Nabeel Qureshi died at the age of 34 years old from a “rare and deadly form of stomach cancer”1 on 16th September 2017. The online communities of Muslims and Christians, especially those who were involved in apologetics on the World Wide Web, came to receive the news of Nabeel Qureshi‘s death with mixed reactions, as his funeral was streamed live on YouTube.

It is, after all, well-known to Muslims involved in apologetics that, having branded himself as an “ex-Muslim” with a strong appeal to family emotionalism2, Nabeel had gone on to become the author of three polemical books3 dissing Islam and its tenets, developed an online money-making polemical video course aimed at an evangelical target audience, and allied himself with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) to go on various roadshows and seminars with the sole intention of vilifying Islam openly.

This article aims to provide context to Nabeel Qureshi’s polemical life, his forays into Christian missionary attacks against Islam and his hidden motives in doing so, insha’Allah.

Who Was Nabeel Qureshi?

To begin, we must, of course, ask the obvious question: who is Nabeel Qureshi and how was he able to “sell himself” as an ex-Muslim with the credentials to talk about Islam?

The story, according to his first polemical and infamous book “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus: A Former Muslim Shares the Evidence That Led Him from Islam to Christianity” (Zondervan, 2014), tells us that he was roommates in college with infamous YouTuber and anti-Islam bigot, David Wood. After having discussions about religion with Wood, Nabeel Qureshi apparently decided to “convert” to Christianity after meeting Jesus[!] in contradictory dream sequences.

From this point on, he was involved in the activities of Acts 17 Apologetics, a militant missionary group started by Wood, which greatest achievement was to “gate-crash” on an Arab-Muslim festival that is held annually in Dearborn, Michigan.

Not long after, he was taken notice of by Ravi Zacharias from the Ravi Zacharias International Ministry (RZIM). Eventually, it was Ravi Zacharias himself who took him in as his protege and under the RZIM banner, supported Nabeel Qureshi’s evangelistic and missionary outreach to the Muslims.

Through the books and video courses that Nabeel Qureshi produced on Islam while being affiliated with RZIM, his image was slowly build up by RZIM through their online and offline media promotions. This reached the point that many Christians regard Nabeel Qureshi as an “authority” on Islam and took his words on anything about Islam as indisputable.

Seeking Allah Finding Jesus?

The consistent narrative that was repeated incessantly by Nabeel Qureshi was that he was raised in a “devout Muslim family”. It should be mentioned right from the onset however that Nabeel Qureshi was was a Qadiani. He converted to Christianity, under the influence of David Wood, from a heterodox sect which calls itself the Ahmadiyya, a movement that has never been recognised by mainstream Islam as “Muslims”.

The Ahmadiyya believe that their founder, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, was a prophet of God and the promised Messiah in the likeness of Jesus(P). These two fundamental claims run contrary to mainstream orthodox Islam, which clearly says that there can be no Prophet of God after the passing of Muhammad(P) (Qur’an, 33:40) and that the Messiah was no other than Christ Jesus(P), the son of Mary (Qur’an, 3:45; cf. 4:171).

In 1974, the National Assembly of Pakistan convened in a special assembly called the National Assembly of Pakistan Proceedings on Qadiani Issue, the outcome of which had resulted in the passage of an amendment to the then freshly minted constitution of Pakistan and declared the Qadianis to be non-Muslims.

Qadiani Proceedings 1974 In Pakistan
Qadiani Law 1974 In Pakistan

Yet the Christian media, in the wake of Nabeel’s death, conveniently gloss over this small, inconvenient fact and consistently potrayed Nabeel Qureshi in their rabid, polemical frenzy as an “ex-Muslim”4 or as a “former Muslim”5.

It is interesting to note that some Christian apologists did question Nabeel Qureshi’s “Islamic upbringing”. One of them was Seth Dunn, in which he says (while commenting on Nabeel’s contradictory story on having been converted through a “dream”6):

Still, readers should recall that it was originally a Muslim apologist who exposed inconsistencies in Ergun Caner’s Islamic background story. While the inconsistencies in the dream stories cited above are slight, they are relevant given the vast evangelical fascination with stories of Muslim dreams and visions of Jesus. Furthermore, Qureshi’s very Islamic credentials are in question. Qureshi is a former Ahmadi. According to Snow, the Ahmadi sect is not considered Muslim by Muslims in the same way Mormons are not considered Christians.

Seth Dunn, “Resetting the Evangelical Mindset on Nabeel Qureshi” in Pulpit & Pen, 4 July 2016

In other words, Nabeel Qureshi’s so-called “Muslim upbringing” was a convenient “hammer” against the Muslims which the Christian missionaries utilised to the fullest.

How Influential Was Nabeel Qureshi, Really?

