Category: The Qur’an

  • When the Evangelist Becomes a Shaikh, the Angels Become Worshippers of Adam

    When the Evangelist becomes a Shaikh, the angels become polytheists, worshipping Adam instead of Allah. When the Evangelist becomes a Shaikh, the Nasikh becomes Mansukh, the Mutlaq becomes Muqayyad and the `Aamm becomes Makhsus, and vice-versa. Not that it is not hilarious to read for Evangelists-turned-Shaikhs. It is at the discovery of the level of…

  • Qur'an 4:125 and Christoph Heger's Ignorance

    Asif Iqbal This is with reference to Christoph Heger’s exegesis on Sura’ 4:125. The correct rendering of Qur’an 4:125 is: “And who is there that has a fairer religion than he who submits his will to God being a good-doer, and who follows the creed of Abraham, a man of pure faith? AND GOD TOOK…

  • Qur’anic Commentary on Sura’ An-Nissa’ (4):89

    Recently, we hear Christians making strange claims about Sura’ An-Nissa’ (4):89, by saying that it is a verse meant to be applied as a punishment for apostates. The said verse is as follows They long that ye should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that ye may be upon a level (with them). So choose not…

  • Wife Beating In The Qur’an? Commentary On Sura’ An-Nissa’ (4):34

    Wife Beating In The Qur’an? Commentary On Sura’ An-Nissa’ (4):34

    It is claimed that: Surah 4:34 is the notorious verse which advices Muslim husbands with regard to wives from whom they fear “rebellion” (“wa-llaatiy takhafuwna nushuwzahunna“) eventually to beat them (“wa- dribuwhunna“, “and beat them!”) The issue of a given scriptural verse and its implications are twain. First, there is the actual meaning of the…

  • A Study of Two 20th-Century Qur'anic Commentaries

    Asif Iqbal There are primarily two factors that call for the interpretation of the Qur’?nic revelation. Firstly it?s the Qur’?nic language. The language in which the Qur’?n was revealed was the highest level of the literary language (Hochsprache) of the Classical Arabic poetry. It is not the Arabic which the likes of Hariri, Mutanabbi, Zamakhshari…

  • Mary, the Sister of Aaron?

    Mary, the Sister of Aaron?

    Is it wisdom or folly? Has the Qur’an committed an anachronism or does it reflect comprehensive understanding?