The Christian missionaries and their Islamophobia allies have been calling for the destruction of Islam openly ever since the advent of the Internet. A cursory glance at these fanatical and bigoted websites will at once give the dilligent reader an idea of their genocidalBy “genocidal”, we do not neccessarily refer to the general dictionary meaning, but to a closed and organised attempt to wipe out Islamic thought and belief from within the ummah. Such covert attempts for example can be noted here. tendencies against the Muslim ummah, unfairly equating Islam with terrorism, and even denouncing Islam as equal to Nazism and hence Islam is not a “religion”, according to their bigoted lenses.

While their intention is clear (i.e. the destruction of Islam), some liberal Christians who have taken this author to task for the so-called “call” for the destruction of Christianity are blissfully unaware of these developments. Sadly too, some ignorant liberal Muslims from among the ummah are siding with these passive Christian liberalsBoth groups themselves are not practicing adherents of their respective religious beliefs and thus should not be taken as representatives of the religion(s) they claim to represent. and are too caught unawares of this hidden missionary threat. Even more, there are groups who openly pander to the hidden agendas of the kufaar and openly side with them in their genocidal ambitionsSuch as the heterodox Sisters In Islam and more recently, the daughter of a former Prime Minister of Malaysia, where an analysis of their beliefs and feminist foundations are dealt with here..

It is clear that in the Qur’an, God Almighty have denounced the innovations of Christianity, with special regard to the doctrine of Trinity:

Surely, disbelievers are those who said “Allah is the third of the three (in a Trinity).” But there is no Ilah (god) (none who has the right to be worshipped) but One Ilah (God – Allah). And if they cease not from what they say, verily, a painful torment will befall on the disbelievers among them.Qur’an, 5:73

The nature of the humanity of Jesus(P) is stressed throughout the Holy Writ; that he was born of a chaste woman (Mary), takes food and drink, functions as any normal human would do. Yet what distinguishes him from others is that he is favoured by the Almighty to become His Prophet“He spoke: Lo! I am the slave of God. He has given me the Scripture and has appointed me a Prophet and has made me blessed wheresoever I may be.” (Qur’an, 19:29-31) to the Children of Israel, preaching the message of tawhidi.e. Islamic monotheism. to them. The nature of Jesus(P) never was in dispute among the believers of Islam, unlike the Christians during the Arian heresy debate. Ehrman describes the dispute thus:

In brief, one of the competing groups in Christianity suceeded in overwhelming all others. This group gained more converts than its opponents and managed to relegate all its competitors to the margins. This group decided what the Church’s organizational structure would be. It decided which creeds Christians would recite. And it decided which books would be accepted as Scripture. This was the group Iraeneus belonged, as did other figures well known to scholars of second- and third-century Christianity, such as Justin Martyr and Tertullian. This group became “orthodox,” and once it had sealed its victory over all its opponents, it rewrote the history of engagement — claiming that it had always been the majority opinion of Christianity, that its views had always been the views of the apostolic churches and of the apostles, that its creeds were rooted directly in the teachings of Jesus. The books that it accepted as Scripture proved the point, for Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John all tell the story as proto-orthodox had grown accustomed to hearing it.Bart D. Ehrman, “Christianity Turned On Its Head: The Alternative Vision of the Gospel of Judas”, in Rodolphe Kesser, et. al. (eds.), The Gospel of Judas, National Geographic, 2006, p. 118

On the Day of Resurrection, the following dialogue will take place between God and Jesus(P):

And (remember) when Allah will say (on the Day of Resurrection): “O Isa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)! Did you say unto men: ‘Worship me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?’” He will say: “Glory be to You! It was not for me to say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing, You would surely have known it. You know what is in my inner-self though I do not know what is in Yours; truly, You, only You, are the All-Knower of all that is hidden (and unseen). Qur’an 5:116

It should be noted that until today, and unlike the Qur’an, there is no clear and reliable picture of Jesus(P), as derived from the texts of the New Testament. With the recent findings of the Gospel of Judas which casts Judas Iscariot, the “betrayer” of Jesus, into a more favourable lightFor the translation of this gospel along with the commentaries on it, see Rodolphe Kesser, et. al. (eds.), The Gospel of Judas, National Geographic, 2006, the image of Jesus(P) as the God to be worshipped and a victim of Deicide at the hands of the Jews is blurrier still and the humanity of Jesus(P) shines through.