No son did Allah beget, nor is there any god along with Him: (if there were many gods), behold, each god would have taken away what he had created, and some would have lorded it over others! Glory to Allah! (He is free) from the (sort of) things they attribute to Him! (Qur’an, 23:91)

At the onset of his reimaging as a Christian apologist in 2014, Nabeel wrote the following tweet:

Nabeel Qureshi left Islam
Screenshot taken from The original tweet has been deleted as at December 2022

As any Muslim who sincerely understands and believes in the message of Islam would know, that statement on why Nabeel Qureshi left Islam is totally untrue and without any real basis whatsoever. As it is, Islam does not solely hinge on the life of the Prophet Muhammad(P) to uphold the divine truth of the Qur’an as the direct Revelation from God Almighty.

Hence, when the news of Nabeel’s death became known, the Muslim initial reaction was — on the whole — muted and dignified on the social media and blogs. It was only the Christian news media and Christian blogs that went with inflammatory headlines in order to drum up public sentiment about Nabeel’s death and sensationalise it for their target audience.

This brings us to the next question: how far did Nabeel’s successes really go?

We find it odd that at the time of writing this article, no Christian had openly questioned the so-called “achievements” of Nabeel Qureshi in his attempts to bring Muslims to the worship of Christ; more so its effectiveness. Where are those so-called “hundreds of Muslims” that were inspired by Nabeel’s message of him leaving Islam and converted? What are their names and which part of Nabeel’s message reached them to the point that they feel compelled to convert to Christianity?

There has been no such data produced and we believe that there will be no such data any time soon, simply because it does not exist. Nabeel Qureshi’s tired polemics on the issue of Allah (God), the personality of the Prophet Muhammad(P), the concept of jihad and anything else apart from this will not change the minds of Muslims to consider Christianity as a valid option.

The Christian scholar and thinker Hans Kung said as follows regarding Muhammad:7

Whatever we Christians do with this fact, we must affirm that he acted as a prophet and that he was a prophet. I do not see how we can avoid the conclusion that on their way of salvation, Muslims follow a prophet who is decisive for them.

Certainly, the credentials of Hans Kung is much more impeccable than the highly polemical and disputed authority that Nabeel Qureshi represents!

Generally speaking, however, there were no polemical inquiry from Nabeel Qureshi on Islam that had not already been analysed, debated, answered and refuted already by the many Muslim apologists and the online Islamic da’wah movement in general. Indeed, the general opinion among Muslims regarding the Prophet(P) is one of being merciful, the total opposite of what Nabeel Qureshi represents:

When Muhammad came into a position of political power after decades of persecution, his first act was to forgive those who had persecuted him. His heart of mercy is also illustrated by this hadith: “A dying child was once brought to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). When, on seeing the child’s last breaths, the Prophet began to shed tears, one of his companions asked why he was crying. He replied: ‘It is a mercy that God has put in the hearts of God’s servants, and God is merciful only to those of God’s servants who are merciful to others’”. I hope that, in the midst of public debate between Muslims and non-Muslims, we all can be merciful to one another.

Jonathan E. Brockopp (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Muhammad, Cambridge University Press (2010), pp. 280-281

Outside of the World Wide Web, Nabeel Qureshi was (and still is) an unknown entity to the Muslim world and never had any real influential presence. Elijah Reynolds in an online piece co-written with a Christian graduate student criticized Nabeel Qureshi by stating:

For Qureshi, the Qur’an is a bloody and violent text—a fact which learned interpreters of Islam today ignore, he implies, but somehow the unlearned Jihadists get right. Qureshi claims that as a young man, he was shielded from reading Qur’an and hadith on his own, and instead was taught a message of Islamic peace and love. This reading was subsequently shattered by his own independent investigation of the texts, bypassing centuries of the tradition and scholarly interpretations.

Qureshi claims to speak more authoritatively on Islam than the imams whose interpretation he explicitly ignores. He remembers as a child, “if I wanted to know about the traditions of Muhammad, I had to ask imams or elders in my tradition of Islam.” It was not until he bypassed “centuries of tradition and their imams’ interpretations” that he discovered real Islam—apparently on the internet, where young potential ISIS recruits easily find real Islam too.

Qureshi’s rejection of the learned scholars of his community in favor of the internet….is comparable to an atheist learning everything she knows about Christianity from Richard Dawkins.

Jonathan Homrighausen and Elijah Reynolds, “Looking For Islam In All The Wrong Places: A Response to Nabeel Qureshi” in Religion Dispatches, USC (April 20, 2016)

The vast and copious material that he had produced from the time of his conversion to Christianity until a week before his death are mostly rehashes of Orientalists and Christian polemicists in the likes of Alphonse Mingana, Samuel Zwemer, Robert Spencer, David Wood and many others. There was nothing new or anything worth mentioning that he had introduced in his debates with the Muslims, apart from him consistently attempting to create a “dichotomy” between “Allah and Jesus” (as made apparent in his book titles and online speeches).

Even that “honour” has been taken away by the Christian missionaries Robert Morey and Sam Shamoun, the former being known for his “Allah is a moon-god” theory and the latter for his virulent, Islamophobic strawman against the conception of God in Islam. The image that was carefully planned and crafted of him having “questioned his Muslim faith”8 and “being called off the minaret”9. It is interesting to note that he made no mention that his family were from the Ahmadiyya, and portrayed his family background as being mainstream Islam. however, has made it a prominent feature among a gullible Western audience primed with Islamophobia and always willing to parade someone from “the enemy” as one of their own.

