Mohd Elfie Nieshaem Juferi This is not a new observation. It has been long accepted by scholars that the creation accounts in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are redacted by different authors. Consider the following: All you have to do to see that the Old Testament as we know it did not come straight from…
The Christian missionaries in their initial response to our list of Internal Contradictions of The Bible have made the claim that we are: …more bothered with seeking excuses not to take the Bible seriously, than finding reasons for their [our] own faith. In light of this “excuse” by the missionaries to avoid the gory details…
For years the Christian missionaries have been entertaining the idea that “Allah” of the Qur’an was in fact a pagan Arab “moon god” of pre-Islamic times. This theory was first popularised by a fanatical, mid-Western closet-fascist polemicist by the name of Dr. Robert Morey, of which his deceptive methods have already been exposed in the…
The recent barrage of missionary dementia gives us a marvelous opportunity to expose the character of the missionary Sam Shamoun, his mental disorder and the extremes he is willing to undertake in order to unleash his abuses and prejudice towards Muslims. Indeed, he convincingly demonstrates that he is a confirmed Islamophobe. The discussion is concerning…
We were recently confronted with the claims of Denis Giron in his article that the composition of the Qur’an is simply the work of multiple authors. In this paper, we shall seek to study the claims made and make a few responses to the remarks made in his response to this article, insha’Allah. [toc] Evaluating…
In an article of his, Jochen Katz has made much of the narratives about Waraqa ibn Naufal, and has conjectured on his alleged influence on Prophet Muhammad’s(P) religious thought. Following is a representative extract of his said article: Waraqa lived in Mecca and probably Muhammad has met him long before his marriage to Khadija already,…