Search results for: “jihad”
Islam and the False Allegations of Atrocities
European criticism seems to have lost its sense of justice in dealing with the Prophet(P). All the rates of that criticism seem to be subject to the one consideration that whatever is unfavourable and damaging to the Prophet’s reputation must be accepted as true. For example, Answering Islam, a website which is full of lies…
The Muslim Scholars Regarding the “Bewitchment” of the Prophet Muhammad
The Muslim scholars hold three views with regard to this incident. The sorcery whom the Prophet (peace be upon him) was exposed to is merely a usual disease and a transient illness, this is possible in regard to the Prophets as is to any human being. It does not disprove prophethood or disturb the message…
Islam Through Western Eyes
Edward W. Said (We do not neccessarily agree with everything that is said by the author ? Ed. ) The media have become obsessed with something called “Islam,” which in their voguish lexicon has acquired only two meanings, both of them unacceptable and impoverishing. On the one hand, “Islam” represents the threat of a resurgent…
Lessons In The Story of Jesus, The Son of Mary And His Most Blessed Mother
This great mission is that, among the major signs of the final Hour and among the keys of the huge deliverance that will dawn upon this Community of Islam there will come a time on this earth when the call to the pre-morning prayer will be raised in Damascus — at the white minaret East…
Wood Chopped Down: The Information Superhighway and the Nonsense of Christian Missionary Belligerence
From the beginning of Orientalism, the Christian missionaries have been assuming that Islam is “headless” enough to be attacked and scrutinised with a ferocity that one can only conclude borders on fanaticism. These missionaries proved then that they don’t have the brains to acknowledge their own headlessness. One such example is David Wood, a recent…
The Conquest of Khaybar and of the Remaining Jewish Strongholds in al Hijaz
Khaybar is an agricultural oasis situated approximately 165 kilometers to the north of Madinah, at an altitude of 850 m above sea level. It is the second largest Harrah in Arabia, after the Harrah Banu Salim. Khaybar enjoys fertile land and abundant water, hence it was famous for having many palm trees, apart from the…