- 'The Apocryphal Books of Elijah' & Paul
- "Geschichte des Qorans" Of Theodore Noeldeke
- "I AM What I AM": A Bible Commentary
- "Jihad" by Sir Thomas W. Arnold
- "O' Christ-Worshippers!" A Qasidah Which Refutes Christianity
- "On The Errors of the Trinity" By Michael Servetus
- "People of The Book" and The Muslims
- "Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi": Why A Different Yardstick For Muslims?
- "Six or Eight Days of Creation" Revisited: A Collection of Major Commentaries on Qur'an, 41:10
- "Those Are The High Flying Cranes"
- "Virgins of Paradise" in Christianity
- "Eli Eli lama sabachtani"? A Look At The Gospel Records
- "Six or Eight Days of Creation" Revisited
- "Vain Repetitions" in Prayer? Exegesis on Matthew 6:7
- 10 Points Against the Divinity of Jesus
- 60 Questions For The Christians To Answer
- A Comparison of Women in the Qur'an and the Bible
- A Counter-Challenge to Sam Shamoun and the Christian Missionaries
- A Devil Theory of Islam
- A History of Zionism and Its Ideological Roots
- A Jewel It's Not: Review of "The Jewel of Medina: A Novel" by Sherry Jones
- A Medieval Christian Patriarch on Prophet Muhammad
- A Rational Approach to the Prophethood of Muhammad
- A Reasoning To Refute the Logic of Trinity
- A Review of Geraldine Brooks' "Nine Parts of Desire: The Hidden World of Islamic Women"
- A Study of Two 20th-Century Qur'anic Commentaries
- A Vision of the Future Without….
- A Worldwide Census under Quirinius?
- Accepting Islam: A Young Man Affirms his Shahadah
- Ahad(un) and the Missionary's Folly
- Al Siratul Mustaqiim: The Missionary Book of Deception
- Ali Dashti's "23 Years: A Study of the Prophetic Career of Muhammad": A Review
- Ali Sina's "Understanding Muhammad: A Psychobiography"
- Allah is the "Rimmon" of Syria? A Reply to Christian Mendacity
- An Afternoon With The Hijjabed
- An Eye-Opening Biblical Narration
- An Islamic Response to Pope Benedict XVI
- An Opinion on The "Hajj"
- Another Rational Approach To The Prophethood of Muhammad
- Answering Islam: Preaching What They Do Not Practise?
- Arabic Bible "Calligraphy": Expression of Art or Evidence for Deception?
- Are Women Equal to Dogs and Donkeys?
- Beware The Happy Clappies
- Bible Commentary on I Kings 8:27
- Bible Commentary on John 10:36
- Book Review Of "The Sword of the Prophet" By Serge Trifkovic
- Book Review of Bart Ehrman's "Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why"
- Book Review of Ibn Warraq's "The Quest for the Historical Muhammad", NY: 2000
- Books Mentioned in the Bible But Is Missing From Today's Text
- Camel Milk And Urine Hadiths
- Can Angels Disobey? The Nature of Iblis And The Reason For His Fall
- Can There Be A Son Without A Mother Or Father? Responding To Banal Missionary "Logic"
- Chapter 3: The Canon of the New Testament
- Christian Missionaries Sweeping the Islamic World
- Christians Killed Apostates Too
- Christoph Heger's Problematic "Reconstruction" Of The Qur'anic Sura 96
- Classical Islamic Arguments for the Existence of God
- Common Misconceptions About Muslims and Islam
- Comparison of the Texts in the Synoptic Gospels Regarding Jesus
- Contradictions On Jesus' (Alleged) Trials, Death And Resurrection
- Contradictory Accounts of the Creation in Genesis 1 and Genesis 2
- Contrasting the Prophet Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad: A Muslim Viewpoint
- Correction of Mark by Matthew and Luke
- Cosmology and the Holy Qur'an: A Response to Richard Carrier
- Criticism of Arthur Jeffery's "Materials For The History Of The Text Of The Qur'an: The Old Codices"
- Crucifixion Of Jesus Or The Holy Rape of Jessica?