Joachim Jeremias — one of the foremost exegetes of the New Testament in this century, who after a lifetime of study of the original — finally agreed with the German theologian Rudolph Bultmann that:

“[W]ithout a doubt it is true to say that the dream of ever writing a biography of Jesus is over.” Joachim Jeremias, The Problem of the Historical Jesus (Fortress Press: 1972), p. 12

Meaning that even the chronology of the life of Jesus(P) could not be properly established from the New Testament. From the above exposition, it is clear that one now may be lead to ask, if this was the state of Christians who cannot even agree on their basic theology, how are we expected to trust the Christian interpretation of events on even bigger matters such as Christian ethics and Weltanshauung? Yet we still wonder why the Christians are anxious to proclaim their “one out of many” deviant versions to Muslims.

J.S. Vos in summarising the beliefs of Christianity and Islam, says thus:

“There is nothing in Islam to lead a man to say, “Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death”? or “I know that in me; that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.” A religion with reasonable attainable objectives…does not give the sinner the anguish of a guilty conscience nor the frustration of trying without success to attain in practical living the requirements of an absolute moral standard. In brief, Islam makes a man feel good, while Christianity necessarily first, and often thereafter, makes a man feel bad. The religion of the broken heart is Christianity, not Islam.”J. S. Vos, A Christian Introduction to Religions of the World, pp. 66-67

Hence our conclusion remains: that while Christianity is indeed a religion of blind faith and one of the broken heart, Islam is the religion par excellence, of logic and rationality, bringing the previous religions of mankind to a completion. Thus, why should the Christians be allowed to persist in their misguidance with regard to the nature of the Messiah Jesus(P)?

The vision of the future, therefore, should be one of a world without the existence of ChristianityHaving said this, however, we certainly have no intention of any genocidal ambitions or mass-murdering intentions against the Christian ummah in general. What is necessary is a re-education for them to recognise the invalidity of the logic that “1+1+1 equals to 1”., where its adherents admit to and recognise the truth of the One Creator and Jesus, peace be upon him, as a wholly human prophet with no attribute of the Deity attached to him.A hadith in the collection of Sahih Bukhari alludes to this dissertion: Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the Jizya tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as charitable gifts). “Breaking of the cross” is an allegory referring to the end of Christianity and the beginning of an Islamic rule under the rulership of the Messiah Jesus. This is, after all, the unity of mankind under the banner of Pax Islamica, of which the Qur’an duly affirms.

And verily, only God knows best! A Vision of the Future Without.... 2

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29 responses to “A Vision of the Future Without….”

  1. shadowofears Avatar

    My comments on anonymouse

    .I seem to agree with him Allah give taufeeq to those who uses their wisdom.
    Facts may remain as facts.
    If what MENJ said of Christianity to be a blind faith, and Islam in his own words – of “par excellence, of logic and rationality” then the whole world would have been converted by now!
    That is why there are few people who receieve Allah guideness because Allah has given them wisdom to think.

  2. shake my head Avatar
    shake my head

    This is like watching the Tooth Fairy argue with Santa Claus.

  3. anonymouse Avatar

    by the way, forget to tell that after all, we are searching for the truth after .So, quarrel is not necessary and stupid. Debate wisely. ;)

  4. anonymouse Avatar

    Arnold Layne, you’re underestimating Allah’s ability as a God and an Almighty creator. He can do whatever He want and that Jesus was born of a virgin birth is very easy things for Him to do. test one’s faith like you people. Let us think about the wisdom. Now, answer me. Why do Allah ask Abraham to slaugther his own child?

    Facts may remain as facts. If what MENJ said of Christianity to be a blind faith, and Islam in his own words – of “par excellence, of logic and rationality” then the whole world would have been converted by now!

    Allah only gives taufeeq and hidayah to certain people who works for it, not for all sorry(as stated in the Al-quran). I wonder what will happen to the world’s economy if everybody convert to Islam (well, with all the alcohol business) hmm…don’t forget about the FREE sex too.

  5. Arnold Layne Avatar
    Arnold Layne

    “The nature of the humanity of Jesus (P) is stressed throughout the Holy Writ; that he was born of a chaste woman (Mary), takes food and drink, functions as any normal human would do.

