Category: Christianity

  • Discovering The Pagan Origins Of Christmas

    Discovering The Pagan Origins Of Christmas

    Few people realize that the origins of a form of Christmas was pagan and celebrated in Europe long before anyone there had heard of Jesus (P). No one knows what day Jesus (P) was born on. From the biblical description, most historians believe that his birth probably occurred in September, approximately six months after Passover.…

  • Ruling on Celebrating Christmas and Congratulating Them

    Ruling on Celebrating Christmas and Congratulating Them

    Since the pagan festival of Christmas, celebrated by the Trinitarian polytheists, is fast approaching on the 25th of December, we would like on this occassion present a fatawa (Islamic ruling) for the Muslims with regard to celebrating their festival or even congratulating them. It should be noted that the Christians believe that Jesus is literally…

  • The Descent Of Jesus Son Of Mary, As Portrayed In The Quran

    How can Jesus son Mary, be a sign of the Hour (Doomsday)? It cannot be except with his descent being in the last stage and period. His descent would then be a great sign and one of the major portents of the Hour – a sign that announces the closeness of its occurrence. This is…

  • We cannot afford to maintain these ancient prejudices against Islam

    In the 12th century, Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny, initiated a dialogue with the Islamic world. “I approach you not with arms, but with words,” he wrote to the Muslims whom he imagined reading his book, “not with force, but with reason, not with hatred, but with love.” Yet his treatise was entitled Summary…

  • Proof of the Christians’ Covert Crusade in Malaysia

    Today, we see Muslims being propositioned by Christian evangelical groups and missionaries relentlessly with a zeal that astounds us. Day by day, they seek out the weak, the poor, the sick, the destitutes amongst the Muslims of Asia and work their way in. Many of these missionaries work under guise of charities and relief effort…

  • Jesus and the Dead Sea Scrolls

    Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, authors of The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, argue that a pacifistic Jesus was very unlikely. As the authors point out, Qumranian phrases flowed from his lips, sometimes word for word. Traditionally, scholars concede that at least some Zealots made up Jesus inner circle. The Bible itself reveals him acting in…