In spite of the meagre achievements of Nabeel Qureshi in the Muslim world, this had not stopped the Western Christian public — deluded by the mythical influence of their fallen hero — to donate money to his cause, even in death. Nabeel’s GoFundMe page reached up to USD700,000.00 after the news of his death was known to the public sphere, and the monthly amount he receives from Patreon had not wavered either. His widow, Michelle Qureshi, fully exploited the death of her late husband by announcing publicly that she will continue his “ministry”10. It seems obvious to us that those managing the crowdfunding pages (most especially his widow!) of their fallen comrade are making a huge profit out of this sensationalism for personal gain.

Why God Did Not Heal Nabeel Qureshi?

This was the question posed by the Christian polemicists, guised in the form of an op-ed by Frank Turek and another in a blog post. This must have been the question that had been playing in their minds when Nabeel Qureshi first announced that he had Stage IV cancer on August 31, 2016.

We find the statement made by Frank Turek in reference to Muslims extremely polemical and totally below the belt, as he wrote that:

Is it because the Muslim God is the true God, and He punished Nabeel for leaving Him? No, there’s excellent evidence for the Christian view of God (see Nabeel’s book No God but One). Moreover, Muslims who suggest this should be asked, “Why did your God wait until Nabeel had written three best-selling books, made hundreds of hours of videos, and helped bring hundreds of Muslims to Christ? Is his timing off?” Not only that, Nabeel’s work will continue to bring people to Christ, probably in an accelerated manner after his passing.

We would like to address several things for this missionary to digest.

First of all, Mr Turek, there has never been a “Muslim God” or a “Christian God” or any other god that the Muslims worship which is distinct from the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus, peace be upon them all. It is very insulting to even suggest that the God of Islam is distinct from the God of Christianity because, in reality, they are not distinct — Muslims and Christians do worship the same God.

Regarding the second part of Turek’s rhetorical question, one may not have to look far to see why this may be the case. It has been reported by several Christian news portals that Nabeel himself “prayed for God to kill him after converting to Christianity”.11

This may or may not have been true as we would like to keep an open mind on this, but we leave the interested reader to follow the trail and check out the evidence for themselves as to whether God may have indeed “killed” Nabeel Qureshi because He did answer what Nabeel had prayed for…and it has nothing to do with the Muslims.


Based on what we have discussed on Nabeel Qureshi, the history behind it and his polemical exploits which includes his Seeking Allah Finding Jesus book, we can thus infer from these circumstances and form our own conclusions about him, from a Muslim perspective, which are as follows:

Nabeel Qureshi Never Was A Muslim

Nabeel Qureshi was a Qadiani, or otherwise known as the Ahmadiyya, a deviant sect that only began in the late 19th century. The Qadianis have been consistently denounced by mainstream Islam as heterodox for their belief that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was a Prophet and the promised Messiah.

Hence, it is correct to say that Nabeel Qureshi was never a Muslim, to begin with. This is akin to stating that a former Mormon who reverted to Islam was a “Christian”, even though Mormonism is rejected by mainstream Christianity because Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet.

The parallels between Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Joseph Smith are so similar to one another that we wonder how was it possible for Western Christians to fall for this con.

Nabeel Qureshi’s “Former Muslim” Title

It is very interesting to note that despite his claims of Seeking Allah Finding Jesus (as is the title of his book), Nabeel Qureshi had never once addressed the issue of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad while talking about his past — whether in his books; most especially his popular Seeking Allah Finding Jesus book, his online courses or in his speeches — because he knew very well that to do so will lend little credence to his claims of being a “former Muslim” and totally remove any vestige of his credibility. He unabashedly capitalised on that label to the point of making a huge fortune from his various evangelical ventures, with the full backing of the Christian establishment.

He did attempt to wiggle his way out of this issue by insisting that the Qadianis are Muslims while glossing over the status of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in Qadiani theology.

It is worth mentioning that this was the same tactic employed by a Christian polemicist and Islamophobe extraordinaire by the name of Ergun Caner — a self-professed “former devout ex-Muslim” who never did practice any of the basic tenets of Islam during his early life and was in fact weaned into Christianity even before the age of puberty.

Ergun Caner exploited his shenanigans to the hilt as a money-making enterprise until he was exposed as a fraud by Mohammad Khan, a British Muslim, for passing off gibberish as Arabic phrases and Qur’anic verses.

Manipulated By Michelle Qureshi and Others

In turn, the Christian missionaries themselves have used Nabeel Qureshi as a hammer against the Muslims — and as their ideological weapon — to promote an agenda of extinguishing IslamWe are reminded of the following verse: “They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.” (Qur’an 61:8), which still remains the fastest-growing religion in the world.

Nabeel Qureshi Google Trends
Google Trends search for “Nabeel Qureshi” around the time of his death

Sadly, even his widow, Michelle Qureshi — instead of taking the time off to mourn for the loss of her late husband — has decided to jump on the polemical bandwagon by taking up the mantle of bashing Islam.