    This cracks me up to no end. Yeah, Jesus was just a normal prophet and human being just like all the other prophets. Plenty of other prophets were the result of a virgin birth. What are you thinking? It’s so odd that one the one hand, Islam relegates Jesus to be a mere human being just like Muhammad, and yet, at the same time, it acknowledges that Jesus was born of a virgin birth. How odd. How do Muslims reconcile this strange contradiction in their minds? Did Allah just make Jesus be born of a virgin birth for the heck of it?

  6. George Carty Avatar
    George Carty

    Why do you go on so much about Christians? In my experience the most virulent Islam-bashers are atheists. Faith Freedom International and History of Jihad are examples of atheist anti-Islam sites.

  7. Chrome Avatar

    So sad is it that religous facts has to be fought out like this. Some to keep peace, some to invoke anger, and some probably to watch the show. All in all, a misunderstanding and misintepretion of words and a faith in attack mode?

    If god/ Allah was here to watch this circus, I think he would be more amused than angry on the whole “Vision of The Future” topic and I am glad that he was of “The Walking Past” else he would have had to attend and divert his mind to these superficial arguing or so called debate.

    I am, a free thinker. I do not side on any religion but take all as an understanding of hope and morality in which our forefathers have tried so hard to teach us. Some have come to learn this aspect, yet others follow it by word without understanding the whole picture. I belief that both Christianty and Islam are intertwined, yet the people who believe in this have made it more into a slap than a shake of hand.
    Who states what is right or wrong?
    Who judges the fine lines of intepretation?
    Faith is afterall, a belief in a story which won the battle to the pen and paper.

    Seeing people go so assertive on their religion makes sad.
    1st world technology, 3rd world country.
    .We have a long way to go.

  8. Grace Avatar

    And regarding Jimmy Swaggert, I do not know much about him.

    But all I can say is that, not everyone who calls themselves a Christian maybe be one. There are also preachers who preach false teachings, whom we believe are used by Satan in our midst just like the serpent.

    So whether Jimmy S was one of em, I don’t know.

  9. Grace Avatar

    Oh ya, Luke 6:5 was Jesus’ words.

    Reading back, it’s super long man. Well, had a lil bit more to say but I’ve got exams and been online for a little too long.

    And do excuse the smileys, I didn’t really take my comment as a “serious” and “professional” comment but from a personal point of view.

    Selamat malam!

  10. Grace Avatar

    Dear Mahaguru58,

    Thank you for your kind and polite greeting – happiness, peace, wisdom, laughter, joy, and everything good under the sun be with you too! :D

    Luke 6:5 – “The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath”
    Surely you are familiar with the term, Son of Man that refers to Jesus – and Lord of The Sabbath wouldn’t need any explaination since you seem to be a person who’s very familiar with religious terms.

    “The Christians unfortunately do not follow the Prophet Eesa’s message to submit to Allah the Almighty and instead chose to worship him, a servant of Allah.

    I can copy paste verses from the ‘Bible’ to fortify what I am relaying here but I believe that you and all of the Christians here already have your Bible at hnd and have come across all of the verses where he, the Blessed Prophet Eesa @ Jesus Alaihisalam (May peace be upon him) keeps reminding his people -The Children of Israel-not to worship him but the ‘Father’- Almighty God- Allah Most Merciful Himself.”

    Yup, Jesus does remind the people to worship God. But as far as I know, he does not tell people not to worship him because he is not God.

    John 9:35-41 (rather long, so.. better not make this comment too long :D )

    In another situation stated in Matt 14:32 – 33

    And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

    Again, there was no statement of Jesus rebuking them/ telling them that he was not to be worshipped.

    Haha, of course we have our Bible in our hands :) To us it is the Word of God. Written by men, inspired by God :) Of course you can copy and paste verses by Jesus reminding the people to worship God. Do paste some about him telling people not to worship him because he is not God. If Jesus were to tell people “hey don’t worship God, worship me”, that would be another stupid story – IF it happened. We can’t change history, so.. IF would be just for us to dream on about it.

    Secondly, no one has the right to forgive sin except God.
    I doubt there is a need for me to state verses whereby Jesus forgives the people’s sins.

    Well, there’s always an incase right? Luke 6:20-24

    Actually you’re not the first to bring this point up. Well, check out this response [].

    Please do check it out instead of going “This site AGAIN!” but do read it as a reply to your statement that we Christians have “mis-worshipped” Jesus as God. Well, I’m not saying that you will react in that way, but.. if lah.

