Search results for: “Trinity”
Differences Between The Muslim And Christian Concepts Of Divine Love
Christians might argue that nevertheless we need lofty ideals to strive for, even if they are virtually unattainable. Muslims might reply that it is detrimental for public morality if unattainable rules are promoted which, of course, are constantly violated by everybody in sight, because that (Christian) approach creates a climate of, and promotes, hypocrisy at…
The Authentic Gospel of Jesus
Instead of writing a full-scale biography of Jesus of Nazareth, I want to focus on some aspects of the life and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth that are commonly overlooked by most Christians. Any attempt to reconstruct the historical Jesus (as distinct from the incarnate deity of ecclesiastical faith) needs to take into account all…
The Pagan Christ(ianity)
Christianity is based on the mystery religions of the ancient world. The doctrines of the “Trinity” and “incarnation” were borrowed from the pagans. In fact, the whole religion was fabricated after the departure of Jesus. The legendary stories of ‘man-god’ saviors dying for the sins of their people (and rising three days later) were commonly…
The Usage and Significance of the New Testament Versions for Text Critical Purposes
“Versions” are simply the translations of the New Testament into other languages. The New Testament writers originally wrote their books and epistles in the Greek language whereas the versions are translations of their writings into other languages. Naturally, non-Greek speaking Christians wanted the text of the New Testament in their own local languages and so…
60 Questions For The Christians To Answer
According to most Christians, Jesus was God-incarnate, fully man and fully God. Can the finite and the infinite be one? “To be fully God” means freedom from finite forms and from helplessness, and to be “full man” means the absence of divinity. Christians assert that Jesus claimed to be God when they quote him in…
Sura’ al-Fatihah and the Missionary’s “Straight Path”
Some Christian missionaries have the inherent fantasy that Sura’ al-Fatihah (the first Sura’ of the Qur’an) somehow supports their false pagan doctrine of the Trinity. They will first cite the whole ayaat and then twist this interpretation to suit their false doctrine. Let us now deal with this latest polemic in the following paragraphs.