European criticism seems to have lost its sense of justice in dealing with the Prophet(P). All the rates of that criticism seem to be subject to the one consideration that whatever is unfavourable and damaging to the Prophet’s reputation must be accepted as true. For example, Answering Islam, a website which is full of lies…
In the usual vein of missionary tradition, the missionaries have made a rather pathetic attempt at “refuting” one of our articles which shows the Bible perversion in encouraging homosexuality. Previously, we have shown in another exposition how the so-called “apostle” from Tarsus had displayed some homosexual tendencies. In the later part of this article, we…
In Hans Kung’s address to this conference he has once again proven himself a pioneer of interreligious dialogue. What he has been doing throughout most of his theological career, he was doing again-exploring new territory, raising new questions in the encounter of Christianity with other religions. Although Kung made his greatest contribution in the inner-Christian,…
The Bible endorses homosexual behaviour and we shall provide one such example which is exemplified in the story of the relationship between Daniel and the prince of the eunuchs. The verse is: “Vayiten ha-Elohim et-Daniyel leKHesed u’leraKHamim lifnei sar hasarisim” (Daniel 1:9) [i.e., “Now God had brought Daniel into favor and tender love with the…
Some time ago, MENJ published Hans Kung’s view of the Prophet Muhammad(P) along with a brief editor’s note. It seems that Jochen Katz was quite outraged at this but more so at the “editor’s note” and soon after published a “response”. In short, Katz is saying that Kung only expressing his own personal opinion about…
Answering Islam has posted an early reaction in objection to our publishing of Han Kung on the Prophet Muhammad (P). There are several issues in this reaction by Jochen Katz, the de facto dictator of Answering Islam, that needs to be corrected. We shall briefly respond to each of the allegations.