    “If your logic is that Jesus is worthy of worship as ‘the Son of God’ for being borne by a virgin- Siti Mariam – Mother Mary (May peace be upon her), then doesn’t Our Father , the Prophet Adam (may peace be upon him) merit that status more for he had no Father or even a Mother?”

    Nope that’s not my logic. But it was simply a reply to your statement
    “What’s so hard about realising that anyone who is conceived and born out of a woman is just another being created by the Almighty Allah and not to be worshipped as God?”

    A reply only mar, not saying my belief is basically on that. Don’t be so critical la :)

    “Christians can be so studious about so many things on Earth and have discovered so many things on their own and from the earlier studies and researches done by the Muslim scholars but still are confused as to the matter of God, being the One and Only Supreme Creator, Cherisher and Sustainer”

    Because you see what you believe in as right, you say we are confused. So, we could say the same for us – you are confused that Jesus is a prophet and not God in flesh. Confused is subjected to the person’s point of view.

    “What’s so hard to understand that God is the Creator and not ‘conceived’ or ‘created’ either immaculately or otherwise?

    Where does it merit the Creator to be born and helpless in a manger or whatever?”
    That is what you see in your beliefs. Merit? Who said it was a merit? It was also something that God chose to go against the perception of the Jews that the King that was prophecied about by many prophets in the OT. Everyone thinks a King has to be born in royalty, like how every king is born. And what they thought is that he will free them from the ruling empire of that time, but no.. he was meant to save something more eternal, and more important.

    “I know that you are a good God fearing person as well as the rest of the Christian people but please try to see the truth of Eesa’s message to his people the Jews of Israel and be willing to discover your birthright to be a Muslim-one who submits to only God Almighty Himself and that the Prophet and Final Messenger of God to all of Mankind is none other than the Son of Abdullah, Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam, the Mercy of God for all of us.”
    Actually I pasted this excerpt to thank you for your nice compliment :)

    “If you still can’t accept this , I just can wish you well and may you receive the Light of Revelation from Allah , God Almighty soon or within your lifetime here on Earth. Amin Ya Rabbal Alameen.”
    Sorry pal, but I think faith is bigger than a debate and facts.

    DoctorMaybe: Let’s face it, true Christians are blind believers.

    Facts may remain as facts. If what MENJ said of Christianity to be a blind faith, and Islam in his own words – of “par excellence, of logic and rationality” then the whole world would have been converted by now!

    Faith isn’t about logic. God is bigger than our puny lil’ minds. A serpent talking in Genesis, Lazarus being raised from the dead, miracles from God and Jesus in the OT and NT, a talking spider helping Prophet Muhammad and others don’t make sense or doesn’t seem logical either.

    In reality, seeing is believing. But in faith, believing is seeing. That is why faith is not easy to have, especially in tough times.

    Facts may remain as facts. Jesus walked on the face of the earth, a historical fact. Prophet Muhammad walked on the face of the earth, and built the mosques (and everything in the sejarah textbook that I can remember) and his kerajaan – another historical fact.

    The difference however, is a personal encounter with God. Nothing beats that. Oh, except a life with Him :)

    “If you still can’t accept this , I just can wish you well and may you receive the Light of Revelation from Allah , God Almighty soon or within your lifetime here on Earth. Amin Ya Rabbal Alameen.”

    Thank you so much for your hope and wishes for me, I pray the same for you too!:)

    Have a nice day!
    (sorry if it’s rather lengthy.)

  11. multidimid Avatar

    The Truth of the matter
    The belief systems that are strongest to us individually, we would call that a truth. You express it each day within your focuses. You associate with it continuously. Many of your automatic responses are associated within yourselves as truth.

    Many of your truths — all of your truths — are beliefs, but as you identify them as truths, you do not see them as beliefs. You do express them, but you do not identify them as beliefs.

    Therefore, they are not questioned. You do what you do, for this is true. You do not question many expressions within your environments and within each other, for you assess that they are truths and therefore they are absolutes within YOUR estimations.

    This particular belief system may be one of the most insidious and one of the most difficult to identify and to notice. All of those automatic responses that you do not notice and you identify them as merely truth. Therefore, they are entirely unquestioned.

    Many individuals may express to themselves and to other individuals that they do not incorporate religious beliefs. This is entirely incorrect. They may even express to themselves that they do not incorporate any expression of religious beliefs, and they do. All of us express some religious beliefs, for all of us express some beliefs within every belief system — not all of them, but some.

