Category: Islam
The Issue On Inheritance For Women
Inheritance deals closely with the distribution of wealth, i.e. dealing with the transfer of the property of the deceased to the descendants. In most of the early societies in ancient civilisation, the right to inherit the deceased properties is often given to the eldest son and male relatives. Female relatives are given lesser right to…
Women and Divorce From The Islamic Perspective
The position of women in an Islamic marriage institution has always been a question among the critics outside Muslim world. Islam is accused for not giving the fair right to women as compared to their husbands, and this include in the matter of divorce.
A Comparison of Women in the Qur’an and the Bible
Christians claim that the current equality of women now enjoyed by Christian women came from the Bible, and that Islam is cruel towards women. Below are the comparisons of issues on women between the Bible and the Qur’an I leave it to you to decide which Book is the one which truly gives freedom to…
The Injunction of Wearing the Hijab in Islam: An Answer to the Critics
Over the years, the dress code among Muslim women has been given great attention, especially in relation to the hijab (head covering) practice in which is considered as a symbol of “oppression” towards Muslim women. While Islam is certainly not the only religion to introduce the practice of covering head, it continues to be the…
The Position of Women in Islam
Western ignorance of the World of Islam is almost total, but if there is one area above all others where the vacuum of knowledge has been most effectively filled with misinformation, it is that surrounding the role of women in Islam.
Women In Islam
There is no aspect of Islam more widely misunderstood than the role and status of its women. The popular view combines the fantasy of a Hollywood version of the Arabian Nights, with a picture of deprived and repressed victims of a man’s world. Neither approaches the truth, but ignorance and prejudice have supplied facts to…