- Danish Cartoons — Islam vs. Freedom of Expression?
- Dar Al-Islam And Dar Al-Harb: Its Definition and Significance
- Dealing With Anti-Islamic Websites
- Did Abd al-Malik Build the Dome of the Rock to Shift the Hajj from Makkah to Jerusalem?
- Did Jesus, Mary and Joseph go to Egypt or to Nazareth?
- Differences Between Modern Bible Translations
- Differences Between The Muslim And Christian Concepts Of Divine Love
- Discovering The Pagan Origins Of Christmas
- Divorce and Reconciliation of Marriage in Islam
- Do Christians make Jesus idolatrous?
- Do Muslims Really Worship Allah The Moon God?
- Do Muslims Worship The Black Stone of the Kaaba?
- Do Not Be Fooled By Propaganda
- Does "Musi'un" Mean "Expanding"?
- Does God Change Or Does Not Change His Mind?
- Does Islam Require Four Witnesses For Rape?
- Does the Qur'an Say About Mary In The Trinity?
- Early Preservation & Transmission Of The Qur'an
- Eid Mubarak! On Occasion of Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice)
- Epileptic Symptoms In The Biblical Prophets?
- Epimenides Paradox Revisited
- Epimenides Paradox: Was Paul "Inspired"?
- Evaluation of Common Missionary Allegations About The Personality of Muhammad (P)
- Excerpt from Tom Harpur's "For Christ's Sake"
- Excerpts From "New Testament Origins" By George M. Lamsa
- Ezekiel 23 And Its Disgusting Language
- Furqaan: Commentary on the Zaman-Heger Debate
- Further Comments On "Ishmael Is Not The Father of Muhammad" Revisited
- Gamaliel And The Revolt of Theudas
- Geographical Errors Within The New Testament
- Hadiths of the Fly (Bacteriophages)
- Hagarism: The Story Of A Book Written By Infidels For Infidels
- Hans Küng On "Is Muhammad A Prophet"?
- Hans Kung's Theological Rubicon
- Have They No Understanding Of Arabic Grammar?
- Homosexuality in Islam is Haraam
- Homosexuality in the Bible
- How Tafsir is Performed?
- How the Qur'an Was Revealed and Compiled
- How We Got the New Testament: Historicity of Its Canonization
- Hubal in the Worship of Pre-Islamic Arab Consciousness
- Ibn Warraq's "Origins Of The Koran": A Critical Analysis
- Ignaz Goldziher On Islam & Christianity
- Ignored Teachings in the New Testament?
- In Praise of Muhammad, the Mercy to All the Worlds
- In the Fog of History: Review of G. R. Hawting, "The Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam. From Polemic to History"
- Insights Into Sura' At-Tauba
- Is Islam A Monotheism?
- Is Jesus God? Think About It!
- Is The Qur'an Really The Work of Multiple Hands?
- Is The Trinitarian Ontology Coherent?
- Is Yahweh "Divine Name" For God?
- Islam and Christianity: Diatribe or Dialogue?
- Islam and Co-Existence
- Islam and Other Religions
- Islam and the False Allegations of Atrocities
- Islam on Freedom of Religion
- Islam Through Western Eyes
- Islam, Christianity and Societal Problems
- Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls
- Jesus Through The Eyes Of Islam
- Jimmy Carter, "Palestine Peace Not Apartheid"
- Jizya in Islam
- John 8 and the Birth of Jesus
- John Biddle's "Twelve Arguments Refuting The Deity of the Holy Spirit"
- Kantian Philosophy From An Islamic Viewpoint
- King Abdullah I: As the Arabs See The Jews
- Leadership Qualities of Prophet Muhammad
- Learning Christianity in Five Minutes
- Lessons In The Story of Jesus, The Son of Mary And His Most Blessed Mother
- Luke 6:1: Its Corrupted & Actual Understanding
- Luke's Position As A Historian
- Luxenberg On Houris
- Lying in Christianity
- Maalik vs Molech: The Missionary Name-Game
- Marriage With The "People of the Book" (Ahl al-Kitab)
- Mary, the Sister of Aaron?
