­ti­ga­tion dur­ing the course of com­pos­ing his books. 

Ali Sina Understanding Muhammad

For those who are famil­iar with Faith­free­dom Inter­na­tion­al”, the name of its founder Ali Sina (a pseu­do­nym) is syn­ony­mous with the big­otry and vile rhetoric often dis­played against Mus­lims and Islam. He open­ly advo­cat­ed for the atom­ic bomb to be used on Mus­lims and declared that he will wipe out” Islam with­in 30 years.