Tag: Israel

  • Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi”: Why A Dif­fer­ent Yard­stick For Muslims ?

    In the post-9/11 era the Western media are at the forefront of a highly orchestrated assault against Islam and its people. So, I am not too surprised with the Times Online piece trying to raise storm over some 13th century text that are taught at a Shi’ite religious school in London. The subject in question…

  • The Three Dif­fer­ent Jesuses

    (I) JESUS IN JUDAISM * LIFE : - Estab­lish­ing the time of the ​“Jew­ish Jesus”: The ref­er­ence to Jesus in the Tal­mud is by the title : ​“Yeshu Ha-Notzri,” but accord­ing to Jew­ish chronol­o­gy, he lived at the time when Joshua Ben Per­akhyah led the San­hedrincir­ca 150 BCE ; see, for instance, San­hedrin 107b and, there­fore, pre­dat­ed Jesus accord­ing…

  • Did Jesus, Mary and Joseph go to Egypt or to Nazareth ?

    Did Jesus, Mary and Joseph go to Egypt or to Nazareth ?

    In Matthew 2:14, we are told that Joseph took Mary and Jesus to Egypt : ​“When he arose, he took the young child and his moth­er by night, and depart­ed into Egypt.”  Yet in Luke 2:39, they went to Nazareth after Jesus’ birth : ​“And when they had per­formed all things accord­ing to the law of the Lord, they…

  • The Qur’an­ic Ety­molo­gies of Nazarene” and Gospel” and Their His­tor­i­cal Implications

    Jour­nal of the Soci­ety for Qur’an­ic Stud­ies, Num­ber 1, Vol­ume 1, 2001 The Qur’an and the New Tes­ta­ment agree on a num­ber of issues regard­ing Jesus Christ. Both books, for instance, stress that Jesus, who is called ” ​‘Isa” in the Qur’an, was con­ceived mirac­u­lous­ly by his moth­er Mary. He had no father. This is what the…

  • Paul’s Depen­den­cy on Tal­mu­dic Writ­ings : Evi­dence of New Tes­ta­ment Borrowing

    While Christians would prefer to allude to the notion that Paul, the self-acclaimed "apostle" of Jesus, was "inspired" when he wrote his epistles, the evidences we have researched states otherwise. We have seen how Paul had cited a verse from the "apocryphal books of Elijah" but claimed that he was citing from the book of…

  • Is Yah­weh ​“Divine Name” For God ?

    Is Yah­weh Divine Name” For God ?

    When Mus­lims con­front the Chris­t­ian mis­sion­ar­ies with the ety­mo­log­i­cal evi­dence that the word Allah is indeed relat­ed to the word Elo­him, the mis­sion­ar­ies are very quick to point out that (YHWH) is the ​“Divine Name” for The Deity that they wor­ship and that since Mus­lims are not taught about this ​“Divine Name” of God, it…