Category: The Bible

  • Was Sarah The Sis­ter Of Abraham ?

    Was Sarah The Sis­ter Of Abraham ?

    Was Sarah really Abraham's sister? Ibn Hazm questions the status of Sarah as being Abraham's sister, as accepting that viz., from the Biblical perspective would result in various disagreements with other passages in the Old Testament concerning moral and theological issues. This is in reference to the stories of Sarah's seizure by Pharaoh and Abime'elech…

  • Does God Change Or Does Not Change His Mind ?

    Does God change or does not change His mind? According to Ibn Hazm, Exodus 32:10-14 and 33:3-14 ascribes al-bada' (changing of mind) to God and hence this presents a problem to the nature of God and His characters with regard to His All-Knowing attribute. When one compares the above passages side by side, the internal…

  • The Usage and Sig­nif­i­cance of the New Tes­ta­ment Ver­sions for Text Crit­i­cal Purposes

    The Usage and Sig­nif­i­cance of the New Tes­ta­ment Ver­sions for Text Crit­i­cal Purposes

    "Versions" are simply the translations of the New Testament into other languages. The New Testament writers originally wrote their books and epistles in the Greek language whereas the versions are translations of their writings into other languages. Naturally, non-Greek speaking Christians wanted the text of the New Testament in their own local languages and so…

  • The Sign of Immanuel : Was It About Jesus ?

    The Sign of Immanuel : Was It About Jesus ?

    The authors of the New Testament have often quoted passages from the Old Testament, claiming such statements to be prophecies fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ. The number of such quoted passages is actually very high. Among the evangelists, Matthew is the one having made this phenomenon characteristic to his Gospel. The prophecy carries…

  • The Qur’an Can­not Be A Text of Divine Origin

    The Christian missionaries tend to make the general conclusion that the Qur'an cannot be a text of divine origin because of the unacceptable meanings included in it.Perhaps they are correct in this conclusion and we may be inclined to agree with them due to the following reasons.

  • Chris­t­ian Sal­va­tion Debate : To Do Good Works Or To Be Saved By The Blood Of Christ ?

    Every Christian believe that they should do good works, that they should follow the law of the Prophets. However they do not believe that a man can be justified by the good works. "For all who rely on doing the works of the law are under a curse, because it is written, "Cursed is everyone…

  • Racism and Slav­ery in the Bible

    In studying various topics about Christianity and Islam over the years I will never forget an article I came across on the topic of racism. It was called: "Children of a White God" and the author was Matthew C. Ogilvie. I remembered that the majority of slavery in the United States had been justified by…

  • A Clos­er Look at the Sto­ry of Daniel : Homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in the Bible

    Is there homo­sex­u­al­i­ty in the Bible ? The Bible endors­es homo­sex­u­al behav­iour and we shall pro­vide one such exam­ple, which is exem­pli­fied in the sto­ry of the rela­tion­ship between Daniel and the prince of the eunuchs. The verse is : ​“Vayiten ha-Elo­him et-Daniyel leKHesed u’ler­aKHamim lifnei sar hasarisim” (Daniel 1:9) [i.e., ​“Now God had brought Daniel into favor…

  • On what day did the House of the Lord” burn down ?

    Was it on the seventh day or on the tenth day? According to 2 Kings 25:8-9, the "House of the Lord" was burnt down on the seventh day of the month: "And in the fifth month, on the seventh day of the month ... burned the house of the Lord." Yet, we are informed in…