Tag: Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy

  • Dan­ish Car­toons — Islam vs. Free­dom of Expression ?

    Dan­ish Car­toons — Islam vs. Free­dom of Expression ?

    Car­toons are doing what so many could not : Uni­fy­ing Mus­lims across the globe. On the oth­er hand, a grow­ing num­ber of brave free­dom-fight­ers, led by jour­nal­ists, are stand­ing up to ​“reaf­firm the prin­ci­ple of free expres­sion.” And non-Mus­lims are won­der­ing why this uni­fied out­rage is a no-show when it comes to seem­ing­ly more impor­tant issues such as behead­ings,…