- Missionary Activity in Kosovo and the Causes of Muslim Conversions
- Missionary VS Terrorist: An Examination of a Missionary's Mental Imbalance and Behaviourial Problem
- Modern Science Finds God
- Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb: Bad Ruler Or Bad History?
- Muhammad and The Lies About Him
- Muhammad in the Bible: The Shiloh from Arabia
- Muslim Passion for The Christ
- Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Exposed As An Enemy of Islam
- Myths and Facts About the Banu Qurayzah
- Nabeel Qureshi (1983-2017): Some Critical Thoughts On His Death
- Non-Muslim Observation About The Reality of The Spread of Islam
- Nursing of Adults and Perverted Missionary Mentality
- Observation of Answering Islam's Response to "I AM WHAT I AM: A Bible Commentary"
- Of The Sun Setting In Murky Water: Qur'anic Commentary on Sura' Al-Kahf (18):86
- Official Vatican Position On Muslims
- On Revising Bigotry
- On The Integrity of the Bible
- On The Methodology For Determining The Various Bible Difficulties
- On The Qur'an, Logic And The FTMecca
- On The Reliability Of Luke As A Historian
- On what day did the "House of the Lord" burn down?
- One Hundred Christian Proofs Of Islamic Falsehood
- Our Allegience Is Only To Islam
- P. Michaelides no 32
- Paul and The 'Inspiration' of Scripture
- Paul in Islam: The False Apostle From Tarsus
- Paul of Tarsus: The Clear-Cut Hypocrite
- Paul Says That Mark Is Futile: No Resurrection In Mark's Gospel
- Paul's Dependency on Talmudic Writings: Evidence of New Testament Borrowing
- Persecution of Muslims By Christians
- Political Thought In Islam
- Pope Benedict, Islam and Violence
- Pre-Islamic Arabia And Its Socio-Religious Condition
- Pre-Islamic Arabian Thought
- Problems in Reconciling the Birth Narratives of Jesus
- Proof of the Christians' Covert Crusade in Malaysia
- Prophet Muhammad's Night Journey and Ascension to Heaven
- Psychological Perspective On The Prophecies of Ezekiel
- Qadi Iyad on the Story of Zayd and Zaynab
- Qur'anic Commentary on Sura' Al-Ikhlas (112)
- Qur'anic Commentary on Sura' An-Nissa' (4):89
- Qur'anic Commentary on Sura' Az-Zukhruf (43): 63-64
- Qur'an 4:125 and Christoph Heger's Ignorance
- Racism and Slavery in the Bible
- Refutation of Arthur Jeffery's "Was Muhammad A Prophet From His Infancy?"
- Refutation of P.N. Oak's Claims Against The Ka'bah
- Religious Scripture and Science, Conflict or Conciliation? A Muslim Perspective
- Resolving The Christian "I-Know-Nothing" Multi-Problem In Textual Criticism
- Response to "Is The Qur'an Corrupted? Biblical Characters in the Qur'an"
- Response To "Muhammad as Al-Amin (the Trustworthy): How His Enemies Really Viewed Him" And The Christian Missionaries
- Response To Claims Made Against The Eloquence of the Qur'an
- Response to Jay Smith: "Biblical Characters In The Qur'an"
- Response to Sam Shamoun's "Ishmael Is Not The Father of Muhammad"
- Review Of "The Collection of the Qur'an" By John Burton
- Review of "Christoph Luxenberg", Die syro-aram?ische Lesart des Koran: Ein Beitrag zur Entschl?sselung der Koransprache
- Review of Ibn Warraq (ed.), "The Origins of the Koran: Classic Essays on Islam's Holy Book", Prometheus Books, NY: 1998
- Robert Morey's Deceptive Methods
- Ruling on Celebrating Christmas and Congratulating Them
- Sabaan Mina Al-Mathani: The Seven Which Are Often Repeated
- Saviour-gods Mutilated Throughout Antiquity
- Schism — A Muslim Answer To Fitna
- Scholarship or Sophistry? Bernard Lewis and the New Orientalism
- Sectarianism In Islam
- Simon Hopkins, Review of "Christoph Luxenberg", Die syro-aramaiche Lesart des Koran… [i.e., "The Syro-Aramaic Reading of the Qur'an..]