Nabeel Qureshi Widow
Screen capture of Nabeel Qureshi’s widow taking advantage of her husband’s death.

His Final Fate

While we reserve our judgement on the final fate of Nabeel Qureshi, who had clearly erred in the sight of Islam (as we do believe matters of his affairs have now come between him and God Almighty), we do find that the Christian missionary attempts at the hero-worship of Nabeel Qureshi in death and (mis)using it — to the point of making thinly-veiled attacks on Islam and the Muslims — shameful and disgusting, to say the least.

In the end, Muslims are reminded of the words of God Almighty in the Final Testament, the Qur’an, which says:

And they say, “None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian.” That is [merely] their wishful thinking, Say, “Produce your proof, if you should be truthful.” (Qur’an 2:111)

And verily, only God knows best! Nabeel Qureshi (1983-2017): Some Critical Thoughts On His Death 1

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Appendix: You Cannot See God And Live

In an event entitled What is God Really Like: Tawhid or Trinity? that the late Nabeel Qureshi debate Dr Shabir Ally, a person asked in the Q&A Session how he would reconcile the apparent contradiction between saying that Abraham actually laid eyes on God and yet Exodus 33:20 has God telling Moses that seeing His face is an impossibility as seeing Him would cause the human being to die.

In answering this question, Nabeel Qureshi debate that it was Jesus that Abraham saw and not the Father. It is the Father, according to Nabeel Qureshi and many other Christian apologists, that human being cannot lay eyes on and live, but if it was the Son, that is, Jesus then it would be totally all right for the human eyes to see.

Firstly, the verse in Exodus 33:20 does not categorise God into the Father and the Son and thereby argue, as Nabeel Qureshi did, that only the Son can be seen but not the Father. The plain text simply shows God as One Being and One person explicitly declaring that nobody can see Him and live.

Secondly, if indeed it was God that Abraham saw and his life was preserved despite Exodus 33:20 because — as Nabeel and co. reasoned — it was Jesus, but if it had been the Father then he would have been utterly destroyed, then the necessary implication of that claim is that the Father and Jesus are not co-equal as the Trinitarians claim. If they were, in fact, equal in power and glory, then seeing both would result in the same catastrophic end, i.e., death. But apparently, the Father has far greater glory than the Son, that seeing Him and not the Son would have the viewer forfeit his life.

In conclusion, in an attempt to reconcile Genesis 18 with Exodus 33:20, this Nabeel Qureshi debate inadvertently refutes the Trinity as he glorifies the Father and makes the Son inferior.12

  1. CBN News, Nabeel Qureshi’s Plea: ‘Please Pray For Me! Please Pray That God Will Heal My Whole Body’, 22 August 2017[↩]
  2. An example of this can be seen in Faith It, The Most Painful Day of His Life? When His Parents Found Out He Gave Up Islam for Jesus…But It Was Worth It, March 12, 2014[↩]
  3. His books are entitled: “Seeking Allah Finding Jesus: A Devout Muslim Encounters Christianity” (2014); “Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward” (2016) and “No God but One: Allah or Jesus?: A Former Muslim Investigates the Evidence for Islam and Christianity” (2016)[↩]
  4. WorldNetDaily, “Ex-Muslim, author, evangelist Nabeel Qureshi dead at 34”, 20 September 2017[↩]
  5. See for example PJ Media, “Nabeel Qureshi Shows Christians How to Die Well, With a Message of Love and Trust in Jesus Christ”, 16 September 2017[↩]
  6. Todd Friel, a Christian TV host, questions whether dreams are a valid reason for Muslims converting to Christianity and gave Biblical evidence against this in Wretched, Episode 2025: “Is God converting Muslims through dreams?”[↩]
  7. See our article: Hans Küng On “Is Muhammad A Prophet”?[↩]
  8. CBN (700 Club), “Why Nabeel Qureshi Questioned His Muslim Faith”, undated[↩]
  9. Christianity Today, “Christ Called Me Off the Minaret”, 8 January 2014[↩]
  10. As indicated on the mentioned Patreon page:

    “Hello everyone! This site is run by Michelle Qureshi, widow of the late evangelist Nabeel Qureshi. Nabeel’s life was about compelling people’s hearts and minds to the Gospel. He usually focused on the foundations of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, as well as dabbling in science and religion…Michelle is committed to ensuring the continuation of Nabeel’s ministry. For the time being, this includes using the numerous archives of his video resources, while also sharing personal vlogs about her own journey following the loss of her husband.”

