Category: Polemical Rebuttals
Nursing of Adults and Perverted Missionary Mentality
In accordance with classical missionary habits, the Christian missionary Sam Shamoun — who is notorious for his perverted and filthy misinterpretations — has taken the event of Sahla bint Suhail nursing an adult boy, Salim the ally of Abu Huzaifah, as an opportunity to assault Islam by calling it “shameful and disgusting to say the…
Are Women Equal to Dogs and Donkeys?
Recently a Christian missionary by the name of “Lazarus” published the results of an e-mail dialogue with a misleading title of “Is Islam Women-Friendly?“. A plethora of wild imagination and false interpretations form the nuclei material for the above “dialogue”. Most of what was addressed have been dealt with before. However, what we are concerned…
What is the Significance of the Crescent Moon in Islam?
Apart from the claim that “Allah” is the name of the moon god, the Christian missionaries also tend assert this claim by questioning why do Muslims use the crescent symbol as a symbol for their religion, or why is the moon being used in Islam to mark a new month. They engage into the logical…
Jesus Through The Eyes Of Islam
Centuries of confrontation with the Christian West followed by a period of intense missionary activity, which still continues in certain regions of the Islamic world in new forms, have created among some contemporary Muslims an aversion not only to Christianity but, in the case of some of the modernised classes, even to the Islamic conception…
Contrasting the Prophet Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad: A Muslim Viewpoint
Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi Christians often like to contrast Jesus (P) and Muhammad (P) by saying that Jesus (P) was a man of love and peace while Muhammad (P) was a man of war and implemented “violent” laws. But we must realize that Jesus’ (P) career was cut short by his departure. Had he succeeded…
Some Thoughts on Muslims Converting to Christianity and Vice-Versa
This article was written as part of my answer to a Christian calling himself “AIbrahim”, who raised the issue of Muslim converts to Christianity as “proof” for the truth of Christianity as well as denying that Christian reverts to Islam were even “practising Christians”. Below is the reproduction of that dialogue, with some modifications to…