Col­lec­tion of Major Com­men­taries on Qur’an, 41:10 : Six or Eight Days of Cre­ation” Revisited

We have not­ed in our ear­li­er rebut­tal to a Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ary fan­ta­sy that A. Yusuf Ali had allud­ed to the com­men­taries of the major com­men­ta­tors for his expla­na­tion of Qur’an, 41:10. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Yusuf Ali did not cite the pre­cise quo­ta­tions of the com­men­taries that he was refer­ring to. Here, we would like to fill in that gap by cit­ing the rel­e­vant com­men­taries of the Qur’an­ic verse in question.

In his com­men­tary, Imam Ibn Kathir explains that Qur’an, 41:10 talks about events tak­ing place in two days and adds that :

Tafsir Ibn Kathir
They (both) with the pre­vi­ous two days com­plete four that’s why He says in four Days“1

Al-Qur­tubi says in his com­men­tary that :

Tafsir al-Qurtubi
in four Days” — In com­ple­tion of four days as one says : I walked from Bas­ra to Bagh­dad in ten days and to Kufa in fif­teen days mean­ing in com­ple­tion of fif­teen days. This has been said by Ibn-ul-Anbari and oth­ers.2

Al-Zamakhshari says that :

Tafsir al Kashaf
in four Days” — This is con­clu­sion of the peri­od of cre­at­ing earth and things which are in it, as if He says all this took place in exact­ly four days no more and no less.3

In Tafsir-un-Nasafi, we read that :

Tafsir an-Nasafi
in four Days” — In com­ple­tion of four days, He means by com­ple­tion the two days as you say : I walked from Bas­ra to Bagh­dad in ten days and to Kufa in fif­teen days mean­ing in com­ple­tion of fif­teen days.4

Al-Baid­hawi notes that :

"Six or Eight Days of Creation" Revisited 1
in four Days” — In com­ple­tion of four days as you say : I walked from Bas­ra to Bagh­dad in ten days and to Kufa in fif­teen days. Prob­a­bly, He said this and did not say in two days in order to to con­nect them with the pre­vi­ous two days. This expres­sion is for (the pur­pose of) con­clu­sion.5

Final­ly, we quote Imam Ash-Shawkani in his famous Tafsir, in four Days”:

In com­ple­tion of four days includ­ing the pre­vi­ous two days. This has been stat­ed by Az-Zaj­jaj and oth­ers. Ibn-ul-Anbari says that this is as one says : I walked from Bas­ra to Bagh­dad in ten days and to Kufa in fif­teen days mean­ing in com­ple­tion of fif­teen days. So, the mean­ing is that occur­rence of cre­ation of earth and what fol­lowed it took four days.6

Now, we come to a rel­e­vant ques­tion : what is the rea­son for say­ing in four Days”? Imam Az-Zamakhshari answers as follows :

If you say : Would­n’t it be bet­ter said : in two days’? And what is the ben­e­fit of this con­clu­sion ? I say : If He says in four days after He have said that earth was cre­at­ed in two days, it is acknowl­edged that things in it were cre­at­ed in two days. So, the choice between say­ing in two days and say­ing in four days becomes equal. But (say­ing) in four days has a ben­e­fit over (say­ing) in two days ; it is the indi­ca­tion that they were exact­ly four com­plete days no more and no less. If He said : in two days, while (the term) two days can be giv­en to most of the two days, it would be pos­si­ble that He meant by the first and the last two days the most of them.7

And only God knows best.

All praise is for God, the Lord of the Worlds and Mas­ter of the Day of Judge­ment. God’s wrath is invoked upon those who say God has a Son!”, for He is free from all the attrib­ut­es they have ascribed to Him. And since there was nev­er such thing as a Tri­une” god, we also reject the pet­ty threats of its wor­ship­pers and denounce that the non-exis­tent ster­ile Tri­une” pagan god is a fan­ta­sy. And it is to our Rabb alone that we sub­mit in total obe­di­ence, even though the dis­be­liev­ers may dis­like it.Endmark

  1. Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Vo. 7, p. 108[]
  2. Tafsir-ul-Qur­tubi, Vol. 15, p. 290[]
  3. Az-Zamakhshari, Tafsir-ul-Kashaf, Vol. 4, p. 104[]
  4. Tafsir-un-Nasafi, Vol. 2, p. 491[]
  5. Tafsir-ul-Baidawi, Vol. 5, p. 25[]
  6. Ash-Shawkani, Fath-ul-Qadir, Vol. 4, p. 665[]
  7. Az-Zamakhshari, op. cit., p. 104[]



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