    You all incorporate many beliefs that you do not notice, that you do not pay attention to, that you do not question, for you assume that it is a truth and there is no other manner in which it may be perceived. This generates tremendous conflict, for it is a tremendous lack of acceptance.

    What we are witnessing now within our world are individuals who express their truths and their differences in their truths, and there is no bending. For you do not question your own truths, and therefore they must be absolute and all other individuals must accept them, for your truth is THE truth and another individual’s truth is wrong, and it is questioned.

    We must be aware of what your truths are and recognizing that they are not truths. It is important that you pay attention to what you do and you pay attention to your emotional communications and to your translations of thoughts, but within your world most individuals do not.

    We must now move our attention to how we project energy outwardly in interaction with other individuals and how that offers a contribution within our world in what manner you choose to be generating that energy and how it is affecting of other individuals.

  12. DoctorMaybe Avatar

    Some people convert to Christianity upon seeing Jesus in their dreams. They don’t study the bible, try to reconcile the innumerable errors, and so on. All they do is believe.

    How about that idiot Jimmy Swaggert? Always bragging about the Holy Ghost contacting him. It took one debate with Ahmed Deedat to prove blind Christians false.

    Let’s face it, true Christians are blind believers.

  13. mahaguru58 Avatar

    Dear Grace,

    May peace be upon you and the bloggers here.

    The very fact that Eesa Alaihisalam was born negates any qualifications to be worshipped as God.

    In the Surah Al Ikhlas . Al Qur’an Chapter 112, Allah says clearly to us:

    Qul hu wallah hu ahad-Say Allah is One

    Allah hus samad – Allah, the Eternal, Most Absolute

    Lam yalid walam yulad -He was not Born nor Does he Beget

    Walam yakun lahu kuffuwan ahad-There is None Whatsoever alike Him!

    We Muslims respect the Messiah Eesa Alaihisalam with as much love and honor as we do to all of Almighty Allah’s Messengers.

    The Christians unfortunately do not follow the Prophet Eesa’s message to submit to Allah the Almighty and instead chose to worship him, a servant of Allah.

    I can copy paste verses from the ‘Bible’ to fortify what I am relaying here but I believe that you and all of the Christians here already have your Bible at hnd and have come across all of the verses where he, the Blessed Prophet Eesa @ Jesus Alaihisalam (May peace be upon him) keeps reminding his people -The Children of Israel-not to worship him but the ‘Father’- Almighty God- Allah Most Merciful Himself.

    If your logic is that Jesus is worthy of worship as ‘the Son of God’ for being borne by a virgin- Siti Mariam – Mother Mary (May peace be upon her), then doesn’t Our Father , the Prophet Adam (may peace be upon him) merit that status more for he had no Father or even a Mother?

    Christians in general are good people who want to submit to Almighty God but along the way, have unfortunately deitified the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Eesa @ Jesus into being ‘The Lord’ himself.

    Christians can be so studious about so many things on Earth and have discovered so many things on their own and from the earlier studies and researches done by the Muslim scholars but still are confused as to the matter of God, being the One and Only Supreme Creator, Cherisher and Sustainer.

    Eesa Alaihisalam @ Jesus the Messiah was sent but to the Lost House of Israel but today we see Non Jews claim to be Followers of Jesus when in reality they do not actually follow the true teachings of Jesus which is Islam.

    We can exchange info about this subject till Kingdom come but it is not going to change the truth about ‘Christians’ being misled by the Church authorities right from the early days of this ‘faith’.

    What’s so hard to understand that God is the Creator and not ‘conceived’ or ‘created’ either immaculately or otherwise?

    Where does it merit the Creator to be born and helpless in a manger or whatever?

    It’s a classic case like asking someone to try ‘see’ a 3D image . Not many can see it. It is what we Muslims call as ‘Taufeek’ and ‘Hidayah’ being the Godsent Vision and Inspiration.

    I know that you are a good God fearing person as well as the rest of the Christian people but please try to see the truth of Eesa’s message to his people the Jews of Israel and be willing to discover your birthright to be a Muslim-one who submits to only God Almighty Himself and that the Prophet and Final Messenger of God to all of Mankind is none other than the Son of Abdullah, Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam, the Mercy of God for all of us.