    One may also wonder why is there any need to continue the GoFundMe page too when its initial creation was intended for Nabeel Qureshi’s treatment?[↩]

  11. Reported in The Christian Post, “Former Muslim Nabeel Qureshi Prayed for God to Kill Him After Converting to Christianity”, July 19 2016; Christian Today, “Apologist and former Muslim Nabeel Querishi reveals he asked God to kill him after his conversion”, 23 July 2016; Faith It, “Muslim Begs God to Kill Him After Becoming a Christian—After 3 Dreams, His Bible Opens to This…”, 19 July 2016 and The Christian Times, “Former Muslim confesses he wanted to die after converting to Christianity”, 22 July 2016[↩]
  12. By Ibn Anwar of Unveling Christianity[↩]






24 responses to “Nabeel Qureshi (1983-2017): Some Critical Thoughts On His Death”

  1. Goldie Avatar

    Thank you for articulating a good argument about Nabeel Qureshi. Someone recommended that I read his book. I have a general habit of trying to know an author before believing their rhetoric, who they are, their possible motives, history, honesty, etc. I realized prior to knowing about him (Qureshi), after looking into Islam, that Qadiani was not considered a valid practice of Muslim, and it was clear to me why they didn’t acknowledge Qadiani. I later found out that Qureshi was Qadiani and mislabeled himself as a Muslim. A cursory examination of this religion should tell any self-respecting adult it was not tradition or orthodox Muslim. Anyway, after some reading about him, I realized he wasn’t someone I could believe or trust in his scholarship nor rationality (if you can call it that), since he was biased against true Muslim (and I am not Muslim, nor Christian, nor Jew, so I have no stake in this debate, only that I won’t waste my time reading someone who is clearly biased and untrustworthy, as well as those who take advantage later for a good amount of money. I’m a financially poor widow, so $700,000 would set me and my children for life; that is a lot of money and nothing to make light of as some of the commenters angrily stated it wasn’t that much). Furthermore, I’m not interested in any emotional appeals, only the facts and truth when learning something new. In fact, most of what I learned about Muhammad, from Muslim scholars (lightly), make him ok by me. Muslim shouldn’t be judged by bad rumors of people who never studied the religion, culture or language to see for themselves, and not without their critical thinking skills in tact.
    Thank you again for this article and your passion to state the facts without respect for lies, liars, fantasies and social etiquettes that stifle the truth. Americans are very good at preferring politeness over the truth. As long as you lie to them sweetly, then nothing is wrong (Such as don’t speak about the dead, as if that changes the reality and lies and damages that a person left behind – by that reasoning, we should never speak of Hitler either). I’ll take the ugly truth any day. Fantasies are infantile. Your writing and depth of understanding appeals to me and confirmed my own conclusions about this man. I simply will not waste my time on people with less than stellar integrity.

  2. Adam Khan Avatar
    Adam Khan

    In the name of Allah The Beneficent The Most Merciful.

    If islam is a false religion then there are many other false religions why is islam being singled out by all people?

    Nabeel Qureshi was misled by missionary liars.. David Wood lies and manipulates texts to show Islam teaches hatred but actually the text show that Allah is angry with those who reject faith and disbelieve in Him Alone.

    The bible says liars will be in hell and the Qur’an too says liars will be in hell..

    The prophet Muhammad praised Jesus Christ and said that they are brothers just like all of Allah’s prophets and messengers peace be upon them all..

    Allah created Adam peace be upon him and on earth he was the first of the prophets and messengers peace be up in them all..

    Messenger after messenger God sent to the nations each time they strayed but the nations grew arrogant due to their sinful ways and rejected the plain truth.. That none has the right to be worshiped except Allah the One True God..

    The mercy of Allah is such that He Glory be to Him does not punish until the message has reached those who are astray and they arrogantly reject it and increase in their sins…

    Allah sent prophets and messengers to the nations peace be upon them all

    If we read the bible we see Jesus praised the One True God and worshiped Him Alone..

    We Muslims follow the way of Allah’s prophets and messengers peace be upon them all islam is the best way of life all praise be to Allah the Lord or the world’s 😊

    The unfortunate ones blind themselves in this world and stop intending to seek the truth and thus become of those who will be in all sorts of regrets in the hereafter when they realise they were following nothing but false hoods.. Who but God can guide to truth?

  3. Sha Avatar

    MashaAllah!A warm message from China and greetings to BimikaAllahuma team! I was looking for a Quran version from my kindle this morning, and surprisingly found all three books written by Nabeel Qureshi ranked very high among the kind. I read comments about his books and realized how much influence he brought to the Christian group. This stimulated my interest to search how people react to this person and his books now, and the search engine brought me here. I actually did notice his phenomenon a few years ago right after his death, and when we tried to search from Muslim side, then in fact no voice was to support him. This has well been proven by this article. As the author points out, the Christian evangelism has been trying to deviate Muslim from time to time. This happened to Chinese Muslims as early as 1930’s. However they failed to achieve anything, for Islam is truth and Muslims everywhere believe in oneness of God and believe Jesus was purely a messenger of God. In recent years, these Christian missionaries used their powerful intellectual weapons to spread their gospels into Chinese Muslim groups again. They use their Islamized version of Bible, in which all the names are written in Islamic form, to attract Muslims to read. For example, they use Esa instead of Jesus, Mariam instead of Mary. Moreover, they made a lot of stories about how Muslims converted to Christianity due to the wrong belief and terrible Muslim families.
    Therefore, after reading this article, I’m more confirmed of the evangelists’ machination to distort Islam.