- Six or Eight Days of Creation?
- Some Notes On Sam Shamoun's Lowly Character
- Some Thoughts on Muslims Converting to Christianity and Vice-Versa
- Some Thoughts On The Abhorable Cartoons Of Prophet Muhammad
- Sources of the Qur'an: Question for the Critics
- Splitting Hairs, The "Jochen Katz" Way
- St. Ephrem The Syrian, "Hymns on Paradise"
- Story of Creation in the Qur'an and Old Testament
- Story of The Cranes or "Satanic Verses"
- Sura' al-Fatihah and the Missionary's "Straight Path"
- Surah al-Anbiyaa:30 and the Missionary Felix Culpa
- Tacitus' Fragment 2: The Anti-Roman Movement of the Christiani and the Nazoreans
- Talking Ants in the Qur'an?
- Tarif Khalidi, "The Muslim Jesus"
- Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and the Slander towards Muhammad
- The Ahruf of The Qur'aan
- The Announcement of the Constitution of Madinah
- The Apotheosis of Jesus of Nazareth
- The Art of the Gospels: Theology as Fictional Narrative
- The Authentic Gospel of Jesus
- The Bible and Its Divorce Contradiction
- The Case of Jerusalem — The Holy City
- The Christian Missionaries and the "Mystery" of Peace Be Upon Him
- The Communicator: The Dialogue at Its Best
- The Concept of Tawhid in Islam
- The Conception of Jesus & The Perverted Missionary Claims
- The Confusion Between Masjid al-Aqsa And Qubbat as-Sakhra
- The Conquest of Khaybar and of the Remaining Jewish Strongholds in al Hijaz
- The Consensus on Homosexuality and The Illiteracy of Christian Polemicists
- The Controversy of I John 5:7 (Johannine Comma)
- The Descent Of Jesus Son Of Mary, As Portrayed In The Quran
- The Destiny Of Israel: Review Of "Jerusalem in the Qur'an"
- The Development of the Concept of "Scripture" In The Early Christian Church
- The Diatessaron And Its Conflict With The New Testament Gospels
- The Dome of the Rock (Qubbat as-Sakhra)
- The Eclipse of Matthew 27?
- The Event of Worship to the Golden Calf
- The Expulsion of Banu al Nadir
- The Expulsion of Banu al-Qurayzah
- The Expulsion of Banu Qaynuqa
- The Fatrah: Intermission of the Prophet Muhammad
- The Furqan & "The Warner": Correcting Christoph Heger's Misinterpretation of Qur'an 25:1
- The Genuineness of The Prophet & Its Similarity With The Experiences of the Biblical Prophets
- The Gospels' Accounts Regarding the Call of the First Disciples
- The Hijab and The Muslim Woman
- The Historical Development Of The Trinity: An Analysis
- The Human "Fitrah": The Religio Naturalis of Man
- The Illiterate Prophet
- The Influence of the Pauline Epistles Upon The Gospels of The New Testament
- The Injunction of Wearing the Hijab in Islam: An Answer to the Critics
- The Invalidity of the Crucifixion of Jesus as an Atonement of Sin
- The Islamic Prayer and Its Importance in the Muslim Religious Consciousness
- The Issue On Inheritance For Women
- The Kaaba And The Abrahamic Tradition
- The Killing of Abu 'Afak and Asma' bint Marwan?
- The Küng Controversy: An Analysis of Jochen Katz's Recent Tirade
- The Lamb of The Christians
- The Legislation & The Beginning of Jihad
- The Life of Muhammad (P)
- The Miracle of Isra' and Mi'raj
- The Muslim Scholars Regarding the "Bewitchment" of the Prophet Muhammad
- The Mysterious Hazor Statue: The "Allah" of the Muslims?
