The first key term requiring our concentration is al-furq? which occurs seven times in the Qur’an (i.e., 2:53, 185; 3:4; 8:29, 41; 21:48; 25:1) and is also one of the names given to the sura 25. There seem to be three basic elements influencing the Qur’anic usage of this term: (i) a Salvific or Soteriological…
Critics of this verse should be aware that the Qur’an is not descriptive prose, and the words of the Qur’an is of high poetical eloquence, something which the Bible is not able to claim. Since the beauty of the Qur’an is in its poetical nature, therefore it is only natural that the Qur’an uses emphatic…
The Christian missionaries are traditionally known for their blatant abuse and misinterpretations of the text of the noble Qur’an with the most disgusting and lurid interpretations imaginable. One particular missionary, Sam Shamoun, has continued this “fine” tradition of his predecessors by imposing his perverted and repulsive understanding of the conception of Jesus(P) on the Qur’anic…
Surat-ul-Tauba which is the 9th Chapter of the Qur’an was revealed 15 months before the Prophet’s(P) demise. Before its revelation, Muslims used to follow a very wise policy, that is “If they charge thee with falsehood, say: my work to me, and yours to you ye are free from responsibility for what I do, and…
When the Evangelist becomes a Shaikh, the angels become polytheists, worshipping Adam instead of Allah. When the Evangelist becomes a Shaikh, the Nasikh becomes Mansukh, the Mutlaq becomes Muqayyad and the `Aamm becomes Makhsus, and vice-versa. Not that it is not hilarious to read for Evangelists-turned-Shaikhs. It is at the discovery of the level of…
Asif Iqbal This is with reference to Christoph Heger’s exegesis on Sura’ 4:125. The correct rendering of Qur’an 4:125 is: “And who is there that has a fairer religion than he who submits his will to God being a good-doer, and who follows the creed of Abraham, a man of pure faith? AND GOD TOOK…