    CHRISTIANS OF COURSE WILL GIVE DONATION TO HIM EVEN THOUGH HE DIED AFTER ASKING FOR IT coz afterall the christians loved what he did for them. He loved when someone fought for them eventhough they know their religions has many flaws and corruptions and they cant defend it. just watch how DAVID WOOD got SMASHED by M Hijab. It is sad to know that people still would even consider listening to DW when he is obviously undeserving and not learned.

    Anyway, just to remind the readers.
    Qureshi the fake muslim liar said “May God kill me, if what i brought (trinity) is false”…
    And he died very young and by some rare cancer. What more would you want?
    Can’t you see it for yourself? obviously God made him pay for what he asked for.
    “you brought false religion, so I accept your challenge. lol”
    too bad but that’s why people said “careful what you wish for”.

  5. Paul Bertucci Avatar
    Paul Bertucci

    Dont know where to begin. Jews, Muslims, Christian’s. We all will die a horrible ,torcherous , death for God. The one God. Yes, Just ONE not two or three but ONE.
    We all believe in the one creator of the world called by many names. God made us all and continues to do so. If we are born into a family, culture, who are serious,and devout about how they believe and teach there children with the same devotion then they will believe the same 99% of the time. GOD knows and understands this. He does not create his children for the purpose of sending them to hell. All religions know they are the chosen ones, the right ones, the ones who will spend eternity in heaven with God. In every religion throughout history brilliant men with super academic minds, have
    lectured to us the thoughts and ways of God. So, who is right, who is wrong. What must or who to believe. Is all Right or All Wrong?
    Dont we all who strive to live a clean, moral , and pure live deserve to one day be in heaven with the God?
    I think there is some truth in all the religions but people through the last few thousand years have messed it all up. God has put his teachings in our hearts, the knowledge between good and evil, what is right and wrong, how to raise our children. To help the poor and widows, the old and sick. We should all work together toward the things God has put in our hearts rather than hate one another for a belief system that we all believe in. Maybe God has provided many roads to his house for us. Some will follow, others will not. We need to keep it simple.

  6. A Qureshi Avatar
    A Qureshi

    I applaud the efforts that have gone into furnishing an explanation for Nabeel’s motivations, contextual inaccuracies and sudden passing. Without any measure of malcontent, I don’t feel that his endeavours merit such consideration or discourse.

    However, I would like to thank Lizzie for her extreme xenophobia as this really illustrates the point here. “Islam is a lie from hell” is clearly unhelpful in defining any robust critique of a faith which has attracted more converts from the Christian faith than vice versa. I would also point out that Jesus is mentioned more times in the Quran than the prophet Muhammed(pbuh). She shouldn’t impune others faith less she slanders her own.

    However, there are many staunch advocates of the faith.Christian apologetics have always existed since the creeds have undergone several successive iterations to explain the trinitarian doctrine which interesting only really entered the christian landscape several centuries after the passing of the Christ.

    The nature of mankind is fickle. Doubt is like a stone in your shoe. It makes us uncomfortable and the quickest way to restore cognitive ease is to cast it out and continue on without further consideration. However, there will be those of us who question and consider. The transient discomfort of the stone in the shoe leads to deeper reflection and consideration of the path one is travelling.

    Alas, there will always be more of the former than the latter – continuing on in their ignorance heedless of doubt. And sadly this leads me to conclude that those who believe have little reason to consider why Nabeel thought the way he did or died under such unfortunate circumstances. The christian faith ascribes to a completely benevolent god with only love for humanity. From a purely scientific perspective, demise at the age of 34 from a stomach malignancy is well over 2 standard deviations away from the norm to the point of being a very rare event of scientific interest. If faith teaches us one thing, there are no such things as conincidences.

    To my dear christian friends I would say this. That you are dear to me in a time where most ascribe to no faith at all. Just as you hope for my salvation I too implore you to seek the truth. Above all, the truth is to be found in scholarly contemplation not the capricious nature of emotion. I do find a church choir quite stirring but faith requires more than an emotional response or something as whimsical as a supernatural dream. Faith should come in a moment of calm contemplation in the dead of the night when all extraneous stimuli are silent and the mind is alone to consider deeper meanings. After all, each and every one of us will be alone when their end comes. The most sincere advice I have been given is to reverse plan my life and I would advise everyone to consider the finite nature of their life and it’s lonely end. Only then can sincerity enter a place in your heart and you seek to know what God and man is.

    To end, an excellent treatise on Jesus as a messenger and messiah is available from the below source which I came across through a friend.

    Lastly, an ode to the Tennyson who sought the signs of the creator in the world and wrote thus

    Flower in the crannied wall,
    I pluck you out of the crannies,
    I hold you here, root and all, in my hand,
    Little flower—but if I could understand
    What you are, root and all, and all in all,
    I should know what God and man is.

  7. Emmie Avatar

    I will pray for you (Brothers and Sisters) at Bismika Allahuma Team.

