Category: Refutation of Qur’an Contradictions
Can There Be A Son Without A Mother Or Father? Responding To Banal Missionary “Logic”
Unfortunately for the missionary, an understanding can be reached if a little more thought can be put into their argument. The missionary has taken the understanding of these verses out of its intended context and is confusing Mary’s nature (since she is only human, and hence procreates) as a creation of the Almighty, with God…
Mary, the Sister of Aaron?
Is it wisdom or folly? Has the Qur’an committed an anachronism or does it reflect comprehensive understanding?
What was Israel’s Response to the Covenant?
In one of his recent articles, Sam Shamoun contends that because the Qur’an cites the response of the Israelites to Yahweh’s covenant as “We hear and we disobey” (2:93; 4:46) whereas the Bible quotes the same as “We will do everything the LORD has said; we will obey” (Exodus 24:7) and “We will serve the…
Talking Ants in the Qur’an?
Basically, the gist of the missionary claim is: Why does the Qur’an say that ants talk (27:18-19)? Everyone knows that ants communicate by chemicals detected by scent and never sound! Is this not a scientific error in the Qur’an? This style of argument is quite sophomoric in that it is entirely based on someone who…
Wine – Good or Bad?
Strong drink and … are only an infamy of Satan’s handiwork. [5:90, also 2:219]. Yet on the other hand in Paradise are rivers of wine [47:15, also 83:22,25]. How does Satan’s handiwork get into Paradise?
Who Suffers the Consequence of Sins?
The Qur’an declares that everyone will be held responsible only for his own sins [S. 17:13-15, 53:38-42]. Yet, the Qur’an accuses the Jews of Muhammad’s day for the sins committed some 2000 years earlier by other Jews, e.g. worshipping the Golden Calf idol.