Lessons In The Sto­ry of Jesus, The Son of Mary And His Most Blessed Mother

This great mis­sion is that, among the major signs of the final Hour and among the keys of the huge deliv­er­ance that will dawn upon this Com­mu­ni­ty of Islam there will come a time on this earth when the call to the pre-morn­ing prayer will be raised in Dam­as­cus — at the white minaret East of Dam­as­cus ; the imam will want to step for­ward to lead the prayer when — lo and behold ! — the peo­ple will watch in aston­ish­ment while our liege-lord Jesus descends from the heav­en, his two hands rest­ing on the wings of the angels, his head seem­ing­ly drip­ping with water, wear­ing clothes which our liege-lord Muham­mad — upon him bless­ings and peace — described in great detail. He said that the col­or of his clothes resem­bled saf­fron dye, as if his clothes had been dyed with saf­fron and wars. Our Prophet Muham­mad — upon him bless­ings and peace — described for us the very appear­ance of the clothes in which Jesus would descend ! Such ves­ti­men­ta­ry descrip­tion sig­ni­fies noth­ing oth­er than addi­tion­al empha­sis on reflec­tion, per­cep­tion, and dis­cern­ment (dhawq) for the mean­ing of our con­nec­tion with this great mas­ter who was thus hon­ored by his Lord.