Tag: Genealogy
Surah al-Anbiyaa:30 and the Missionary Felix Culpa
Recently the world’s most maladroit missionaries have allowed an impromptu piece to be published in response to Shabbir Ally’s views on Surah al-Anbiyaa: 30. Personally I do believe that Shabbir’s interpretation is wrong, albeit he was not the first Muslim to proffer such a cosmological hypothesis on this particular Holy Ayaah. However I feel that…
Cosmology and the Holy Qur’an: A Response to Richard Carrier
This paper is intended to respond to atheistic criticism as proposed by Richard Carrier, in a rather large piece that is in my personal opinion and understanding, replete with errors and misunderstandings with regards to basic cosmological concepts, the Islamic viewpoint, as well as history. I also address a few polemics that were put forward…
The Eclipse of Matthew 27?
In the article Historical Errors in the Qur’an? I briefly touched upon the events mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew surrounding the crucifixion of the Prophet Isa(P). With regards to the crucifixion of ‘Isa(P), it is recorded in the Gospel of Matthew: Matthew 27:4 “From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over…
A Medieval Christian Patriarch on Prophet Muhammad
The following is an extract from the allocution of Patriarch Timothy I before the Caliph al-Mahdi on how he viewed the Prophet Muhammad(P). I guess Christians back then were not as intolerant of other faiths as how it might appear from their polemical websites such as “Answering Islam”. It is entitled: Timothy’s Apology for Christianity,…