  8. Wulf Nesthead Avatar
    Wulf Nesthead

    It makes me sad to see so many confused people taking you to task for things you didn’t say and failing to comprehend what you did say. People are, unfortunately, addicted to their own ignorance.
    Those who don’t care that they have been deceived repeatedly, eventually end up deceiving themselves. May God (swt) grant us, and them, guidance and mercy.

  9. Graham Hobbs Avatar
    Graham Hobbs

    Have any people involved in this article and its comments actually read, Nabeel Quresh’s book, “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus?”

  10. Amira Avatar

    The author of this article insinuates Nabeel Qureshi and the Christian community who support him were liars to declare he was a Muslim. However, this is simply not true. First, although mainstream Muslims do not view the Ahmadiyya as Muslims, they themselves believe they are Muslims. Qureshi viewed himself as Muslim before his conversion despite what mainstream Islam believed, and his father calls himself Muslim to this day. In fact, Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, said, “Who am I to declare a person non-Muslim who calls himself Muslim?” Second, despite the fact there are key differences between mainstream Islam and Ahmadiyya just as there are key differences between Christianity and Mormonism, there are also significant similarities. Ahmadiyyas believe in all five pillars of Islam, read the same Quran, and believe that Muhammad was the “Seal of Prophets” (although they differ as to in what sense). The points Nabeel disagrees with in Islam are the same points Ahmadiyyas and mainstream Muslims believe, so their differences aren’t necessary for Qureshi to discuss to make his points valid. If an ex-mormon were to see flaws in points that were true in both Christianity and Mormonism, it wouldn’t matter if the person was a Mormon if he or she were discussing points that were true for both religions anyway in the sense it wouldn’t make the points less true. Third, if Nabeel were to discuss the differences between Ahmadiyyas and mainstream Muslims and their history, it could easily be the scope of entire book. Again, it also would not change the fact of what he found to be true in Christianity or untrue in Islam.

    None of us can say why Qureshi died at such a young age. It is true that his affairs are between him and God now as all of ours will be. We cannot say Qureshi’s death was a punishment from God. People of all ages and all religions or no religion die from various causes every day. This spring a friend of my friend’s 19 year old daughter, a devout Christian, passed away from leukemia. Also this spring, my 27 year old niece, a devout Muslim, passed away unexpectedly during a routine procedure at the doctors. Both died at what would seem to most, before their time. Conversely, there are some who have lived horrible, morally depraved lives that live to be 100. Only God knows when each of us will breathe his last breath, and it is not for us to understand why. Also, sometimes God uses someone’s life in a bigger way after his or her death. Indeed, God knows best.

  11. Karen Roy Avatar
    Karen Roy

    It’s interesting that the writer of this article/paper claims that Nabeel had little or no impact at all on Muslims but he has even now, a following of millions on Twitter, YouTube, FB, many of whom are ex Muslims (read the comments). And the simple fact that this article was even written to attempt to discredit Nabeel reveals he did in fact have a major impact in this world. Debate me, I dare you. 🤗

    [The Muslim world is far bigger than the internet spaces that you have just mentioned.]

  12. Shyam Prasad Avatar
    Shyam Prasad

    I do not believe in any religion but after reading the article- it shows a hidden prejudice and hatered towards Nabeel Qureshi and Christianity – why can’t people be fair and open minded. It is no wonder the world is torn due to such attitude. I am so fortunate to be in a country, which gives me religious freedom, to even to criticise the dominant religion and live without fear

  13. Dan Avatar

    Nabeel’s treatment of Islam is very in-depth, though not always accurate in my opinion. I went on a similar search for God as a young man, and I will say that Islam did not appeal to me for long at that time. I will keep to myself what theological flaws I found in it when examining it with a critical eye.

    But I will also say that Muslims are good people. Often they are godly in a way superior to Christians, and some ways not as godly. Muslims are no better or worse than other people in their adherence to their religion. Some do it blindly without reason because to do otherwise would challenge themselves too deeply. Some do it after thoughtful exploration, reason and consideration. Some do it because that is what their family has always done.

    Just like Christians.

    I am a Christian. I believe in the triune God. Specifically, I am a Catholic. My adventures into exploring different religions led me back to the religion and sect of my childhood. Admittedly, I came home, but I did so with an appreciation of it that I had not had previously.

    I believe in each person seeking their own path to the Almighty. Perhaps more than one is correct, though the scriptures of each make that a tough sell, or perhaps one path is superior to the others, but good people of all stripes will receive some reward.

    If I burn in hell for following the wrong path, it will not be because my path led me to disrespect my fellow human beings and their God-given right right to choose their own road. Along those lines, Nabeel’s death does not mean he was punished, because he has reached more in death than in life. His approach was thoughtful, respectful, well-reasoned, grounded in such evidence as was available, and it made sense to him. That does not mean he is right. But it certainly shows he was genuine and the integrity of his message is felt by those who read it. This includes me, and evangelical Christians of the bible-thumping kind usually do not appeal to me.

    But the best thing he said was this, though perhaps in not so many words:

    Come…let us reason together….and do our best to save each other’s souls.

