Tag: Mark
The Gospels’ Accounts Regarding the Call of the First Disciples
So which is the correct Gospel account concerning the choice of Jesus’ first apostles? The following Bible contradiction was extracted from an unpublished thesis entitled Ibn Hazm On The Doctrine of Tahrif which cites Kitab al-Fasl fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa’ wa al-Nihal and insha’allah this will be part of an ongoing series to reproduce extracts…
The Qur’anic Etymologies of ”Nazarene” and ”Gospel” and Their Historical Implications
Journal of the Society for Qur’anic Studies, Number 1, Volume 1, 2001 The Qur’an and the New Testament agree on a number of issues regarding Jesus Christ. Both books, for instance, stress that Jesus, who is called ” ‘Isa” in the Qur’an, was conceived miraculously by his mother Mary. He had no father. This is…