    If you still can’t accept this , I just can wish you well and may you receive the Light of Revelation from Allah , God Almighty soon or within your lifetime here on Earth. Amin Ya Rabbal Alameen.

    Grant us this wish O Allah. May Allah bless us all.

  14. DoctorMaybe Avatar

    Grace has proved the crux of the article

  15. Grace Avatar

    “2. Does your statement means Jesus can make only blind people who has faith in him to see ? If it is, your jesus is a selfish lot. “

    As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”

    “Yes, Lord,” they replied.

    Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith will it be done to you” – Matthew 9:27-29

    A man is paid for what he has worked for, he reaps what he sows.
    If they asked Jesus to heal them, it shows that they have faith.

    So you’re saying that Jesus should have gone to every blind man he saw wherever he goes, and heal them even though they never asked for it?

    I’m sure you wouldn’t like it if you were sick or something, and I go to the hospital and pray for you without your offer.

    Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7

    Do accept my explaination with an open heart and mind.

  16. Grace Avatar

    Mahaguru : “What’s so hard about realising that anyone who is conceived and born out of a woman is just another being created by the Almighty Allah and not to be worshipped as God?”

    There is a difference friend, Jesus was born out of a virgin. Were you?

    I used to wonder why Jesus would need to come down, as God in the form of a human. But this is what was in the Easter sermon, and will stay in my mind forever.

    This is the scenario : A group (troop, army, colony wtv) of ants were heading towards a direction where there was an anteater. You, want to help them and lead them to a safe path. As a human, you’re big and gigantic – obviously the ants would not understand if you try to brush them away towards the other directions!

    However, if you were an ant and led them to the safer direction – they would follow, and understand.

    “”There is nothing in Islam to lead a man to say, “Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death”? or “I know that in me; that is, in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing.” ”

    There something people have which is called humility, guilt and gratefulness. Have you not ever felt grateful to whom you call God for all the good things that have happened to you?

    Humility can reach a level that they find themselves unworthy of God’s love, His grace and mercy – for our God is gracious.

  17. Chanz Avatar

    Humans evolved through time and perceive things differently, let us be happy and go through our lives in great harmony together, no differences, no separation, no discrimination. I guess it would be a big NO for all these if these kind websites exist to steer things up. Don’t keep it up guys.

  18. MaRk Avatar

    Perhaps your efforts should first be directed to eradicating whatever is wrong with your own religion first. Before you wipe out Christianity, why not make YOUR religion the best, most enlightened religion where all it’s followers are sin-free? I’m sure if that happens, there is no reason why there won’t be masses of people flocking to Islam, especially if Christianity is so wrong, so false. And speaking of blindness….how do you know who’s the blind party? Is there even a blind party? Can you even comprehend the idea that come Judgement Day, your faith might be wrong?

    And what of the Hindu’s and the Buddhists and the Taoists? Are they all blind too? Should their faiths also be destroyed one by one after you’ve finished off Christianity?

    Basically, I think you must ask yourself this: Is it wrong for another person to have their own beliefs?

    Because I don’t think it matters a whit what religion a person is in as long as he or she does not harm others. Between a Muslim terrorist and a Christian who does good deeds, I’d vote the Muslim terrorist off the island anytime. Likewise between those mad, crazy-foaming-at-the-mouth Christian Crusaders and the enlightened Arabs of so long ago, I’d vote them Crusaders off my island.

    Please be more tolerant of others and their faiths. We will all be ultimately judged by our actions, not the faiths we proclaim to follow.

  19. shag Avatar

    On the one hand,
    Christians believe the words of 4 anonymous writers who wrote about the life of Jesus sometime after his death, yet disbelief the words of other anonymous writers who wrote about Jesus as the same time.

    On the other hand,
    Muslims believe that what some men who heard what Mohamed apparently said were the words of God as communicated to him by an angel several decades ago, remembered them word for word. But other men’s recollections of what Mohamed has purported to have said were flawed recollections.

    Whether Christian, Muslim, or any other religion, all religions are based on faith. How one religion could be more rational or logical than another is beyond me. Anyone who argues that because X book says this therefore it must be true is taking a leap of faith.

  20. Saddened Avatar

    Let us (whether Christians or Muslims) focus
    on the teachings of GOD and PRACTICE what
    GOD wants us to be……….certainly I am sure
    that GOD does not like any of these cross
    firings. Peace be with you all!

