Category: Christianity

  • Islam, Christianity and Societal Problems

    Islamic Education Trust, Australia Islam and Christianity both claim to be not just religions, but complete ways of life, to guide and solve man’s problems. Though not commonly known, there are countless problems in daily life which Islam solves and which Christianity (among others) is incapable of realistically solving. We will examine just a few,…

  • Dar Al-Islam And Dar Al-Harb: Its Definition and Significance

    Ahmed Khalil In his book, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order, Samuel Huntington says: People are always tempted to divide people into us and them, the in-group and the other, our civilization and those barbarians. Scholars have analyzed the world in terms of the Orient and the Occident, North and South,…

  • Kantian Philosophy From An Islamic Viewpoint

    Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) as a philosopher not only sought his own answers to philosophical questions but was also an expert on the history of philosophy. Having a thorough grounding in the philosophical tradition of the past, he was keenly aware of the standpoints of rationalists and empiricists. He believed that both were partly right and…

  • One Hundred Christian Proofs Of Islamic Falsehood

    1) ARGUMENT FROM DISAGREEMENT I believe that the Bible is the word of God. The Qur’an disagrees with the Bible. Therefore, Islam is false. 2) ARGUMENT FROM ACTIONS OF PROPHETS Muhammad killed. Jesus in the Bible did not. [Christian ignores the time-period & place the Prophets lived in, as well as other Prophets who killed,…

  • The Historical Development Of The Trinity: An Analysis

    The Historical Development Of The Trinity: An Analysis

    Introduction T. S. Elliot was quoted to have once said that “Christianity is always adapting itself into something which can be believed.”John Hick, ed., The Myth of God Incarnate, Preface And true to this statement, Christianity has digressed from the concept of the Oneness of God as stressed in the “Shema”, or the Jewish creed…

  • Crucifixion Of Jesus Or The Holy Rape of Jessica?

    Crucifixion Of Jesus Or The Holy Rape of Jessica?

    It is agreed upon among intelligent people that results follow the reasons that caused them in correctness and error; if the reasons are valid, the results are therefore correct — if the reasons are not, then the results are therefore erroneous. This rule has nothing to do with Islam, Christianity or anything else because it…