Tag: Tarsus

  • What I Did Not Say And The Missionary Myopia

    What I Did Not Say And The Missionary Myopia

    There are those who say that lying and deceiving is at the soul of all crime and that Christianity epitomizes these traits more than any other faith. As proof of their assertion they often quote Paul of Tarsus, arguably the true founder of Christianity, who is recorded to have said, “But if through my falsehood…

  • Islam and the False Allegations of Atrocities

    Islam and the False Allegations of Atrocities

    European criticism seems to have lost its sense of justice in dealing with the Prophet(P). All the rates of that criticism seem to be subject to the one consideration that whatever is unfavourable and damaging to the Prophet’s reputation must be accepted as true. For example, Answering Islam, a website which is full of lies…

  • Lying in Christianity

    Lying in Christianity

    To find the Christian missionaries accusing Muslims of exemplifying lying is totally amusing, to say the least, as the doctrine of taqiyyah is exclusively a Shi’ite doctrine which is held onto by a mere 8% – 10% out of the total 1.3 billion Muslim population around the world, the majority of whom are overwhelmingly Sunni.…

  • Paul in Islam: The False Apostle From Tarsus

    Paul in Islam: The False Apostle From Tarsus

    The purpose of this brief article is to show that Paul, the self-acclaimed “apostle” whom the Christians follow, has no place in Islam at all. Muslims believe that between the time periods of the Prophet Jesus(P) and the Prophet Muhammad(P), no Messenger of God had come between them, whether to the Gentiles or the Jews.…

  • Paul of Tarsus: The Clear-Cut Hypocrite

    We read the following teachings of the so-called “apostle” from Tarsus, Paul, written in his epistles as follows: If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I…