  21. S-Kay Avatar

    Islam is the religion, par excellence, of logic and rationality,…

    Logic and rationality, I agree but I believe and see that most are moving away from this logic and rationality mentioned. Tell me, what is the logic and rationality behind the intention of wiping out another religion or in fact condemning it? There is nothing wrong with the Q’uran (of course) but there is a lot of wrong with the way some people are interpreting it but of course, we would only know right or wrong when Judgement Day comes.

    How are we to trust the Christian interpretation, you asked? How are we to trust the Muslims’ interpretation when you have some Muslims misinterpreting the meaning of Jihad already. You cannot fault others for putting terrorism and Islam together as it is the Muslims (the involved ones) who put themselves in this situation. They are moving away from basic logic and rationality already. Maybe instead of condemning other religion or focus on ridding them off, you should help the blind see the real essence of Islam again.

    Religion never taught us to condemn others, religion taught us to spread our beliefs as guidance to those who are willing to share that belief.

  22. Jane Avatar

    This is so typical. anyway, everyone have their own beliefs. But I thought that a good religion would not encourage the followers to critisize other religions.? If you learn to respect other people’s religion without having the cruel and bad intention of “destroying” it, I think I’ll look up to it rather than feeling disgusted at it now. I believe in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Once a christian, always a christian.

    [Admin: And that is why the faith of a Christian is that of the blind. The blind can never lead the blind.]

  23. huss gunda Avatar
    huss gunda

    for the guy who calls himself ‘slave of the Qur’aan’:

    And don’t give me any of that “God willed the crowd to demand Jesus’
    death, because Jesus had to die for their sins” nonsense, because the Sanhedrin had already tried to stone Jesus to death (twice) before (but Jesus ran away).

    Nor can one claim that God wanted Pilate and the Romans to be blamed for Jesus’ death so “He” orchestrated it that it would be Pilate who orders Jesus’ crucifixion, since Paul makes it clear that it was “the Jews” who killed Jesus “and the prophets” (and, as a result, had “finally” acrued the wrath of their own God,) which would have happened at either of the stonings without any confusion. Paul makes no mention of Pilate ordering Jesus’ death (or the Romans) at all to the Thessolonians and blames it all on the Sanhedrin (the “jews who killed our Lord Jesus and the prophets” and who allegedly forced them out of Jerusalem.

  24. huss gunda Avatar
    huss gunda

    1. But.. doctors also make the blind see.
    2. Does your statement means Jesus can make only blind people who has faith in him to see ? If it is, your jesus is a selfish lot.

    Brother, from a gospel point of view all of jesus’s miracles were a sham.

    Mark says : “And wherever he went–into VILLAGES, TOWNS or countryside–THEY placed the sick in the MARKETPLACES. They begged him to let THEM touch even the edge of his cloak, and ALL who touched him were healed.

    COMpare to

    Mark 15:12 “What shall I do, then, with the one you call the king of
    the Jews?” Pilate asked them.

    13″Crucify him!” they shouted.

    14″Why? What crime has he committed?” asked Pilate.
    But they shouted all the louder, “Crucify him!”

    15Wanting to satisfy the crowd, Pilate released Barabbas to them. He had Jesus flogged, and handed him over to be crucified.

    How can christians believe any of this lie? At one time we have this crowd fancy jesus so much that they want to touch the edge of his cloak and then at another time they all turn against him? wtf is this?

    In another verse this crowd wants pilate to release barnabas but not jesus.

    someone commented on this:So, ok, ignoring that glaring flaw, the crowd again insists on releasing Barabas; a convicted murderer, which would have most likely meant a murderer of a Roman citizen and not, say, of a Jewish slave (as Romans viewed the Jews). So Pilate would have been releasing a serious threat–a murderer–and instead killing a man he had just publicly declared (thrice) to be innocent of all charges, all because he, the Procurator and ruling Roman authority, was afraid of the crowd? The same crowd he was there to brutally subdue with ever present Roman soldiers, who, presumably, would have been out in force that day and would have had no problems at all spearing and slicing as many unarmed, under nourished, peasent, Jewish, slaves as they were ordered to? The same Pilate who later slaughtered the Sammaritans against Rome’s wishes and was recalled from duty to later commit suicide at the shame of losing his command?

    Not to mention the fact that, supposedly everybody loved Jesus and they all came out to him in “multitudes” when he first arrived and now, suddenly and for absolutely no reason at all, the anonymous crowd turn so inexplicably violent against a free man that they demand he be killed instead of a murderer…and Pilate says, “Yeah, ok.”