- The Myth of "The Myth of Moderate Islam"
- The Narratives Concerning The Marriage of Zaynab To The Prophet (P)
- The Orientalists and the Hanifs: The Jeffery-Bell Theory
- The Pagan Christ(ianity)
- The Pillars of Islam
- The Pillars of Islamic Belief
- The Politics of Christianization in Albania
- The Position of Jerusalem and Haram As-Shareef in Islam
- The Position of Women in Islam
- The Problem of Paul
- The Problem of Paul Regarding Esau
- The Prophet Jesus In the Noble Qur'an
- The Prophet Muhammad's Miracles
- The Prophet's Document Between the Muhajirun, the Ansar and the Jews
- The Psychological Impact of The Fatrah Experience
- The Qira'aat of the Qur'an
- The Qur'an Cannot Be A Text of Divine Origin
- The Qur'anic Etymologies of ''Nazarene'' and ''Gospel'' and Their Historical Implications
- The Qur'an and Hadith
- The Real History of the Crusades
- The Religion of Islam
- The Saviors Were Real
- The Sign of Immanuel: Was It About Jesus?
- The Soul of Hajj
- The Spuriousness of So-Called Pauline Epistles Exemplified by the Epistle to the Galatians
- The State of Prophet Muhammad's Religious Beliefs Before the Advent of Prophethood
- The Story of The Goddesses
- The Subjective Consciousness of Muhammad
- The Three Different Jesuses
- The True, Peaceful Face Of Islam
- The Usage and Significance of the New Testament Versions for Text Critical Purposes
- The Word "Elohim" in the Hebrew Quran
- The Young Marriage of Aisha: Of Prepubescent Girls and Moral Implications
- Thematic Structure of Sura 2
- Theophanes On The Medieval Jewish Acceptance of Muhammad As The Awaited Messiah
- They Say: "Your Bible Has Not Been Corrupted". Really?
- Those Are Their High-Flying Lies Indeed!
- To Bring Or Not To Bring Thy Staff?
- To do good works or saved by the blood of Christ?
- To Teach or Not to Teach the Gentiles?
- Tony Blair: Islam the Standard-Bearer of Tolerance
- Towards A Re-Evaluation of Muhammad: Prophet and Man
- Umm ul-Mukminin Safiyyah: The Jewish Wife of Muhammad
- Various Numerical Contradictions Between Verses in the Old Testament
- Waraqa ibn Naufal and the Christian Polemics
- Was Islam Spread By The Sword? A Brief Analysis and Responses to Critics
- Was Jesus sent to the Children of Israel or to the world?
- Was Keturah the Wife or the Concubine of Abraham?
- Was Sarah The Sister of Abraham?
- Was The Ottomon Caliphate Responsible for the "Armenian Genocide"?
- Washing of Hands Practised by "All The Jews"?
- We cannot afford to maintain these ancient prejudices against Islam
- Were Men Really 60 Cubits Tall?
- Were She-Monkeys Stoned For Adultery?
- Were The Authors of the New Testament Inspired By God?
- Were There Any Influences of Christianity in the Hejaz?
- Whaling A Taqiya
- What About The Killing of Ka'b ibn al-Ashraf?
- What I Did Not Say And The Missionary Myopia
- What is the Significance of the Crescent Moon in Islam?
- What Islam Stands For
- What Nation Was that Gentile Woman From?
- What Should Be The Muslim Reaction To Christmas?
- What was Israel's Response to the Covenant?
- When the Evangelist Becomes a Shaikh, the Angels Become Worshippers of Adam
- When Was Peter's Mother in-Law Cured?
- Where was Jesus put on when he was crucified?
- Who Destroyed The Library of Alexandria?
- Who Fashioned The Golden Calf?
- Who is Jesus: Did He "Die" For the Sins of Mankind?
- Who Killed Goliath?
- Who Suffers the Consequence of Sins?
- Why I Love the Muslim Veil
- Why Was the Prophet Polygamous?
- Wife Beating In The Qur'an? Commentary On Sura' An-Nissa' (4):34
- Will the Real "Demon-Possessed" Prophet Please Stand Up?
- Wine – Good or Bad?
- Women and Divorce From The Islamic Perspective
- Women In Islam
- Wood Chopped Down: The Information Superhighway and the Nonsense of Christian Missionary Belligerence
- Worshipping the Same or a Different God?
- Yalqut Shamouni