  14. Michael Avatar

    Very unfortunate article, hope Muslims will use a more equal scale in dealing with issues. Mohammad died of food poisoning, would it be correct to conclude that God killed him because he was a false prophet?

    Common Muslims grow up

    1. Bismika Allahuma Team Avatar

      Quite hilarious that you compare an obscure death of a Qadiani with the Prophet, upon whom be peace. Why did you not do the same in comparing the death of your crucified “god” with any other Roman common criminal who died in the same fashion?

  15. Fidel Catstro Avatar
    Fidel Catstro

    NABEEL was a Qadyani, they are not Muslims… and those who claim Nabeel is in heaven can go and eat my foot.

  16. Sam dung Avatar
    Sam dung

    Seems like Nabil Qureshi gets the wrath of God for telling lies on Islam. He mentioned that the word Tawhid is not indicated in the Quran but the very essence of Islam is tawhid i.e monotheism and the shahadah ‘There is no God but One God’. To a christian, Nabil could deceive them claiming to be muslim, but to other muslims, he is just a true liar.
    As such, he challenges Allah by telling lies on God, on Muhammad and on the religion of Islam. And he came to this terrible ending at a young age of 34 to die from a rare stomach cancer. It serves as a lesson to many that be careful when making false claims on God (Allah) and His prophets. Otherwise, it not a surprise that one will incur the wrath of God.

  17. IDRIS AL HASSAN Avatar

    I followed quit a number of Nabeel’s debates but I really felt sad, because Nabeel was taking advantage of the West’s lack of knowledge in Islam and for me he knew nothing about Islam himself. When asked questions in debates, he almost always goes off tangent , taking advantage of the gullible western audience. knowing quiet well that there was no way he could be redirected to the question due to the nature of debates. His lack knowledge in Islam was very easy for any one with little islamic knowledge to know for example: In his debate “Tawhid” or “Trinity”, he falsely claims that Muslims warship the Qur’aan, He also falsely uses the word “BILAA KEIF” to explain why the Trinity cannot be explained even though he tries and fails miserably to explain the trinity himself and yet saying it was a shame Christians could not explain it. His own explanation was vague and begged for more questions and answers.
    And mind you, all these debates he involved in were no brainers, because it was nothing other “this person said and that person said or wrote”. The essence of debates is to talk only about what the Religious scriptures say and not what anybody else says.
    I personally I am not surprised at his ending anyway. It serves a warning to those who dare lie about The Creator, Islam, Mohammad and Jesus; Peace and blessings of The Almighty on the two mighty Prophets.

  18. jhangeer Y rej Avatar
    jhangeer Y rej

    islam is life from hell but you are showing your little kids on your chest to the public. you are really enjoying life, aren’t you ? you don’t need any cross to get to heaven. yhwh loved the world so much that he sent his only begotten guidance in the form of writing, that whoever shall do his will shall enter eternal life.

    “Jesus is the son of God, and God himself. ”

    your first statement is like this

    x is not g but son of g, then your next is like this :

    x is g.

    why didn’t you just say

    x is g and g himself ?

  19. jhangeer Y rej Avatar
    jhangeer Y rej

    “Mohammed was not God’s messenger. Why would God’s messenger attempt suicide ? ”

    lets just assume that muhammad attempted suicide. did he go THROUGH with it?

    now lets apply your standard on yhwh and solomon

    solomon used to get regular visits from yhwh and even after regular visits he committed idolatry.

    now since solomon went through with the act, solomon is not only an idol worshipper but cannot be true spokesperson of god.

    it gets worse. anything solomon told his scribes ,he could have been LYING about god. he could have been making up stories about god.

    will you reject solomon from the bible lijjy?

  20. Lizzie Avatar

    What an unfortunate article. A true piece of Islamic ideology. It’s semi sick. He has passed. Let him be…. the article is truly incorrect as far as Christianity goes. Allah of the Quran is NOT the living God. Mohammed was not God’s messenger. Why would God’s messenger attempt suicide ? Jesus is the son of God, and God himself. You must go by way of the cross the enter heaven. Islam is a lie from hell. Muslims are lied to. My brother, Nabeel is in heaven. He supported his family on donation… he was not rich. Do your research. Furthermore , Christians believe in GIVING to one another. Have some respect, and rake this down.

    1. Bismika Allahuma Team Avatar

      The article has not touched on Christian doctrines one single bit. Yet you find it offensive because it exposed Nabeel Qureshi for what he was: a Qadiani with no connection to mainstream Islam and yet used his “former Muslim” status to solicit donations for monetary gain.

      “Muslims are lied to”? Wow, thanks a lot for that very sensitive comment /sarcasm Thank you also for proving our point that Western Christians are gullible enough to fall for the oldest con in the world. And no, we are not going to “rake”[SIC] it down either.

  21. Shirley Avatar

    As a Christian I read this piece to gain insight into the Muslim point of view. Sadly this article is riddled with so many inaccuracies, biases, fallacies, and hostilities that I find it impossible to gain anything useful.

    1. Bismika Allahuma Team Avatar

      Your comment itself is too general and vague, which makes it impossible to gain anything useful from it.

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