    All of Judea has spent the better part of two years, allegedly,
    following Jesus wherever he goes and begging just to touch the hem of his garments; a fanatacism in such a large faction that the Sanhedrin conspires secretly to kill him due to their fear of the crowd and as soon as Jesus is up on the block, the Sanhedrin are able to overcome their terror in order to “stir up” the crowd to have them ask for Barabas’ release and Jesus’ crucifixion.

    And the crowd agrees? Preposterous.

    Why did jesus make the blind see when they STILL REMAINED BLIND? what was thE POINT?

  25. Oreng Avatar

    To Abdul Kalimatullah,

    You say : Jesus did make the blind see because of their faith. (Matthew 12:22-23; Luke 11:14-23).

    1. But.. doctors also make the blind see.
    2. Does your statement means Jesus can make only blind people who has faith in him to see ? If it is, your jesus is a selfish lot.

  26. huss gunda Avatar
    huss gunda

    Abdul Kalimatullah
    #1. May 13th, 2006, at 4:30 AM.

    I don’t know much arabic but i’m 100 percent sure you called yourself slave of the Qur’aan.

    You know, actually, your article proposes to fulfill the answer the question of Jesus in the negative:

    “When the Son of Man [a very frequently used term Jesus used to speak of himself in the historically accurate accounts of the Gospel] returns, will he find faith in the earth.”

    show me one historical document outside of the nt that says pilate would release a murderer and punish someone innocent becuase he wanted to satify the crowd.

  27. Unknown Avatar

    There is a difference between faith based on evidence and faith based on no evidence.

  28. mahaguru58 Avatar

    I have always wondered why a majority of mankind after having come to learn about the Truth about Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala as True God Almighty still can’t get their sense of devotion right ?

    What’s so hard about understanding that each and every being is a ‘Creation’ of Almighty Allah and have a timeframe in which to come into being, live through a process of nature which is in total control and is allowed to be by nothing but the Will of Allah?

    All the billions of humanbeings from our Father , the Prophet Adam Alaihisalam and our Mother Siti Hawwa were, are being and will be created by Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala!

    Nothing comes into existing on its own!

    We are among the Last Generation of Mankind who are living in the Last Ages.

    What year do we come to record each of our seconds, minutes, hours and days by?

    We start counting the years from the birth of the Prophet Eesa Alaihisalam and from the Hijrah of the Final and Greatest Prophet and Messenger of Almighty Allah, Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wassallam.

    The Christian year is now 2006 CE (Chrisitan Era) and the Islamic Calendar is 1427 AH (After Hijrah).

    What’s so hard about realising that anyone who is conceived and born out of a woman is just another being created by the Almighty Allah and not to be worshipped as God?

    We Muslims respect and revere each and every Prophet of God including the Greatest Messenger of God, Muhammad the son of Abdullah!

    We do not worship anyone or anything but Almighty Allah!

    “Allah is One. Allah is Eternal and Absolute. He was not born nor did He beget anyone. There is None Whatsoever Alike Him.”
    Surah Al Ikhlas. Al Qur’an Al Kareem. Chapter 112.

    As clear as the meanings can be understood by every sane person capable of rational thought and understanding.

    Why condemn oneself to a useless situation such as submitting to a thing imagined and created by the Supreme Creator Himself?

    Try to open up and see things for wht they truly are and stop deluding yourself that the ‘Lord’ is Eesa Alaihisalam @ Jesus Christ (may peace be upon his soul) who is not more than another Messenger of Almighty Allah!

  29. Abdul Kalimatullah Avatar

    You know, actually, your article proposes to fulfill the answer the question of Jesus in the negative:

    “When the Son of Man [a very frequently used term Jesus used to speak of himself in the historically accurate accounts of the Gospel] returns, will he find faith in the earth.”

    Your article calls “faith” blind.

    Amazingly, Jesus did make the blind see because of their faith. (Matthew 12:22-23; Luke 11:14-23).

    You call faith “blind.”

    Ah, but it is only by faith that we can perceive the reality that the Invisible God created the earth. (Hebrews 11:1-3)

    To say then, that you propose to exterminate “faith” indicates an odd proposal indeed, eh.

    Ah, but the joy of the Lord is our strength!!

    The Lord Jesus loves you!!

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